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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 211

New York, Spider-Man set.

Martin grabbed a wire painted green and swung around in the studio. His movements were so agile and vigorous that he looked like a real Spider-Man.

“Finding Martin to play Spider-Man couldn’t be more correct. No actor in Hollywood can have such skills!”

Ian Bryce, who has become the producer of this film, said excitedly.

Director Sam Raimi came over and said:”I even doubt that he really has spider genes in his body. He is the Spider-Man hidden in reality. , but the handsome version.”

While Martin was filming”Spider-Man” in full swing in New York, a big news broke out in London about him.

The news was revealed by the”Daily Mail”》:

“It is reported that last month, a company called Blue Starlight officially announced to the London City Council that they had acquired 10% of the shares of Chelsea Blues.”

“The market reaction at that time was relatively calm. After all, this amount of shares did not even rank among the top three shareholders of Chelsea. However, many people were curious, who does this company belong to?”

“However, two months later, Blue Star announced that it had reached an agreement with Ken Bates, Chelsea’s two largest shareholders, and purchased 38.7% of his shares. The total price of this transaction reached 900,000 to 900,000 pounds.”

“At this point, Blue Starlight has 48.7% of Chelsea shares in its hands, becoming the largest shareholder of this club.”

“Then we investigated this company and were shocked to find that this company is from the United States, and the owner behind it is the person involved in the braking incident some time ago – Martin Meyers”

“That’s right, this fourteen-year-old boy became Chelsea’s largest shareholder”

《The Daily Mail story caused an uproar.

As we all know, English people are rather old-fashioned.

As the birthplace of modern football, English football clubs are very exclusive.

Just look at the twists and turns that occurred when Abramovich took over Chelsea and when the Glazer family acquired Manchester United in the original timeline.

Chelsea fan organizations have begun to meet and prepare to march in protest.

Major media outlets have also published articles, most of which are against

“A fourteen-year-old American kid has become the largest shareholder of Chelsea, a traditional Premier League team. This is really a big joke. Is he confusing football with rugby?”

“This is an invasion of capital. Chelsea’s attempt to lure the wolf into the house will cause them to lose the tradition of English football and bring a bad atmosphere to the Premier League. Who is Martin? He is a writer, an actor, and a singer, but football is never in his label! I don’t know why he, as an outsider, wants to get involved in the professional football industry. This is a stupid move.”

“Another identity of Martin Meyers is that of an investor. Since 1998, he has been buying up high-tech stocks in the American stock market. Obviously, his purpose of investing in Chelsea is no different from his investment in those Internet companies. It is just to make money. But can such an out-and-out businessman really pay real money for the team?”

And just when the media was hyping up”Wolf is Coming” and fan organizations were preparing for large-scale demonstrations, they received even more shocking news – Blue Starlight Company was not satisfied with the 48.7% of the shares in their hands. Want to buy out the Chelsea football team!

On the set in New York, Martin was on the phone

“Dad, how much leverage can JPMorgan give us?”

“Fifteen times, this is already the limit”

“Dad, can’t you even come forward?”

“Come on, son, have you made a mistake? Your dad is just the head of investment at JPMorgan Chase, not the chairman of the board.”

“Okay, okay, just fifteen times. Although it’s a bit nervous, it should be enough, that’s it.”

Martin thought, the remaining money after buying the team may not be able to buy big stars, but he has a bunch of little monsters in his mind who have not yet emerged, which is enough to support the future of the team.

“Martin, is this acquisition of yours a bit too risky?”

To be honest, Grant Meyers was really surprised when he just heard about his son’s plan.

But he couldn’t resist his son’s insistence, so he agreed to host the acquisition for his son.

“Dad, didn’t I say it last time? There is capital operation behind the Premier League. No matter what the English people say about tradition, the Premier League was the result of capital operation when it was first established. This league, which is independent of the Football Association, has almost no interference in business operations, which is perfect for capital to make money.”

In Martin’s memory, the rapid rise of the Premier League began in 2001. From this year on, the Premier League’s broadcast contract became more and more outrageous year by year.

By 2016, the value of this contract had reached 5.136 billion pounds.

This means that for each Premier League club playing in the Premier League for one season, the copyright income alone can reach 102 million pounds.

This is why the English Championship play-offs are called a war worth 100 million pounds!

Under the operation of capital, the brand of the Premier League The value continues to rise. Tradition or anything else that has nothing to do with money is a”burden” in the eyes of businessmen. In the eyes of capital, economic interests come first.

You know, the Premier League was even called”Barclays” at one time”Premier League”, even the naming rights of the league can be sold, what else can’t be developed?

By 2008, the brand value of the Premier League was more than 40% higher than that of Serie A.

Since it is not subject to the control of the Football Association, the Premier League has no control over third parties. The intervention of capital is open-minded, which is why many”rich people” are willing to buy Premier League clubs.

In the original timeline, funds from Russia, Southeast Asia, the United States, the Middle East and even China were strongly injected into the Premier League. , which has greatly enhanced the purchasing power of the Premier League from wealthy clubs to relegation teams.

0 Asking for flowers. In this life, Martin has become the one who pioneered. He has invested less and will earn more in the future. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to FLU Novel Network!)

Interestingly, the demonstration organized by the fans did not go smoothly, because young people in England regard Martin as an idol, especially after Martin exposed the”brake incident”, he was even regarded as an idol. The hero of England, the knight of Dayna.

Therefore, among the Chelsea fan base, those young fans are not opposed to Martin taking over the team.

“This newspaper has received the exact news that Martin Meyers spent 102 million pounds for this acquisition and will inevitably adopt a leveraged acquisition strategy. JPMorgan Chase Bank has begun to raise funds for Martin Meyers’ acquisition.……”

“Chelsea fans are divided. Some young fans believe that it is not a bad thing for the young Martin Meyers to take over the team. They firmly believe that their idol can bring vitality and hope to the team.……”

The demonstration was finally organized successfully. Through the lens of major media, people can see that only middle-aged and elderly people took to the streets, and there were very few young people.

In late May, the media once again disclosed that Blue Starlight Company had reached an agreement with several shareholders of Chelsea to acquire their shares at a premium.

After obtaining these shares, Martin’s shares have exceeded 75%.

According to the trading rules of listed companies, as long as the shares held exceed 75%, Chelsea can be withdrawn from the stock market, forcing fans to sell their small shares, and turning Chelsea from a listed company into a private asset.

The media in England began to criticize more fiercely.

However, Martin also has a”maternal family”.

Fleet Street’s constant criticism has completely aroused the dissatisfaction of the North American media.

The two sides began to spray”venom” across the strait, from mocking each other to naked insults, and in the end even involved criticizing each other’s political atmosphere.

The British media called American politicians all prostitutes, liars, and warmongers.

The American media called the English government a decadent, dull, and mentally retarded concentration camp.

For a moment, Martin was forgotten.

By mid-June.

Everything is settled

“Blue Starlight” announced that they have completed the outright acquisition of Chelsea.

Chelsea has become Martin’s personal belongings

“Chelsea, Martin’s new toy!”This is the title of the sports front page of the new issue of”The Sun”.

The day after the acquisition was completed,”Blue Starlight” publicly stated that it would spend no less than 50 million pounds to purchase strength in the new season. Players.

More fans are starting to wait and see. A boss who is willing to spend money can always buy the hearts of fans.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Work).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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