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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 377

After seeing the quotes from Texas Petroleum Company and BP Company of England, Martin tore off the note paper on the table and wrote a number on it – US$970 million.

Then the bar fell, and another number was written down—$1 billion.

Compared with the oil reserves of the Setan Oilfield, this amount of money is naturally not a big figure.

However, spending billions of dollars without seeing a drop of oil is a challenge even for multinational companies such as Texas Petroleum Company and BP Company of England.

But Martin still wrote it down without hesitation, and this was his final offer.

Of course, he won’t submit it now.

In fact, except for some accompanying goods, most companies that are determined to win the oil field will only submit their real quotations on the last day of the deadline. This is also to prevent”cheating” guys like Martin.

Therefore, the quotations of Texas Petroleum Company and BP Company of England will still change. This is why Martin changed the final number from 970 million to 1 billion.

………… time flies. 20 Princess Haya did not see Martin again before the bidding deadline came.

Probably too shy!!!

Well, it is indeed too shy.

Ever since she failed to tease Martin that day and instead was greatly embarrassed, Princess Haya would feel hot all over when she thought of Martin, and…

I don’t know if it was a conditioned reflex, but she would also feel the urge to urinate.

But on the day when the bidding was about to open, she had to see Martin even if she didn’t want to.

Just yesterday, three hours before the bidding window closed, Campbell Petroleum submitted its bid.

They were the last to submit their bids among all the bidders.

At the last moment, Martin revised the offer again, raising the price to $1.002 billion.

David Scott was shocked by Martin’s sudden change, because there was no warning beforehand, and Princess Haya did not send anyone to reveal any information, but Martin just changed the price.

Facing David Scott’s inquiry, Martin only said one word:”Intuition!”

Of course it was not intuition. He had been using detection magic to pay close attention to the movements of Evans Cooks, and he heard The other party’s final offer

“The previous offer of US$1.001 billion was just a smoke bomb, which might lure some people to take the bait. No one would have thought that we would increase the offer by a full US$56 million at the last moment.”

Evans Cooks convinced the board of directors on the phone. At the bid opening scene.

Martin looked directly at Princess Haya, who was dealing with inquiries from major companies in the venue, and made the other party feel frightened.

After a moment, Princess Haya finally Unable to stand the look in his eyes, he quickly came to Martin and said with a businesslike expression:”What else do you need? If you want to modify the bid, you still have one hour.”

Yes, there is another opportunity to modify the bid before the bid is opened.

Martin shook his head, lowered his voice and said in Haya’s ear:”Texas Petroleum Company has changed the final quotation. From yesterday to now, you have not changed the bid. I was not notified. Haya also lowered her voice and said:”My phone number was taken away yesterday morning. I can’t even contact Leo. How can I contact you?””

“I don’t care, you haven’t fulfilled your promise to me and you owe me a favor. Now, think about how to repay it, right?! Martin smiled evilly, which made Princess Haya’s heart tremble.

Then she suddenly reacted,”How do you know that Texas Petroleum Company finally changed its quotation?” Do you have other insiders on the bidding team?! Damn it, you actually found someone else?! Martin neither admitted nor denied, but just said:”Don’t worry about how I got the news. Anyway, you still owe me a favor and you have to pay it back!” Not far away ,

Evans Cooks, CEO of Texas Petroleum Company, kept staring at Martin. Seeing that Martin and Princess Haya, a beauty, were having a”very happy conversation”, he couldn’t help but feel jealous.

“Don’t forget to pick up girls at this time! Haha, let’s see if you will be happy when your bid fails!”

Actually, Evans Cooks has also invited Princess Haya, the most beautiful Arab girl, but she never agreed.

Time passed by.

Princess Haya has returned to the stage. , and kept looking at the time.

An hour later, she announced that the revision time was over, and then opened the bid on the spot.

Everyone stared at Princess Haya’s slender fingers.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressing, like before a fierce war was about to begin. The tranquility.

I saw Princess Haya spreading the tender documents on the table, and then staff came on stage to carefully inspect the bags and seals… Princess Haya was responsible for supervising them. After the inspection,

Haya The princess motioned to Hasford, the Minister of Petroleum in the audience

, with her eyes. When Hasford came on stage, Martin keenly felt that the eyes of many people around him became sharp.

Haha, these people were probably all on Hasford He must have suffered a lot. In one bidding, the oil minister estimated to have made tens of millions of dollars!

A voice whispered in his ear:”Greedy vulture.””(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Martin looked out of the corner of his eye and saw the representative of Japan’s Mitsubishi Oil Company. Hasford on the stage didn’t care about the eyes of the audience at all. He tore open the document bag with smooth movements. with his seal, began to read the amount and announced loudly:

“Swedish Partex, $742 million……”

“Mitsubishi Petroleum Corporation of Japan, US$901 million……”

“Dutch Shell, $889 million……”

“France’s Total, $891 million!”

With the quotation, the faces of Mitsubishi Petroleum representatives of Japan showed joy. Until now, their prices have been the highest.

But the next moment——

“BP Oil of England, $988 million……”

“idiot!”Japanese representative 030 cursed secretly, the disappointment on his face was clear.

“Texas Petroleum Co., $1.001 billion……”

“Wotfak!”This time it was the turn of the representative of England’s BP Oil to curse.

Evans Cooks showed a proud smile on his face and glanced at the English.

Fortunately, he had the foresight, otherwise according to the original quotation, this oil field would have been taken over by the English. Gone.

But soon, he followed the footsteps of the English and Japanese.[]

“Campbell Oil Company, $1.002 billion……”

“Wotfak!”Evans Cooks’ eyes widened, and his head turned stiffly in the direction of Martin.

Then he fell into deep self-blame.

His own offer was US$1 million lower than Campbell Oil, which meant that they were out. , only one million short, this feeling is very bad.

What’s worse, Evans Cooks suddenly thought of the one million dollars”cheated” by Hasford, if that million could be added If we look at the quotation, even if the price is the same as that of Campbell Oil Company, with the deeper strength of Texas Oil Company, we can still take this order!

Damn Hassford, damn Martin, damn Xiaobu! At this time, Evans Cooks even hated Xiao Bu. If this man hadn’t inexplicably told Martin about the oil field auction, they would not have had this extra competitor!

(Brothers, please protect me, Comments, flowers, collections, and rewards are all welcome. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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