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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 347

“Why are you here? As soon as Martin got out of the car, he walked towards Lindsay.

Lindsay said with a sad face:”I was a little worried, so I followed Officer Paul who was leading the team. You won’t be angry, right?””

The girl looked at Martin carefully.

“Of course not, why should I be angry at you for doing the right thing?”Martin hugged the girl dotingly and rubbed her head.

Rachel McAdams watched the interaction between the two with envy, imagining how great it would be if she replaced Lindsay’s identity.

Then in a blink of an eye, she saw Wen Tevos also got out of Martin’s car.

Then came a plump young Caucasian woman.

“Wentworth, why are you in Martin’s car?”

The shock on Rachel McAdams’s face actually made Wentworth a little proud for a moment.

He pretended not to care and said:”Martin and I have known each other for a long time. But soon, that little pride was replaced by worry,”Charles was recommended by me, and I am also responsible for Amanda’s disappearance, so I followed him.””

If something happens to Amanda, he is really afraid that he will be abandoned by Martin.

Damn it, he secretly vowed: In the future, as long as he is not a friend who knows the truth, he will never make a stupid recommendation again, if there is a future!

Rachel McAdams is really Unexpectedly, Wentworth also had contact with Martin, but looking at the other party’s appearance, she knew that if these 237 matters were not handled well, it would have a very bad impact on Wentworth’s career.

So the girl was smart enough not to ask more questions, but He pursed his lips in Chelsea’s direction and asked in a low voice:”Who is she?”

“Chelsea, a dancer, was Charles’s concubine, and Martin paid a small price to ask about this place from her.”


When she heard that she was just a dancer and had nothing to do with Martin, Rachel McAdams immediately lost interest in contact.

At this time, Chelsea was looking at Lindsay in shock as she threw herself into Martin’s arms.

“This, isn’t this Lindsay Lohan, that female star?!”

Then Chelsea’s eyes turned to Martin again, and the shock in her eyes became more intense. What did Lindsay Lohan just call him? Martin?

Martin Meyers?!

Walter Falk, turned out to be Martin Meyers?!

“Okay, let’s go in.”

Martin finally comforted Lindsay, shook hands with Officer Paul, who was leading the team, and took over the command very naturally. Officer

Paul did not feel any strange at all.

Martin is a major financial backer of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Hollywood Police Department. With this identity, he only spent a little bit of magic power to defeat Officer Paul.

The leading police officer had no objections, and naturally the junior police officers below also had no objections.

Everyone naturally surrounded Martin and walked into the warehouse. The administrator’s office.

Then Officer Paul used his identity to ask the warehouse administrator to find the warehouse that Charles rented. It turned out that it was not one warehouse, but three warehouses.

After a while, a group of people drove to the door of the warehouse.

“This is it, 1011.1012.1013. The three warehouses are connected.”The warehouse manager said

“Open the door.”Officer Paul said.

The warehouse manager opened the 1011 warehouse shutter door, and a puff of dust came out, along with a faint weird smell.

What the hell are these?

As the little police officer moved the five cardboard boxes in the warehouse, When they came out, the weird smell became even stronger.

The police officers opened the first cardboard box, and their expressions suddenly changed. They saw that the box was filled with women’s underwear of all kinds, and it looked like they were all passed through

“Hoo Neshet! Chelsea exclaimed,”No wonder I can’t find my NEI pants every time after sleeping!””

“This guy is definitely a pervert!”Officer Paul’s expression became serious.

If it was still speculation before, now he has basically confirmed that Charles is related to Amanda’s disappearance.

The police officers continued to open the next cardboard box, which still contained a box of contents.

Then The third box, this time, is not filled with Nei Nei, but photos of various women, some with clothes on and some without clothes. Many of them are candid photos, occupying a small half of the box. The fourth box contains Newspapers, every newspaper (bfec) had areas circled with red or blue pens. A police officer took a few newspapers and scanned them quickly, and then exclaimed.

“Hoo Neshet! The circles are all news about murders that have occurred in the past few years. Couldn’t he have done them all?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“etc.——”The police officer suddenly looked at the news in a certain newspaper and became more and more shocked:”Isn’t this the murder of Ashley Ellyn? Damn it, is this Charles Michael Gargiello?!”

Officer Paul also became excited, He grabbed the newspaper, and sure enough he saw that the news about the murder of Ashley Ellyn was circled in red pen, with a smiley face drawn on it.

“Charles Gargilo, Michael Gargilo, I should have thought of it earlier, haha, don’t even think about running away this time!!!”

Officer Paul shouted excitedly.

Then, the police officer opened the last box.

A strong and strange smell suddenly rushed out of the box. Inside – it turned out to be a whole box of sanitary ware. The paper, and there was still dirt on it, looked like it had been used!

“Ho Neshet, you damn pervert!”

The police officer who opened the box quickly jumped away, holding his nose and retching.

Martin, Lindsay, Rachel and others around him also quickly moved away from the box.

Paul pinched his nose and pointed at the two police officers and said:” You two, seal the box. These are all evidence.”

The two unlucky police officers walked over with sad faces, holding their breaths.

Martin said to the warehouse manager with a dull look on his face:”Open another warehouse.”

The warehouse manager opened the 1012 warehouse and revealed a car, a second-hand Cadillac

“Frank, this is my car! Wentworth shouted.

The police officers went in and searched. There was only this car in the warehouse, and there were no other clues.[]

Then the warehouse manager opened warehouse No. 1013.

There are plastic mannequins scattered in this warehouse. These plastic mannequins have different poses. The only thing in common is that they all have marks of being stabbed with daggers.

“Is this guy practicing his knife skills on a plastic mannequin?!”Officer Paul said with eyes wide open.

“Martin, I still haven’t found Amanda, what should I do?”Lindsay said with some worry.

Martin touched his chin and said nothing. His eyes fell on the carpet on the warehouse floor.

“Okay, take everything away and let’s close the team”

“please wait!”

Officer Paul had just given the order when he was stopped by Martin.

“Mr. Martin, what further instructions do you have?”Officer Paul’s obedience to Martin surprised the police officers under him. He’s a flatterer!

Some people secretly complained.

(Brothers, please protect me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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