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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 191

The female reporter really guessed what Martin meant.

He deliberately didn’t explain the reason, just to leave himself a way out.

Although he knew that”Horror House of Waxwork” in the original timeline had a good box office, he did not know about this”Dracula 2000″.

There seems to be no information about this movie in my memory. This is most likely because this movie was a hit on the street, but it may also be because this movie is not China Martin’s cup of tea, so he didn’t learn more about it.

“Jeff, when you get back, look up who is behind the movie”Dracula 2000”. I suspect this schedule collision was premeditated.

Jeff Raymond said with a serious expression:”I understand!””

Before entering the banquet hall of the theater, Martin was pulled by the host for a few words.

“Martin, how did you and Paris meet? Why write a script for her?”

“Haha, my friendship with Paris originated from a charity auction… As for why I wrote a script for her, it may be because she is very persuasive, and I once owed her a love~……”

Enter the banquet hall

“Martin, you are finally here. Paris swooped over like a little bird, almost clinging to Martin, biting Martin’s ear and said,”I miss you so much.” By the way, have you seen the finished film of”Horror House of Waxwork”? – What do you think? Martin patted Paris’ thin and soft waist and said with a smile:”Why are you acting like a sloth? Come down quickly.” I’ve seen the finished film, and there’s nothing wrong with it. It was edited according to my split-shot script.”

“So what do you think the box office will be? Paris obediently got off Martin, but still held his arm, regardless of the looks around him, as if he was declaring sovereignty.

Martin recalled that the box office of this movie in the original timeline was still Not bad: the total box office in North America was US$64 million, the total global box office was US$123 million, and the production cost was US$30 million. It’s not a big profit, but a small profit.

But this life has its own screenwriter. , soundtrack bonus, and although the final investment was also 30 million U.S. dollars, the cost spent on the movie was even less, only 23 million U.S. dollars. After all, the salary of Paris, a newcomer in Hollywood, as a starring role is negligible, and the current prices are also the same as in 2005. It’s different.

As for the remaining $7 million, Martin decided to invest all of it in publicity.

Calculated this way, the box office should be higher.

“I think the global box office should exceed 200 million. As for North America… 80 million!”

He roughly said a number.

Paris suddenly became happy.

“Wow, doesn’t that mean that my first movie has a global box office of over 100 million?! marvelous!”

Paris doesn’t care how much money this movie can make, she just wants to build her own fame now.

In fact, Martin also ignored one thing, that is Paris Hilton’s own fame. As the little princess of the Hilton family, her first big screen movie , will receive more or less attention from all aspects.

Then Martin, accompanied by Paris, greeted the guests in the venue.

When he met an acquaintance, he stopped to chat for a few words.

“Martin, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. You are really an adult now and have become a big shot, haha!”Bruce Willis said with a smile.

Since”The Sixth Sense”, the two have not crossed paths. Bruce seems to be changing his acting career in the past two years. He played a character in the comedy movie”The Whole Nine Yards” released in May this year. A witty and humorous killer, he also made a guest appearance in”Friends” and had many scenes.

“You have to grow up, I’m tired of being a kid. Martin laughed, and then praised the other party’s new movie,”Bruce, your”The Whole Nine Yards” was very interesting. I didn’t expect you to have comedy talent?”

“Come on, I started out in comedy!”Bruce also laughed.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the banquet ended and the movie started.

Martin and Paris sat in the front row.

The opening scene showed a group of young people driving on a self-driving trip. The atmosphere was well exaggerated by the director. That youthful flavor.

Martin also saw an interesting point.

One of the supporting actresses in the film, Eliza Cuthbert, was the heroine of the film in the original timeline.

It is said that this girl wanted to get As for this protagonist, she slept with seven people, and was ridiculed by Paris during the filming, and the two almost fought.

But now, Eliza is playing the role of Paris in the film – yes, that is The character who danced in front of her boyfriend and then was killed by the murderer while wearing small underwear!

Paris whispered in Martin’s ear:”This girl’s name is Eliza Cuthbert. She respects me very much on the set. She is My new friend, if you have any small roles in the future, you can consider her.”

These two people actually became friends in this life!?

Martin curled his lips and found it even more interesting.

As the movie progressed, the atmosphere in the cinema became tense. The quality of the movie itself was not bad, and Martin’s soundtrack added to the atmosphere. The rendering is too strong, making the film’s fear contagion stronger than in the original timeline –

0’s strong sense of immersion makes the audience’s hearts beat up and down with the plot. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

Eliza Cuthbert was sitting in the third row. Most of her mind was not on the movie, but on Martin, who was whispering to Paris in the first row.

“Paris, a bitch, has been dominating him since Martin appeared. I have no chance of getting close!”

She was conceited about her beauty and was a Canadian child star. She entered Hollywood with great expectations for the future. Unexpectedly, reality slapped her in the face. The fame she gained in Canada was of no use in Hollywood. Without a backer, for A small supporting role requires a lot of effort.

For example, the casting director and producer of the movie Pajama Suits.

She was disgusted when she thought of the producer’s fat and ugly body.

She had to find a backer for herself, so Just like Nicole Kidman found Tom Cruise, Martin was her goal.

However, Paris was surprised by how clingy she was to Martin, and she had no chance to talk to Martin.

“Damn it, Paris wouldn’t have slept with Martin, right? How old is Martin, Bichi?!”

After the movie ended, there was applause.

What Martin didn’t expect was that although Paris’s performance in this movie was immature, he still showed a certain amount of acting skills and didn’t look like an amateur.

Paris was proud of his ears. Bian said:”I acted pretty well. In order to play this role well, I took acting classes for half a year and also found a teacher to provide on-site guidance.”

“Very good, you put your heart into it, great!”Martin praised her as if she were a child.

Paris was obviously very impressed, and her eyes narrowed.

Then the crew members came on stage to express their thanks and answer reporters’ questions. Martin also went up as a screenwriter and composer, and was asked most questions

“Martin, I heard that you tailor-made this movie for Paris, is that right?”


“Martin, why did you help Paris like this?”

“We are friends”

“Paris, are you and Martin friends?”

“No, we are good friends!”

The reporter’s questions basically focused on the two of them.

Eliza Cuthbert, who was being ignored on the side, looked envious.

If only she could receive such attention, if only Martin could tailor it for me. Just create a script…

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Go ahead).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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