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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 257

In fact, looking at all commercial blockbusters, the beginning is very critical – just like the three golden chapters of online novels.

Warmth, suspense, gore, visual special effects… No matter which one, the only purpose is to attract the audience to continue watching.

If the beginning of a movie lacks the most basic elements to attract viewers to continue watching, then the movie’s prospects at the box office are likely to suffer from lukewarm reception.

The first film in the series is also a”beginning”, so it is also very important for whether the two subsequent sequels can be released, or how many theaters they can get when they are released.

If the first film is well shot, even if the quality of subsequent sequels declines, they will still receive good box office results.

But if the first film is not a hit, then even if the sequel is well shot, it is likely that it will not get a good box office, or even be released.

Therefore, you can see the cleverness of Peter Jackson from this beginning -“Four Seven Seven” – the introduction of the voice-over is boring, but it is the background that must be explained, so that people who are not Tolkien fans can understand it – –

In order for the audience not to lose interest in watching the movie due to this lengthy voice-over, Peter Jackson added large-scale war scenes to whet the audience’s appetite first.

After a thrilling opening battle, the plot of the movie becomes calmer –

Bilber used the invisibility power of the Lord of the Rings to disappear in front of the villagers when he was delivering a speech at a birthday party. But his tricks couldn’t be hidden from Gandalf. He found Bilbo, and Bilbo told Gandalf his plan. He left everything to Frodo. Gandalf asked him if he also included the Ring, since he knew that only the Ring had the power of invisibility. Although Bilbo was reluctant, he finally left the Lord of the Rings…

The well-informed Gandalf had an ominous premonition after seeing the Lord of the Rings. He consulted a large amount of historical data and finally determined that it was It’s the evil One Ring. He told Frodo what he had discovered, and the panicked Frodo wanted to return the Ring to Gandalf… Gandalf persuaded Frodo to send the Ring to a safe place first, and arranged for Frodo’s death Partner Sam goes with him. We agreed to meet at the Liema Bar…

As the plot progressed, the audience gradually became immersed in it, and the gorgeous special effects created a soothing pastoral scenery of the Shire for the audience.

The chilling atmosphere and mystery of the curious Minas Morgul camp.

The amazing beauty of the elf world.

Obviously, Peter Jackson understands the rhythm of commercial films. He will not release the climax all at once, but will release it piece by piece to avoid audience fatigue.

Frodo and Sam embarked on a journey to escort the Lord of the Rings. Soon they met two boys from the same village, Pippin and Merry…

On the road, their party once again encountered the pursuit of the black knights of the Ring. Unfortunately for Frodo He was seriously injured and his life was in danger. At this moment, the Elf Princess arrived in time, and she single-handedly sent Frodo to the Elf Kingdom…

The Elf King rescued Frodo, and Gandalf also met Frodo. However, the shadow of the Supreme Lord of the Rings has not disappeared. The declining Elf Kingdom is unable to guarantee the safety of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. The worried Elf King Elron decided to ask other countries to send people to discuss countermeasures.

Representatives from various countries came to the Elf Kingdom, and nine Guardians of the Ring were selected.

Legolas, played by Martin, also appears in this scene.

Pu’s appearance aroused exclamation in the theater




“What a beauty!”

“This is Legolas, my God!”

“My heart is drunk.”

When the light of the setting sun shone on Legolas, who was strolling out with his sword in hand, it was as if he was inlaid with a layer of gold. Coupled with his exquisitely handsome facial features, it hit the theater in an instant. The hearts of all viewers.

Regardless of men or women – because the aesthetics are common!

The exclamations and comments came one after another.

Jennifer Aniston, who was sitting behind Martin, had already been attracted by the gorgeous world created by Peter Jackson. in the film.

But the moment Martin appeared, her heart couldn’t contain the violent vibration. She stared at the handsome and upright figure on the big screen without blinking, and she couldn’t help but let out a”Hmm~” Long sound. She immediately reacted and hurriedly reached out to cover her mouth.

But even so, her eyes did not want to leave the big screen for half a second.

Then there was a conversation between Legolas and the Elf King.

Legolas, played by Martin, knelt down Kneeling on the ground, holding the sword in one hand and resting the other on his knees, his head was half lowered, and his long pale golden hair fell smoothly, setting off that perfect profile face that was extremely charming!


Jennifer Aniston couldn’t help but let out a long sound again.

This time she didn’t cover her mouth and didn’t care.

She just wanted to look at the face on the screen until the end of time!

Finally, this part of the valley The scene has passed….

Legolas also disappeared from the screen, and a sigh of regret filled the entire theater.

Fortunately, the plot of the movie is attractive enough to keep people’s desire to continue watching after experiencing such a psychological shock.

The Fellowship of the Ring officially set off, and the beautiful scenery appeared in the eyes of the audience.

To be honest, Peter Jackson really spared no effort to promote the beautiful scenery of his hometown.

Looking at the”Lord of the Rings” trilogy, you may find it.

As long as you are on the road, there will inevitably be an overhead or wide-angle shot in the movie to show the scenery of Middle-earth (New Zealand).

Then, the fallen wizard Saruman appears.

To be honest, this villain’s appearance is much more gorgeous than Gandalf.

He used a series of magical means to hinder the progress of the Fellowship of the Ring, forcing them to choose the path of the Mines of Moria.

In the film, Peter Jackson portrays Saruman as completely subservient to Sauron, and the relationship is presented as one of almost total submissive servitude.

In fact, in the original book, Saruman was not so loyal to Sauron.

When Gandalf came to find him, the condition he proposed to Gandalf was to jointly replace Sauron in ruling Middle-earth. His men and the orcs sent to find the Lord of the Rings were actually trying to bring the Lord of the Rings back to Isengard, not Mordor.

The powerful wizard even created his own ring and renamed himself”Saruman of the Many Colors.”

When Gandalf discovered that Saruman was using the True Knowledge Crystal Ball, he realized that Saruman might have fallen to a level even more terrifying than he imagined.

However, in the movie, these are not depicted, and Saruman is only portrayed as a subordinate of Sauron.

This has also been criticized by many fans of the original work!

On the screen, the Fellowship of the Ring arrives at the entrance to the Mines of Moria. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Merry and Pippin once again showed their”monster-sucking” physiques because they threw stones into the lake out of boredom, waking up the monsters in the lake. As a result, Frodo was kidnapped again.

Fortunately, everyone worked together to rescue him and hid in the mine.

During this process, Martin’s heroic figure with flying blond hair and bow and arrow once again gained countless admiration. The rescue team entered the mine. Then the entrance to the mine was collapsed by the lake monster. The Fellowship team had no way out and could only embark on this journey. A difficult road.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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