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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 380

“”Giggle,” Haya finally couldn’t help laughing when she saw Martin wake up.

It was just a small laugh at first, and then the laughter got louder and louder…

Martin looked at this sudden scene in front of him with some astonishment. The beautiful princess who became crazy sat up with her hands and started to get dressed.

“you are leaving?”

Haya stopped laughing wildly and looked at Martin and asked, with some reluctance in her words.

Martin said:”We still have to sign the contract today, so we can’t be late! Why, can’t bear to part with it?”

“Geez, how is that possible! ?”Ha Yayao opened her big beautiful eyes forcefully and tried her best to be more fierce.

“Yes, it will be cuter if you open it wider!”Martin seemed to sense something. He looked back and laughed dumbly.

Haya said angrily:”Don’t you see that I’m trying to hurt you?”

“I didn’t realize it. You were smiling like a lunatic just now. You should be very happy that you finally slept with me!”Martin was putting on his clothes and saying shameless words.

Haya’s eyes suddenly widened a little bit more, wondering if her ears heard it wrong. I shouldn’t have said this sentence, right?

This little bastard!

He cursed secretly, and Haya snorted:”Happy? I am indeed happy. What I am happy about is that we are finally clear!”

Martin, who was dressed, turned around and looked at Haya with a look of astonishment.

“How could it be possible when the two sides were cleared? Now, you owe me twice!”

While speaking, Martin also made a”two” gesture with his fingers.


The good education she has received throughout her life cannot prevent the current Princess Haya from swearing.

“You slept with me, but I owe you. Is this really bastard logic? Martin opened his big”innocent” eyes, spread his hands and said,”Shouldn’t it be you who slept with me?””

Haya felt like she was going crazy, and her bladder started to feel restless again.

She jumped up from the bed and rushed towards Martin with her teeth bared,”Ah -, shameless, so shameless, I’m going to kill you.”

Martin, who had already put on his clothes, had no choice but to accept Princess Haya’s challenge again.

In order to hurry up, he sped up the frequency of his moves this time!

Half an hour later, Martin sat up from the bed again and slowly put on his clothes.

After getting dressed, Martin turned around and said to Princess Haya, who was completely submissive on the bed:”Remember, you owe me three times now. By the way, I’ll drive the car away, otherwise it will be too late.”

Princess Haya was too tired to speak. She could only say angrily in her heart:”This shameless bastard, shameless bastard, shameless bastard.……”


Eleven o’clock noon.

Martin and David Scott came to the signing hall.

The two of them, together with His Majesty the King of the United Arab Emirates and Petroleum Minister Hassaf, sat behind a long table, holding pens in their hands and pretending to sign the documents on the table.

The real documents had actually been signed in advance. After all, it was such a thick pile that it was impossible to sign it at the media conference.

The two sides made a show of it, then exchanged documents and let the media take photos.

His Majesty the King also put his arm around Martin’s shoulders, showed a cordial gesture, and said to Martin:”Martin, I wish you can mine oil as soon as possible.”

Martin also grabbed His Majesty the King’s arm cordially and said with a smile:”Martin Thank you for your Majesty’s instructions. This is also my biggest wish now.”

Martin then shook hands with Hasford.

Hasford showed a flattering smile and said to Martin:”If your company encounters any difficulties, you can come to me. The UAE oil department is your strong backing.”

Martin smiled heartily and said:”Thank you, Mr. Hasford. Support, I won’t be polite!”

Both parties released their palms and announced the end of the ceremony.

As the official signing ceremony ended, the media also sent their manuscripts back to China.

The news that Martin’s company successfully bid for the shallow-water oil fields in the United Arab Emirates was like a depth bomb dropped on the United States. It attracted not only media attention, but also countless technical service companies.

If nothing else, just a parts supply contract for an offshore oil drilling platform can support countless small companies.

“Martin Meyers, this name will not only be seen in entertainment news and social news in the future, he will also appear in economic news and political news… Martin’s first step from the entertainment industry to the energy industry was Extremely successful… As long as the Setan shallow oil field can produce the expected amount of oil, then Martin’s name will be preceded by an oil tycoon’s head…”

This is not the first time Martin has appeared in the Wall Street Journal.

But unlike in the past Because financial investment was reported differently in the newspaper, this time he reported it as an industrial tycoon. If you want to read Huahua novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No matter in any country or region, the status of being a financial person will never be as high as that of an industrial tycoon. Regarding the status of industry, those engaged in finance are to redistribute the”cake”, while those engaged in industry are to enlarge the”cake”. The political and social nature of the two are completely different.

“He did it, he did it, Dad, my son made it! Damn, now he’s a real tycoon!”

The first time he received the news, Grant Meyers called his father, Chuck Meyers, to show off his son in front of his father.

Chuck Meyers’ calm voice came from the other end of the phone,”Martin It’s not you who did it, why are you excited?”

“Haha, he did it anyway, I’m so happy! Grant yelled and hung up the phone.

Old Meyers checked the phone with his reading glasses, and after confirming that his son had indeed hung up the phone, he suddenly jumped up in the room and shouted:

“Hahaha, he did it, he did it, my grandson did it, industrial tycoon, great, our Meyers family is going to rise!”

“Old man, what are you yelling about?”

An old lady – old Mrs. Meyers – Martin’s grandmother opened the door of the study room and saw her husband sitting behind the desk seriously, with a pipe in his mouth, looking at him and saying:

“Call, no one calls? Oh, maybe I accidentally turned on the amp when Grant called me just now, and he just called me on the phone.

Then he waved his hand impatiently and said,”Old woman, get out quickly, get out quickly, I have some important calls to make.””

When old Mrs. Meyers closed the door of the study, Old Meyers immediately dialed the number excitedly and called his old friends:

“Hello, is this old Carrick? Haha, I’m Chuck, and I’m telling you, my grandson Martin successfully bid for the Setan Oilfield in the United Arab Emirates.……”

“Hello, I’m looking for Hart… Hey Hart, you know, my grandson Martin……”[]

A few minutes later, all the old guys in Chuck Meyers’ circle knew that this”grandson”‘s grandson had done something big, photographed an oil field, and was about to cross over from the entertainment industry to the industrial world.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Cun).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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