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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 102

Disney is holding a board meeting.

As the leaders of recent key projects, Reed McCas and Robert Eisner were allowed to make an exception.

The person who was speaking at this time was none other than Disney’s tyrant CEO Michael Eisner.

“Robert, when will preparations begin for the sequel to”Made in Heaven”?” he asked his nephew

“Martin has turned down requests to star in the sequel and write the script, but we have his permission to write the script and produce the sequel ourselves. Robert saw that Michael Eisner looked unhappy and quickly explained:”Actually, Martin has grown a bit quickly in the past two years. Whether it is his height or appearance, he is not suitable to continue playing such a naughty and cute child.” role.”

The Disney directors present recalled Martin’s current image and couldn’t help but nod in agreement. This is indeed the case. If he continues to star in the sequel, it may be counterproductive.”Two Ninety Seven””However, Martin also made some suggestions to us. , he said that the sequel is actually not suitable to be filmed after the first part, because the story of the first part has already been told.” Carter added.

After drinking water and moistening his throat, he continued:”He thinks that a story should be rewritten, and in order to keep it fresh, the protagonist should be a girl. He also recommended the Olsen family’s little girl. Daughter – Elizabeth Olsen, to play the role of the daughter”

“The Olsen kids?”

Michael Eisner nodded.

He was familiar with this family. The Olsen sisters had also appeared in Disney dramas. At that time, he felt that the parents of the little sisters were rare sober people among the parents of Hollywood child stars. Very shrewd and far-sighted

“Have you seen that Elizabeth and spoken to her guardian?”

“We’ve met and talked about it”

“It’s just that Elizabeth’s mother thought her daughter was too young and was a little reluctant to let her continue to star in movies, so the negotiation didn’t work out. Oh, and Elizabeth has a small role in Martin’s new movie Hide and Seek”

“hide and seek? It’s a good gimmick. You follow up on this and convince her!”


“What about the script? Is Martin still unwilling to continue as the screenwriter of the sequel?”

“Uh, yeah, he said no again! He said that he was currently writing the second part of Harry Potter and a new novel, and had no time or energy to write anything else.”

Michael Eisner frowned. Martin’s continuous rejections made him a little unhappy. Has this kid forgotten how he became famous? Disney invested in his first movie!

This fifty-seven-year-old man , is an extremely arrogant individualist who does not like others to go against his decisions.

Looking at his work during his tenure at Disney, he has achieved great results but also has some flaws because he likes to make decisions based on his own personal preferences. For example, he strongly demanded that Disney produce musicals, etc. Even the original design of the chicken in”Four-Eyed Chicken” was a girl, and the decision to change it to a boy was also advocated by this person. Before 1994, he still had old friends , his old partner Frank Wells, to buffer and comfort him in conflicts with board members and subordinates.

However, after Frank Wells passed away in a helicopter crash in 1994, Eisner himself became arbitrary and brutal His personal character caused dissatisfaction among many people in Disney.

This also forced him to cultivate cronies such as Reed McCas and Robert Eisner within the company to ensure his authority and voice in the company.

But this behavior This in turn increased the dislike of him by other directors.

A vicious cycle.

However, although Michael Eisner was arrogant, he still knew how to exercise restraint when dealing with people who did not threaten his status.

Therefore, although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Martin, But this dissatisfaction was suppressed by his reason, and he did not target Martin for this trivial matter.

He tapped the table with his fingers and said:”Continue to keep in touch with Martin. This kid is a gold mine. If possible, Try our best to win the film and TV adaptation rights of the”Harry Potter” series.”

His vision is really good!



Warner Bros. Pictures.

CEO Alan Horn slapped the table, stood up, and said firmly:”In short, Martin does not have a fixed cooperative company now, so we must poach him at all costs.”

“Those Martin novels are a gold mine, especially the Harry Potter series, we have to get it”

“I heard that Martin is recently cooperating with Harvey’s Miramax to launch the”Lord of the Rings” series, but Harvey is not willing to invest too much money. We can buy Harvey’s share at a high price. I guess this fat man Wouldn’t mind making some easy money”

“However, it is said that this movie will have a new director, a New Zealander.”A subordinate said

“So what, I believe in Martin’s vision. Even if he loses this bet, Martin still owes us a favor. Wouldn’t it be easier to talk about bundled cooperation at that time?”

I have to say that Alan Horn is very courageous and capable. No wonder he has been able to survive in this industry for fifty years. In the future, he will be poached by Disney and control the film company with the highest market value in the world………


Paramount Corporation.

Shirley Lansing’s office. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This charming and strong woman is on the phone

“Tommy, how’s your contact with Martin going?”

“Okay, okay, I can wait, I know you’re busy right now with the release of Island, but please do it as soon as possible”

“Ok, let’s get together sometime!”

After hanging up the phone, Shirley Lansing frowned. Cruise seemed a little reluctant to contact Martin.

Haha, is he afraid of this little boy?

Also, Martin’s talent and ability have already passed The market has proven that no matter which company wants to tie him up, it will have to pay a big price. Tommy is afraid that the resources invested by the company will be taken away!

It seems that someone needs to help contact Martin.

As a successful businesswoman and manager Or, Shirley Lansing is not sentimental.

It’s one thing if she likes Tom Cruise, but another if she doesn’t use Martin.


Little did Martin know that many people were trying to figure him out.

He is reading the script now.

Peter Jackson has written the script for”The Lord of the Rings” and sent it to his inbox.

This fat man’s hand speed is really good!

Martin clicked on the mailbox, downloaded the file and opened it, and dense text appeared in front of him.

Mad, you still scanned the file. Are you afraid that I will make modifications to you?

Martin complained.

Then drag the mouse and start reading.

Although it was only the first draft of the script, the content was already very complete. God knows how many times the fat man Harvey asked the fat man Peter to revise the script 0.0 before he intervened.

I heard from Richard that one time Peter cried when he changed his mind, and while crying, he yelled that Harvey was not a thing.

Martin’s reading speed is very fast, and his optic nerve and brain reaction speed are far faster than humans.

In just an hour, Martin read the entire script of the”Lord of the Rings” trilogy, and then stretched.

There is no problem, it is roughly consistent with the plot direction in memory. The few changes were probably made during filming.

Jeff sat opposite him, looking up and down at Martin’s office. This kind of light luxury style decoration had not yet become popular, which made Jeff feel very fresh.

Yes, Martin already has his own office and even his own company.

It’s called”Martin Meyers Pictures”, or”Meyers Pictures” for short, and its headquarters is in Burbank, Los Angeles.

It’s normal, isn’t it! ?

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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