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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 320

Martin and Kayla disembarked and rushed toward the town.

The road into the town is a gravel road.

On both sides are large expanses of banana groves.

Before 2007, Dominica’s main source of income, apart from tourism, was banana cultivation.

Even Edison James, the country’s top leader, was from a banana marketing company, which shows the influence of bananas on the entire country.

But in 2007, a super-large hurricane”Dean” landed in Dominica, which dealt a devastating blow to the banana plantations all over the country. It also caused damage to the country’s infrastructure, especially roads. Major damage.

In addition, the world’s banana varieties are monotonous and have weak resistance to diseases and insect pests. Bananas have gradually declined in Dominica’s agricultural share.

However, at this time, banana cultivation was still Dominica’s pillar industry.

With the obstruction of the banana forest, the wind speed seemed much smaller, but it rained heavily.

“Oh, damn! What a bad day today!”

Keira put her hands on her head, with a depressed look on her face, and ran wildly with Martin.

09 Suddenly she heard Martin shouting:”There is a hut ahead, let’s go in and take shelter from the rain.”

Rushing into the cabin, Martin glanced quickly and found that it was an abandoned cabin, filled with dust and cobwebs. There was a table, two chairs, a cabinet and a bed. There were other things on the table and bed. There were a few local straw hats scattered around, and there was an iron brazier under the bed.

This should have been a resting place for banana picking staff.

Martin opened the cabinet door and was surprised to find that there were two relatively clean ones inside. Towels, and a straw mat.

He took out the straw mat and spread it on the bed, shook the towel, turned to Keira and said:”Quickly, take off your clothes!”

“ah?”Keira’s eyes widened,”Now, here?”

Martin was so happy that he stretched out his hand and flicked the opponent’s head.

“What are you thinking? You are all wet. Take off your wet clothes quickly and wipe your body with a towel, otherwise you will get sick. I’ll make a fire to keep warm and dry my clothes before putting them on”

“Just, that’s it?”Keira looked at Martin with her big watery eyes.

Martin nodded without hesitation,”Yes, that’s it!”

“But how do you make a fire? Do you have a lighter? In fact, we can have other ways to keep warm!”

The little girl looked at Martin with a coquettish look. She also deliberately imitated those scenes in movies where women seduced men. She put her hands on Martin’s shoulders, stuck out her little lilac tongue and gave it a light lick. Lips.

Martin chuckled and said,”Have you ever heard of making fire by drilling wood?”

“ah? You, you will?”

“What can’t I do? Okay, you go and dry yourself, I’m going to make a fire.”

Martin wasn’t being serious, he was really afraid that Kayla would get sick.

When Kayla was taking off her clothes, he turned his back to Kayla and first dragged the iron brazier out from under the bed.

Then he removed the broken wood from the corner of the cabin. Put it in the brazier.

Then he really started drilling with a thin round wooden branch that he found from nowhere.

Of course, the so-called drilling of wood to make fire was just to fool the little girl.

The wooden branch he drilled didn’t even Sharpening, just pretending to drill.

Then guide the magic power into the broken wood.

With a thought, the flames burned.

A surprised cry sounded from behind,”It really worked, Martin, you are so awesome!””

Then, Martin felt his back sink slightly, and a (soft) body came closer.

“My clothes are still wet.”Martin said

“Then take it off!”Kyla said bold words and did bold things, and wrapped her arms around Martin’s back.

Martin turned around.

Their eyes met.

Then Martin’s eyes moved downward…

Kyla’s face turned red.

But she didn’t There was nothing to hide.

He just stood in front of Martin so boldly, letting his eyes flow. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The brazier brought warmth to the hut, and the water vapor on the wet clothes began to evaporate, faintly The water vapor diffused in the hut.

The wooden bed shook, and the house was singing.

Creaking, creaking, creaking…

This sound seemed so insignificant in this noisy rainy night

………… the next day.

The wind and rain have stopped.

Martin and Kayla walked into town wearing dry clothes.

Most of the buildings in Dominica are earthy yellow, giving people a primitive feeling.

At the door of the khaki four-story building rented by the crew, a group of people were noisily gathered around. On one side were the crew and on the other were locals. What were the two sides talking about?

“what happened?”

Martin’s voice came from behind Jerry Bruckheimer.

The famous Hollywood producer was stunned for a moment, then turned around in surprise, looked at Martin and Keira and said,”Damn, you guys are okay, great.!”

Orlando Bloom also came forward with a face of joy,”You haven’t come back all night. We are preparing to let these locals look for you. Damn it, I almost died of guilt. It was windy and rainy yesterday. I I’m really afraid something will happen to you.”

Orlando Bloom’s words are half true and half false. The worry is real, but more importantly, he is afraid that something happened to Martin, which will cause the crew to shut down, and the movie will not be released in time. Moreover

, when three people went out, he was the only one who was safe. He was also afraid of others. Putting the responsibility for the two people’s accidents on him.

Fortunately, Martin and Keira returned safely.

Orlando Bloom can finally feel relieved!

Director Gore Verbinski also ended his negotiations with the locals and squeezed over , said half-truthfully:”Martin, Keira, it seems that I can no longer approve you to leave the crew in the future. My 790 heart can’t stand such a fright.””

“Sorry, my bad. The wind and rain were so strong yesterday that we hid in a hut on the road for a night”

“As long as everything is fine, it will be fine, as long as everything is fine, it will be fine!”Gore Verbinski has similar concerns as Orlando Bloom

“The local weather forecast is a bit inaccurate. It is best not to leave the set. Safety comes first.”Jerry Bruckheimer also said.

Martin smiled and said,”Okay, I will cooperate.”

Kaila shrank her neck and hid behind Martin the whole time, saying nothing, looking”very scared”.

Everyone didn’t take it seriously, thinking that the little girl was frightened by yesterday’s hurricane.

In fact, she was shy. La!

The hickey on the collarbone has not gone away, so no one can see it!

Fortunately, the strong wind blew intermittently for three days.

The crew also stayed in a simple hotel for three days.

During these three days, Keira didn’t go out much See someone and hide in your room[]

When the wind and rain left the country, those traces of shame also dissipated!

The little girl then walked out of the room gracefully and announced that she had completely passed the”fear” period and could continue filming movies.

The crew moved to a beach near the island.

Another day of rest.

The next day, filming started again.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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