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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 163

“Sorry, I didn’t expect Mr. Martin to speak Mandarin so well.”

Yuan Heping’s tone was full of surprise.

“It’s just so so. I studied it because I like Chinese culture.”

This is just so-so. It’s more standard than me. Don’t ghost guys like modesty?

He was weird in his heart but didn’t show it on his face. Yuan Heping asked doubtfully:

“I wonder why Mr. Martin came to see me?”

“Why don’t you invite me in to talk? This is not the way to treat guests!”

This idiom is used!

Surprise flashed through Yuan Heping’s eyes again, and then he made a gesture of invitation and said:”Sorry for neglecting, Mr. Martin, please come in.””

Walking into the tent, Martin got straight to the point.

“Mr. Yuan, I have a movie that should start shooting in March or April this year. I hope you and your team can participate as the action director of this movie.”

“This March? Yuan Heping thought for a while, then said apologetically:”Sorry, my schedule cannot be adjusted. I promised Director Li Yu to provide action guidance for his”Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon””

“《The film”Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” is almost finished filming, right?”

“Yes, but there are some action scenes that Director Li Yu is not satisfied with and needs to be readjusted.”

“It’s just a little adjustment. This shouldn’t require Master Yuan to do it yourself, right? Just arrange for a few apprentices to go there, right?”

Seeing Yuan Heping’s hesitation, An Ding struck again while the iron was hot and said:”The action director’s salary for”The Matrix” this time is 1 million U.S. dollars. I think this sincerity should be enough.”

The ghost guy will throw money at people.

Yuan He was already moved when he was criticizing, and said:”I’ll give Director Li Yu a call to see if we can coordinate.”

“Well, please be as soon as possible, I’m waiting for your good news.”

Three days later, Martin received a reply from Yuan Heping, and he took over the action direction of”The Matrix”.

The time came in February.

Martin’s new books”Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and”The Twilight Saga” Published.

Because of the opening up of the first part,”Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” triggered a buying craze in North America as soon as it was rolled out at major sales outlets, with sales exceeding 200,000 in the first week.

At this time, the first The sales volume of”Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” has exceeded 4 million copies.

This series of novels is continuously bringing fame, money and magic to Martin!

However, the sales curve of”Twilight” is very strange.

At the beginning, this novel was driven by the popularity of”Harry Potter”, and the sales were very good.

However, after half a month of sales, the sales data of this book were declining rapidly, and the reviews were also average.

“《”The Twilight Saga” is just a youth romance novel cloaked in fantasy. The extremely witty plot and the bloody love triangle simply insulted my IQ. This book simply doesn’t look like it was written by Martin.”

“Martin messed up.”The Twilight Saga” was supposed to be his transformation, but it didn’t have the aura of the previous books at all. It was like a boring story imagined by a boring housewife.”

“Childish dialogue and bloody plot, this is not a fantasy, this is a Mary Sue novel, this is more like a fantasy brought by Martin into a female perspective!”

Many negative reviews caused the sales data of this book to plummet. Even Random House was prepared for the novel to be unsaleable.

But – a magical scene happened.

In”The Twilight Saga” One month after its release, his sales data miraculously began to rise at a high speed. The data curve that had hit the bottom quickly rose at a”steep” angle.

A large number of positive reviews appeared.

“Half a month ago, when I was watching”Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” that my brother bought, I accidentally discovered another new work by Martin that he bought along the way,”The Twilight Saga”. God, I love it so much. It came out, so I decided to buy one for my collection!”

“Martin has simply touched the hearts of us women. This book”Twilight” has written all the dreams in girls’ fantasies. I read it twice and am now planning to read it a third time.”

“I love Martin, I love Twilight, and my boyfriend actually told me that Twilight was garbage, so I made him read it to me three times. He said he has almost memorized it now, hahaha!”

“My boyfriend doesn’t like”Twilight” either, but I love this novel so much that I dream about Edward”

“It’s weird, my husband doesn’t like it either, but I like it very much”

《The plots in”The Twilight Saga” that are childish and ridiculous in the eyes of men have hit the hearts of countless women. This novel has created a dream for them, a dream that is difficult to realize in reality!

Women began to show their strong purchasing power. They went to bookstores in droves to buy this novel, stretching the declining sales curve of”Twilight” to the same level as”Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”

“This is simply a miracle!”The sales director of Random House exclaimed.

Benjamin Georgia, Martin’s publishing editor, laughed:”I have said before that we should believe Martin!”

“you are right.”said the sales director. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In early March, Martin, who finally finished filming Lord of the Rings, accepted an exclusive interview with the”Face to Face” program.

Moderator:”Martin, what do you think of the polarizing reviews of”The Twilight Saga”?”

Martin:”I had expected it. In fact, when I was writing this book, I also hesitated. I knew this book It may not be popular with male compatriots, but I decided to write it because half of the people in the world are still women!”

(PS: At this time, the United States has not been criticized by those boring people for the 97 genders. Come on, so it’s okay to say this.)

Host:”So you wrote this novel for women?”

Martin:”Yes, that’s right. You know, I have many female friends around me, and they often talk to I complained that the current best-selling novels are either science fiction or thrillers, and there are few books suitable for girls, so I wrote this book”Twilight”》”

Host:”Is this”Twilight” also a series of novels?”

Martin smiled and said:”Hahaha, it seems you haven’t read it!”

The host nodded awkwardly and said,”I have read it, but I haven’t. After reading it.”

Martin:”Well, I don’t blame you, this is not written for men.”

Then he added:”Yes, it’s not over yet. I plan to write four books, and of course this also requires reading this book. Sales data, if it doesn’t sell well, even if I want to continue writing, no publisher will be willing to publish it.”


This interview was aired.

It immediately attracted praises from countless women.

No, it should be said that women all love Martin – whether they are teenagers, young adults, middle-aged or middle-aged – Martin actually wrote this novel just for us. He is so good!

For a time, the sales data of”Twilight” once again jumped like a leap.

Someone even launched an action on the Internet to”In order to keep updating”Twilight”, everyone should support Martin.”

Under this post are all photos taken by everyone of themselves purchasing”Twilight”.

In the first full week of March,”The Twilight Saga” actually outsold”Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” during that week.

Many fans who bought”Harry Potter” complained online that they were heading to bookstoresWhen buying”Harry Potter”, they were forced by their mothers, aunts, older sisters and younger sisters to buy a copy of”Twilight”.

Cut out some interesting threats.

Netizen A:”My mother even threatened me that if I didn’t buy her a copy of”Twilight”, she would spit in my breakfast and make me relive my childhood memories. No, what happened to my childhood? What have you experienced?”

Netizen B:”My devilish sister falsely accuses me to my parents every day, saying that I bully her. I have been detained for three consecutive days. Today, I compromised and I am ready to go Buy her that damn copy of Twilight》”

Netizen C:”Upstairs, what are you talking about? I have been beaten up by my sister every day this week, and she insists on supporting”Twilight”. Damn it, she has obviously bought three copies herself.”

Netizen Ding:”I just complained about the childishness of”The Twilight Saga”, and my aunt pulled my ears for three days, which made them swollen, and my mother didn’t help me. Fortunately, today I told her with practical actions that I changed That’s my opinion, yes, I bought it too!”

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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