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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 458

The two of them walked around and arrived at the interview area.

The first question was thrown to Martin

“Martin, what do you think of the negative reviews of your film by critics like David Denbigh and Roger Ebert? Martin glared,”Hey, this is the premiere of”Pirates of the Caribbean.”

Then he smiled and said,”Okay, I can answer this question.” Then he looked solemn and said:”

I know that recently those film critics published their evaluations of”Dance My Life”, and their extreme disdain for the film was revealed between the lines.”

“I still remember Roger Ebert’s words in the article. He said: This is an extremely difficult viewing process. The film is so clumsy that it is unbearable. There are only two or three moments that are interesting.”

“In the eyes of Roger Ebert and others, the storyline of”So You Think You Can Dance” is pale and childish, and the characters’ dialogues are meaningless. He ridiculed the characters in the film for their mixture of British, Brooklyn, and Hip-Hop accents, saying they sounded completely alien. He also said that the dancers in the film looked like a group of street gang members. gangster”

“Roger Ebert also said: If you want to know what this movie is about but don’t want to spend the money, go into the kitchen and have a male choir sing the song of hell and have a kid bang on it. Pots and pans, 703 and then just close your eyes and let your imagination run wild.”

At this point, Martin laughed.

“The following is my response as an ordinary movie actor to great and noble film critics like Roger Ebert.——”

“In the spring of 1977, at a preview screening of an upcoming new science fiction film, critical film critics and many film-making colleagues in the industry labeled the upcoming newborn as stupid and fatal, and directly pronounced the verdict. his death sentence”

“However, in the end, the child who was regarded as certain to die humbly embarked on the road with the cold eyes and ridicule of the media and industry insiders… Today, twenty-six years later, those who ridiculed this child who could not survive may have long been buried, or Never mention this again……”

“And the name of the child who was destined to be short-lived back then was——《Star Wars》!!!”

“I admit that”Dance My Life” is not great or exquisite, and it does have shortcomings. It may not become a masterpiece like”Star Wars” that can leave a legend in the history of movies.”

“However, if you (bafj) really love dance, love life, love love, if you really like wonderful movies, you really just want to find a passionate and cool place to release your passion in this impetuous era. Wildness—then watch”Dance My Life””

“Once, twice, three times……”

“When you watch it carefully once, twice or three times, you will be surprised to find that it is far more exciting than when you first watched it.”

“do you know?”

“There is a type of people in the world who regard themselves as authorities and think that their casual comments can guide the ignorant public at will.”

“There is a kind of person in the world who thinks that his own opinions are the yardstick for measuring everything in the world, even though his thinking has become so rigid that he cannot keep up with the development of the times.

“Is there a kind of person in the world who sits on the throne called opinion leader that was once given to them by the public, looking down at all living beings, but forgetting who lifted their throne to such a high level?”

“What will happen to this kind of person?”

“When they clearly cannot keep up with the times, they still cling to the scepter called authority; when they clearly have separated themselves from the masses, but still look down on them, they will be abandoned and eventually rot in what the masses have given them. On the chair, it becomes a piece of garbage in the era”

“I am here to tell some self-proclaimed great film critics that your viciousness and meanness cannot kill me, it can only make me stronger!”

“And your criticism is just a speck of dust on the hem of”Dance My Life”, it means nothing!”

“Movie fans will vote with their feet, they have voted with their feet, the box office performance of”So You Think You Can Dance” has proven this, and you – you movie critics – have been abandoned by the public!”

Martin’s words were shocking!

He cursed heartily.

Leonardo and Tobey Maguire, who were standing at the door of the theater, were stunned. These two guys took leave to participate in”Pirates of the Caribbean” Premiere.

Tobey Maguire couldn’t help but sigh:”I really admire Martin for daring to say this, but – but isn’t he afraid of retaliation during the awards season? Although these film critics now have less and less influence on the box office, they still have a strong influence on the equally old Oscar judges, and many film critics themselves are one of the judges.”

Leonardo blushed, feeling that Martin had said what he had been harboring in his heart for a long time. He was so happy!

As a”smelly actor” who is often suppressed by film critics, Leonardo has absolutely no regard for these old guys. I have a good impression, but for the sake of the Oscar, he can only bow to these old guys. When others scold him in the newspaper, he has to show that he has”learned”. This feeling is of course uncomfortable.

But let him criticize these film critics, he He didn’t dare.

So he could only say in his heart after Martin finished his retort: ​​”Well done!”

After hearing Tobey Maguire’s words, Leonardo stared and said excitedly:”What is Martin afraid of? He is not only an actor, he is also a capital and a tycoon, and he is also a member of the jury. The youngest judge in history. Just scold him, what can those damn guys do to him!”

Tobey Maguire looked at his indignant friends, couldn’t help but smile, and expressed Leonardo’s heart:”Martin scolded those guys, you must feel very happy, the”Titanic” awards season At that time, I heard you yelling at them at home.”

Leonardo looked around quickly and saw that no one was paying attention to the two of them. His attention was attracted by Martin. Then he said with a guilty conscience:”Oh, I can only vent at home and in front of you friends. How dare you curse in public like Martin? But it sounds really cool, hehe!”


The two laughed at the same time.

In the interview area, Martin finally concluded:”Times have changed. The rise of the Internet has given everyone a channel to speak out. In the past, those who relied on their so-called authority to drive the box office of movies Times have passed, and if those people accept this, they may be able to find a way to survive in other places – such as the Internet, alas, that’s it for now, just take care of yourself!”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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