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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 336

This is not a miracle, and Martin is not a sea god, he is just a succubus.

As a succubus, how could he watch his important”collection” being destroyed!

Moreover, it’s just a little storm, no big deal!

Although the succubus is not a sea race, as an all-round race (it can do everything, but is not strong in anything), how can he be defeated by such a small thing as swimming!

Even with Kayla in his arms, he could still swim fast.

By this time, the strong wind had passed, and the sea gradually calmed down.

Martin finally brought Kayla to the side of the boat. The crew wanted to help, but they saw that Martin just held the boat with one hand and jumped up from the water with one person and landed on the boat.

The helmsman couldn’t help shouting again:”Poseidon, you must be the reincarnation of Poseidon!”

Martin ignored this excited guy and put Keira into the cabin in the eyes of the crew in awe.

Then he said to the crew:”The strong wind is over, let’s move over to rescue your companions. Don’t worry, there are no reefs where I just swam.”

This time, no one refuted.

Finally, after a thrilling accident, everyone arrived safely on land.

Martin’s boat was overloaded, and the hull of the boat was almost flush with the water. Fortunately, it did not capsize, probably because the center of gravity was more stable.

As soon as Martin landed on the beach, he was hugged by Gore Verbinski,”Man, you saved Keira and you saved this movie. Thank you, thank you!”

Director Gore Verbinski was a little excited and burst into tears. If Martin hadn’t pushed his head away in time, his nose would have almost covered Martin’s body.

Then, Orlando came over and patted Martin on the shoulder,”Man, you are a hero.”

Then came the cameraman. Martin was a little surprised by this guy’s excitement. Could it be because the filming of the movie would not be interrupted.

He guessed wrong and the cameraman thought he was going to get a bonus!

Late at night, the cameraman went straight into Gore Verbinski’s tent. Don’t get me wrong, the two were not having sex.

“What, you filmed it?! Gore

Verbinski was surprised and delighted.

“Let me see, let me see!”

Insert the memory into his laptop and click to play the video. A scene that is thrilling even without dubbing appears in front of Gore Verbinski. The wind is howling and the waves are roaring. This is the best dubbing.

Strong wind In the big waves, Martin was like a fish, swimming smoothly through the waves.

The cameraman even zoomed in on the camera to give Martin a close-up.

It can be seen that when Martin waved his arms and paddled his body, the muscles on his back also followed. Follow his movements smoothly tightening and releasing, tightening and releasing… The streamlined muscle lines and the posture of fighting against the huge waves are thrilling to watch!

“Great, great, this is the best publicity, this is absolutely the best publicity, and I’m going to inform Jerry Bruckheimer immediately.”

Gore Verbinski picked up the phone.

The cameraman hesitated to speak, but finally asked about the bonus.

Gore Verbinski waited for Jerry Bruckheimer to answer the phone and said yes He was perfunctory with the cameraman.

After a while, the phone was connected.

Jerry Bruckheimer’s angry voice came,”Gore, you’d better be really urgent. Do you know what time it is?””

“Jerry, something happened today……”

After listening to Gore Verbinski’s narration, Jerry Bruckheimer had already lost sleep,”Damn, you should have told me if such a big thing happened.”

Then he added,”Did it really get filmed?”

“Yes, it was filmed, and——”

Gore Verbinski glanced at the cameraman and said,”Great shot!”

“Very good, I will come over early tomorrow morning and decide whether to notify the media after watching the video. After hanging up the phone, Gore Verbinski patted the photographer on the shoulder and said with a smile:”Man, your bonus is guaranteed!””

Early the next morning, Jerry Bruckheimer hurriedly called a car and came from the town. As soon as he rushed into Gore Verbinski’s tent, he couldn’t wait to say:”Where’s the video? Woolen cloth?”

“Come on, I’ve backed it up on my computer”


After watching the video, Jerry Bruckheimer became even more excited,”That’s great, Martin is a hero, and our movie can start pre-publicity.””

“Is it too early to inform the media now?”Gore Verbinski hesitated.

Jerry Bruckheimer has experience in this area and explained:”Now giving the video to the media can gain some heat and make people look forward to the movie. If we wait until before the movie is released to release it, it will look too deliberate, and it will make people think that our video is fake. and——”

He paused, took a breath, and said with a smile:”Besides, if we play it now, can we play it again when the movie is about to be released? At that time, we can also add a magnificent soundtrack and shocking narration. The effect will be better, harvest another wave of popularity!”

“Okay, then I’ll listen to you!”

Gore Verbinski was moved.

(PS: Keira Knightley’s capsizing accident also happened in the original timeline. The author only exaggerated it slightly.)


This day.

Daniel’s family is watching TV at home.

Suddenly a piece of news came on the TV

“The latest news is that after filming a night scene on an island in Dominica, the crew of”Pirates of the Caribbean” suddenly encountered strong winds. The boat Keira Knightley was on hit the rocks and sank on the way back. Keira Knightley herself was killed in the turbulence. thrown into the sea”

“Martin Meyers was on another boat at the time. He heroically jumped off his boat, swam to Keira Knightley, and successfully rescued the person. Let’s take a look at what was happening on the other boat at the time. The video captured by the cameraman is very thrilling”

“Martin saved someone again? That’s a really good guy!”Daniel’s mother is a loyal reader of”The Twilight Saga” and also loves Martin.

“.Shhh, mom, don’t talk, the video is about to play.”

Then Daniel’s father, old Daniel, exclaimed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Oh, my God, he jumped in, he jumped into the sea, such a big wind and wave, this guy is so brave!”

“Really brave.” Daniel echoed.

“Wow, he swims like a fish! Daniel’s mother began to exclaim again,”No dolphin can swim as beautifully as him, look at these muscles!””

Old Daniel glanced at his wife dejectedly and thought to himself: It’s okay to mutter these words in your heart. What’s the point of saying it out loud?

Los Angeles.

In the Olson family’s villa.

The three sisters covered their mouths and couldn’t blink. They blinked and stared at the TV.

It wasn’t until they saw Martin holding Kayla, supporting the boat gang, and jumping on the boat.

The three girls took a big breath.

“Oh my gosh, Martin is so brave, he’s a hero”

“First he rescued people in the Bank of New York, and then he rescued people in the waves. He is the knight of this era!”

Ashley Olson and her sister Mary Olson said excitedly.

Elizabeth Olson jumped off the sofa and rushed to the phone,”I want (Nozhao) to call Martin and ask if he has Nothing happened.”

Martin’s phone has been bombarded with calls from parents, women, friends, reporters…

After receiving a series of calls that he had to answer, Martin turned off the phone directly.[]

The next day, the power of the video began to ferment, and major print media and the Internet began to be filled with news about Martin saving people.

Some media even suggested that the Pentagon should award Martin the”Purple Heart Medal,” America’s highest honor, which aroused the approval of blockbusters.

Later, at a White House press conference, a reporter actually proposed this suggestion to the president, but the president rejected it.

“No, the Purple Heart Medal is awarded to the Armed Forces of the United States. It is awarded to members or citizens of the Armed Forces of the United States who are wounded, sacrificed, or killed as a result of injuries during service in a branch of the United States. Martin does not meet the requirements for the award.”

Our Mr. President is very dissatisfied with Martin’s anti-war remarks and even regrets awarding him the”Presidential Medal of Freedom”. How could he be awarded the”Purple Heart Medal” again!

(Brothers, please protect me, comment, flowers, Please collect and reward. Thanks.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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