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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 463

After the video ends.

The lights came back on and there was thunderous applause.

All the creative staff smiled.

This applause is the best expression of the film from the audience.

Afterwards, the main creative staff came on stage for interviews.

Martin is naturally the target of reporters’ attention.

The first question:”Mr. Meyers, your image in this movie is a huge breakthrough compared to your previous roles. What made you make such a change?”

Martin blinked and spoke a little Joke:”They said I can only act handsome and cool, so this time I decided to act ugly.”

The film critics at the scene were embarrassed. Obviously, Martin’s”they” were referring to them!

“Well, this is just a joke, although Mr. Jack Sparrow is weird, selfish, sloppy, and a real villain, he is really not ugly!”

Laughter rang out

“This character is the most charismatic character I’ve ever played. I even think he’s more charismatic than Legolas. Hey girls, don’t jump ahead yet. Hear me out.”

Another burst of laughter

“If you look at it purely from the perspective of handsomeness, Captain Jack is certainly not as good as Legolas, but he embodies the versatility of 423 people.——”

“He is quirky and extremely smart. When everyone is at their wits’ end, he always manages to win unexpectedly. He is sometimes very cunning and will abandon others for some selfish reasons, but at the most critical moment, he is able to win by surprise. He always steps forward without hesitation; he also has a tragic brave spirit, always being abandoned by others, and then facing annihilation alone; he has the nature and habits of a pirate – selfishness, love of money, and addiction to money. Drinking, slovenliness, in addition, he also yearns for love. Maybe you can also see that in the film, he expressed something to Elizabeth several times, which was very vague.……”

“The complexity of this character is far greater than that of Legolas, who only knows how to be cool. He allows me to have more room for my acting skills.”

“Moreover, people always make comedies into retarded and tragedies into classics”

“Coincidentally, the character Captain Jack Sparrow possesses both of these qualities.”

“He is a tragic figure because he is always betrayed after helping others. The pirates want to kill him, the navy wants to kill him, the hateful East India Company wants to kill him, and even the ignorant cannibals want to eat him. Poor Jack, he is always so unlucky.”

“He is also a comic character, because no matter how unlucky or tragic he is, he will use his unique humor to deal with it and successfully get rid of the bad luck – well, temporarily.” laughter

“If you want to say that Captain Jack Sparrow is not as handsome as Legolas, I admit it. If you say that Captain Jack Sparrow is not as cool as Neo, I admit it. If you say that Captain Jack Sparrow is not as passionate as Tyler, I also admit it. , but to say that he is not as charming as them, I will never admit it!”

“This is a guy who makes people happy, a guy who truly loves freedom, a lovable narcissist, a complex…person! All in all, this is the most interesting role I’ve ever played.”

The applause rang out.

The second question was still thrown to Martin.

“Martin, your”So You Think You Can Dance” received constant negative reviews, but performed better at the box office than the acclaimed”The Incredible Hulk.” What do you think of this? Martin smiled and said:”We all know what those negative comments are about. I told you before, I don’t care about those people.””

David Denby in the audience clenched his fists and made a decision.

“And I’m pretty sure those people will still have bad things to say about Pirates of the Caribbean, and of course, they won’t have anything good to say about it, and I still don’t care”

“I just want those people to know that what they criticize can still sell well; what they praise may not necessarily perform well.”

“《”Hulk”, right? I am fighting the Hulk. Let this competition tell everyone – they are nothing!”


The second day.

As expected, most of the major (bafi) newspapers and tabloids had negative comments about the film.

“Poor film, a sea version of”Raiders of the Lost Ark”, Martin’s style and makeup are disgusting……”

“《”Pirates of the Caribbean”, this is a children’s movie dressed up as a pirate. Yes, after watching it, I felt that it was indeed not very attractive.……”

“It’s an inexplicable movie. After watching it, I was completely confused. Yes, when I watched the movie, I was even confused about the main plot – if the army wanted to defeat that ship of skeletons from the beginning, why didn’t they just directly and actively let them go? The blood of the”pirate sons” fell on the gold and turned them back into physical bodies. Wouldn’t this be able to eliminate this group of invincible people?”

“Martin has lost his aura. He can only use exaggerated shapes and movements to highlight himself. The smoky eyes and his swaying posture are indeed eye-catching, but I really don’t see how charming he is.……”

Of course, there are also positive reviews.

For example, Kevin Thomas, who has a close relationship with Martin, commented in the Los Angeles Times:

“The whole movie is full of mysterious and charming black atmosphere – humorous and charming. Martin’s Jack Sparrow is so unique, different from all previous pirate images, and also different from all previous heroic images… He There is a dark side of human nature, and there is also a bright side of human nature, which makes this character more flesh-and-blood and more real.”

“Martin’s slightly exaggerated rococo expression gives Captain Jack Sparrow unparalleled charm; Orlando Bloom’s Will Turner is also remarkable; Keira Knightley, who plays Elizabeth, is a little surprise, this girl Show Elizabeth’s courage to love and hate incisively and vividly”

“There is another protagonist in the film that I like – the Black Pearl – she is not a pirate ship that traverses the endless ocean, but a unique life that sinks and sinks in a curse.”

“All in all, this movie is very interesting, but full of tension. It is not profound, but it is very imaginative… This is indeed an amazing work.”


Negative comments in newspapers have no impact online. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not long after the premiere, positive comments appeared on the Internet

“Great movie, Jack Sparrow made me laugh so hard. I heard Martin has another comedy coming out this year, I’m looking forward to it!”

“I didn’t expect Martin to have such a strong sense of humor. I didn’t expect that Pirates could perform like this. I didn’t expect Disney to be able to make such a great PG-13 movie. It’s worth watching.”

“Jack Sparrow is really charming. Damn it, why did the director let Will Turner and Elizabeth be together instead of Jack Sparrow? The previous hero saving the beauty made me think that these two are a couple.”

“Is it really that great? I must go see it”

“Oh my God, I couldn’t wait any longer. I decided to go to the midnight show right away.”

“Martin never misses, and that’s no bragging.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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