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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 105

Martin asked directly:”Charlize, the movie you need to invest in won’t be the movie”The Dive”, right?”

Charlize was keenly aware of the change in Martin’s tone and hurriedly said:

“No, it’s not, that movie we’ve found 20th Century Fox, is another movie of mine.”

Twentieth Century Fox voted for”The Dive”?

Martin was startled for a moment, and then he thought of the reason. It was probably for the sake of winning awards.

Unfortunately, if it had been twenty, no, ten years later, this movie would have won the Oscar. The possibility is really high, but now… there is really no chance!

“Oh, which movie is that?”

In fact, Martin already knew it, but he still asked.

It should be the”The Devil Wears Prada” that made the South African beauty sacrifice a lot!

After 2000, all the movies starring Charlize Theron were released , in my memory, I have watched the Chinese Martin. Obviously, he also likes the beauty of South African diamonds.

The most recent ones are”Return to Glory”》、《in dire straits》、《sweet November》、《Change the day》、《”The Devil”.

But in the first two films, Charlize Theron is not an absolute star, and there is no need for her to attract investment. The middle two are obviously commercial films, and there will be no shortage of investment. Only”The Devil” has the greatest possibility.

Sure enough –

Charlize 893 Theron said:”I bought the film and television adaptation rights of Eileen Wuornos’ biography, and I am going to make her story into a movie, with me starring in it myself.”

At this point, Theron laughed at himself and said:”This film is a typical award-winning film, but no film company seems to think I can do it. I have been rejected countless times.”

“Erin Wuornos? That highway girl who committed serial murders for her gay girlfriend?”Martin pretended not to know anything.

“Yes, that’s her. Don’t you think her experience is legendary?”Charlize Theron said excitedly, leaning towards Martin

“Maybe, but the film is destined to be a flop.”Martin looked indifferent, not affected by Charlize Theron at all.

This beauty was already”famous” in Hollywood before she became famous.

This”South African diamond” was held by stars, directors and producers in Hollywood. She was a famous social butterfly at major parties.

Although she later used her tragic childhood experience to clear herself up, everyone in the industry knew that she worked very hard to obtain resources and climbed up to many big shots. The bed.

Martin admires her looks and doesn’t mind having sex with her, but there is no need to”collect” her.

Compared with this complicated experience, the little Hilton princess is like a blank sheet of paper.

Although It wasn’t the first time for Paris, but Martin could tell from the little princess’s unskilled movements that day that some of her experiences were not rich. By the way, I know everyone has a CHU girl plot, but Hilton had a boyfriend at 14. It would be a bit unreasonable to say that she was still a virgin at 17!

Fortunately, Paris Hilton is only a less important one among Martin’s many collections.

Charlize Theron is a little disappointed, She was also a little surprised.

Disappointed that this little genius didn’t seem to be interested in investing in her own movie. Surprised that the other party didn’t respond to her secret temptation, and didn’t even see any fluctuations in mood. She originally thought that this kind of person who had entered puberty had no interest in investing in his own movie.

The little boy knows how to catch everything

“Isn’t this kid a flamingo?” She complained unconvinced in her heart.

(PS: Flamingo, an adjective for gay men in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, because the flamingo’s neck is curved, implying”bent”.) At this time, Martin suddenly The topic changed,”The movie is not a hit, but if it wins awards, it shouldn’t be difficult to recoup the investment from the box office, and maybe even make a small fortune in the video market.””

“So you are willing to invest? Charlize Theron beamed.

Martin shook his head,”It’s not that simple. After the premiere, let’s talk about the script. If this movie wants to win an award, you may need to sacrifice something.””

“sacrifice? Dew point? No problem for me! Charlize Theron said hurriedly.

Martin smiled and shook his head,”I’ve said it, it’s not that simple.””

As he spoke, Martin took out a light gold business card from his pocket and handed it to Charlize Theron,”This is my business card. Make an appointment after the movie is over. Let’s talk in detail.”

Watching Martin leave, Charlize Theron looked at the business card in her hand and carefully put it into her handbag.


《The premiere of”Little Island” was relatively successful, and people in the industry praised Nicole’s acting skills in this movie.

But this same group of people also expressed doubts about the movie’s box office.

Also not optimistic about the box office are the media.

Is it because of Nicole Kidman?

《New York Times》:”Martin didn’t have much of a role in”Little Island,” a movie in which Nicole Kidman was the absolute protagonist, but as we all know, the Australian beauty has never shown the ability to carry the box office alone.……”

《Washington post》:”《It was a huge mistake to choose Nicole Kidman as the heroine of”Little Island”. As we all know, this actress is a famous box office poison in Hollywood. Is Martin’s first Waterloo coming soon?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

《the english newspaper》:”An excellent movie, but after all, it still loses the wisdom of”The Sixth Sense”. Has our little genius exhausted his spiritual energy and can only rest on his laurels?”

《news of the world》:”Martin Meyers can no longer write any good scripts. He has been in horror movies since”The Sixth Sense”.》、《”Little Island” and the yet-to-be-released”Hide and Seek” are genre films with serious homogeneity. Is he prepared to stay in his comfort zone for the rest of his life?”

West of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

In Tom Cruise’s famous manor mansion.

Nicole Kidman put down the newspaper in her hand, feeling a little worried.

She couldn’t fail again, otherwise she would really lose her investors. Confidence.

The last movie”Eyes Wide Shut” was co-produced with her husband, who has always been a box office guarantee, but the final box office was very unsatisfactory. The media has already put the title of”box office poison” on herself.

If this movie is the same as the same The movie with Martin that is guaranteed to be a box office success fails again…

Nicole can’t imagine such a scenario.

“Where’s Tommy?”

“Madam, sir went out early in the morning.”The housekeeper replied politely.

Nicole frowned,”Going out? What did he do? Forget it, I won’t ask!”

Nicole waved her hand and sent the housekeeper away.

In this home, she felt like an outsider. The alienation could be seen in the attitude of the housekeeper and the servants. There were many things that the housekeeper knew but she didn’t know. This state It makes Nicole anxious and angry!

There is also the”Scientology” that her husband believes in, which encourages her husband to divorce her all day long, but her husband does not think there is anything wrong with this at all, and still has close contacts with those people…

Sometimes Nicole I really feel that my husband has been brainwashed by those people!

(Brothers, please take care of me and give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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