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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 415

Peter Jackson was very nervous in his seat.

His hands clenched tightly unconsciously, and his eyes were fixed on the envelope in Sean Connery’s hand on the stage, hating that he was not a clairvoyant.

Sean Connery opened the envelope unhurriedly, took a look at it, then laughed and said:”Congratulations, Peter Jackson,”The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”》”

Peter Jackson jumped to his feet with an agility befitting his size.

Then he hugged Martin excitedly:”Thank you Martin”

“you deserved! Martin laughed.

Peter Jackson began to hug other cast members and kept expressing his gratitude.

Then he walked excitedly to the stage, and people kept greeting him and congratulating him along the way.

At this moment, Peter Jackson seemed to have reached the peak of his life..On the podium, Peter”823″ Jackson said a lot of thanks, and finally thanked Martin ceremoniously.

“Yes, I put Martin at the end, and I don’t think anyone would have a problem with it, including my parents. It was Martin who saved my directing careerTo be honest, when he decided to take over the investment in”Lord of the Rings”, I really couldn’t hold it anymore.……”

Harvey Weinstein’s face in the audience was very dark, because the person who made Peter Jackson unable to stand at that time was none other than himself.

“Thank God for letting me meet Martin. Although it was at the mouth of a leopard, I don’t blame him (God) at all.”

There was a burst of laughter from below, and many people recalled that the meeting between Martin and Peter Jackson was quite legendary. Martin saved Peter Jackson from the cheetah, and then invested in his movie.

And Peter Jackson also gave Martin The investment brought super returns.

Applause rang out

“Finally, I want to say——”

Peter Jackson wanted to say another word of thanks, but suddenly an idea came to his mind and he changed his words:

“I have to say, Martin, I love you!!!”

Hahaha, the audience burst into laughter.

Obviously, Peter Jackson was imitating Nicole Kidman just now.

Martin and Nicole Kidman also laughed.

Peter Jackson’s move actually made Nicole There was a little less pressure.

This fat man is definitely a smart man.

Harvey was a little anxious. Martin’s movie had won another important award. If he didn’t win the best picture, it would be a complete failure!

He unconsciously looked back. , just in time to see the smile raised at the corner of Martin’s mouth and the disdainful eyes.

Damn it, you haven’t won yet!

The best picture hasn’t been awarded yet!

But Martin knew that he was sure to win.

When he recalled the memory of Martin from China When he learned that”Chicago” would win the Best Picture at this Oscar, he took action.

He had already planted psychological hints in the heads of several old guys at the Academy – this hint was not to let The film he financed won the best picture, and he asked the old guys at the Academy not to vote for”Chicago.”

Of course, he can also let”The Matrix” and”The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” win the best picture, but In this way, it is too controversial and unnecessary.

Anyway, as long as Harvey cannot win this award, it is a victory for him.

So, the final consequence is that”The Pianist” should not win the best picture. Got it

“The film that won this year’s Oscar for Best Picture is”The Pianist”》!”

When Harvey heard these words from Kirk Douglas, who was presenting the award, his face turned red and his eyes widened.

“Impossible, this is impossible. I had obviously gotten hints from those old guys at that time, and”Chicago” should be the one that won the award!”

In an instant, Harvey completely lost control of his expression, and his angry and shocked face was captured by the live camera.

To be honest, this should have been an Oscar for”Chicago”.

Original time Online,”Chicago” won six awards for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actress, Best Sound, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, and Best Costume Design.

Now, with Martin’s intervention,”Chicago””” only won three awards: Best Supporting Actress, Best Artistic Director, and Best Costume Design.

Only one of them, Best Supporting Actress, is an important award.

But compared with Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Picture, But they pale in comparison.

When Martin deliberately walked past Harvey holding the three statuettes, the guy’s face turned purple. If he couldn’t beat him, he really wanted to beat Martin. The subsequent Oscars That night, Harvey, who was so angry, didn’t attend at all.

Oh, Tomx didn’t attend. (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

His ex-wife showed love to Martin, which made him feel embarrassed!

When Nicole saved him As Martin walked out of the Kodak Theater and prepared to go to the Sunset Tower Hotel for the Oscar night, the two were instantly surrounded by crazy reporters.

“Martin, what is the relationship between you and Nicole?”

“Have you already become a couple?”

“Have you done it?”

“Nicole, why did you choose this night to express your love to Martin? Are you already together?”

“Nicole, aren’t you afraid that such forbidden love will teach children bad things?”

“Nicole, Martin is only sixteen years old. There is such a big age gap between you. Will your relationship be like that of a mother and her child?”

Nicole’s face suddenly darkened!

Martin couldn’t help but burst into laughter, and then Nicole pinched the (soft) flesh on her waist!

Martin quickly stopped his smile and said seriously:”Nicole, no matter what She is still in the state of a young person both mentally and physically. Look, does she look a little old? We are at best a brother-sister relationship. That guy who talks about mother and son, you are going a little too far!”

“So, Martin, you accepted Nicole’s advances?”

“When a beauty like Nicole shows her love to you, who can say no? Tom Cruise?”

Hahaha… a burst of laughter broke out from the crowd[]

“Martin, can you tell us the exact time you and Nicole were together?”1.2″Martin, have you ever done this? Martin pointed his finger at the reporter who asked these two questions and asked:”You were the one who said that Nicole would teach bad children, right?” Without waiting for the other party to answer, he continued:”Aren’t you afraid of teaching bad things to children by asking such a question?” The reporter was speechless for a moment, and then said:”Please answer my question, didn’t you violate the Romeo and Juliet Act?”!”

“Nicole and I are only in a platonic relationship, and we have never done anything, so what kind of law did we violate?”

Martin was panicking seriously, and many reporters actually believed it!

Well, it can only be said that Martin’s acting skills are reliable.

He didn’t even use magic to interfere with these guys.

(Brothers, please protect me, give me comments, flowers, collections, fights) I’ll give you some rewards, thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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