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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 454

On the way back.

Drew said to Martin:”Did you know that Gwyneth got married without notifying us good friends?”

“Oh, with whom? asked Martin

“Chris Martin of Coldplay~”

“Oh, that English singer?”

“Yes, it’s him.”

Then the two chatted about other topics.

“What did Mr. Murdoch talk to you?”

“《Copyright of”American Singer””

“Oh, sold? what price?”

Drew’s eyes lit up. This topic was much more interesting to her than Gwyneth’s marriage.


“ah? oh! Yeah, I got it! Drew exclaimed, but quickly reacted,”There must be some other conditions, right?””

“clever! Martin held the steering wheel with one hand and rubbed Drew’s head with the other,”I want 50% of the advertising share.””

“Oops! Drew was surprised,”Is this true? Mr. Murdoch actually agreed?” If the performance of”The Voice” can be compared with”American Idol”, this will be tens of billions of profits!”

“He agreed!”

Drew felt a little unbelievable for a moment. A tens of billions of business deal was concluded in just one night?

“That’s because we are all the ones who can call the shots!”

Speaking of this, Martin is also a little strange. If Mercado is willing to agree to 50% of the advertising share, why is he unwilling to agree to the gambling agreement? Isn’t this a better choice for him? He can’t figure it out.

On the other side.

Mercado was gently beating his head, feeling secretly annoyed in his heart: Damn it, I am really old, I make decisions too quickly, and I think about the problem a little carelessly… Should I regret it… the next day.

Martin’s team and Murkedo’s team met at Meyers Studios in Los Angeles.

Murkedo did not regret it in the end.

He is already old and there is no need to build an enemy for his children and grandchildren, just a little benefit. , just give in!

And even if he signs a gambling agreement, Martin will definitely strive for up to 50% of the share for himself. It seems that he is very confident in his variety show, and”The Voice of America” ​​should allow him Get the highest share.

At this moment, Murdoch is extremely hoping that the ratings of”The Voice” will explode, not to earn more advertising fees, but to make himself look less stupid.


It’s June.

Martin returned to Los Angeles again.

Because his new movie,”Dance My Life” is about to be released.

June 15th.

Grauman Chinese Theater, 6925 Hollywood Blvd.


“Nicole, look here, look here!”

“Leonardo, who is the girl next to you? Is she your new girlfriend?”

“Lindsay Lohan, are you and Martin together and do you hate Nicole Kidman?”

“Britney Spears, why did you come to Martin’s movie premiere and were you one of his girlfriends?”

Theatre Ballroom.

Martin was chatting with Anne Fletcher.

Anne Fletcher looked a little nervous. This was the first film she directed in her life – she was looking forward to the film being well-received, but she was worried about the film’s box office failure and worried about gains and losses..Martin comforted:”Relax, Annie, this movie will be successful, I promise! You know, I am the magical Martin who never fails!”

Anne Fletcher laughed. The smile of this middle-aged beauty is still charming, just like her performance in the movie”Charming”

“With your guarantee, I feel much more at ease. I almost forgot that this movie is starring Martin, who never fails!”

“That’s right, relax and prepare to enjoy the ecstasy that success brings!”

Martin continued joking.

“Thank you Martin!”Anne Fletcher’s expression became visibly relaxed. She looked at Martin with her brown eyes and also joked:”If only I were ten years younger, I would definitely chase you at that age! Martin laughed,”Thank you for your recognition of my charm. In fact, you are not old now.”

Anne Fletcher also smiled and said:”Then should I also thank you for your recognition of my charm?””


Jessica Elba and Lindsay Lohan walked over holding hands, what were you talking about?

As the heroine of this film, Jessica is also a little nervous, but not as nervous as Anne Fletcher, because she knows that even if she fails, Martin will support her and she will not be unable to find a role. play

“Talking about this movie is going to be a big hit.”

Martin laughed.

“That would be great, it would better do as well as”Mean Girls” at the box office!”

“I will, I will!”

…………(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the entrance of the Huaxia Grand Theater.

A little girl of twelve or thirteen years old was raising her head. From this angle, she could just see the huge poster of Martin and Jessica lovingly embracing each other in the theater lobby.

The little girl has long brown hair, an oval face, and beautiful features. The expression on her face is envious, and she is mumbling something.

“Oh, Martin is so handsome, and Jessica Elba is so lucky to be the heroine of Martin’s movie, and she can also fall in love with Martin in the movie…I heard that they are also a couple in real life, I don’t know if that is true. Really… Martin is a bit of a playboy. He is just sixteen years old and there are so many gossips and rumors about his girlfriend… Oh, if only I grew up a little bit.……”

“Jenny, Jenny, honey, the movie is about to start and we have to get in early!”(Guess who this girl is, hehe?)

A voice came from one side.

The girl came back to her senses and said,”Come on, come on,” and jumped towards the sound.


“Wow! so hot!”

“Oh my God, Martin’s muscles are so beautiful!”

“Oh my god, Martin danced this hip-hop dance so beautifully, it was different from ordinary hip-hop dances.”

The movie has already started. For Martin, this movie is all about being handsome and radiating his charm.

On the big screen, every move and every look in his eyes reveals a word.——””Beautiful”!

If the beauty of”Legolas” is elegant, harmonious and natural, then the beauty of”Taylor” is strength, strength, exuding strong male hormones! The plot of the movie is very simple, it is a slum A story about a young gangster who uses his superb dancing skills to realize his dreams and obtain love.

But handsome men + women; masculine hip-hop + beautiful ballet, director Anne Fletcher blended them together well, bringing a wonderful experience to the audience A visual feast that”extremely showcases the beauty of human action”.

There are no grand special effects, no fierce fights, and no passionate sex scenes, but it still makes the hormones of all the audience soar.

(Brothers, please protect me, comment, flowers, collection, Please give me some rewards, thank you. 口).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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