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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 496

“Hello, Mr. Meyers, I’m Chris’ brother, Jonathan Nolan, who’s also a screenwriter. You can call me Jonathan.”

“Hello Jonathan, call me Martin. I have read”Memento” written by you. It is a very good idea, but it is a bit obscure. I watched it three times before I understood it.”

Martin praised me?!

Jonathan Nolan became a little excited and hurriedly said:”That’s because Chris edited it well. In fact, my script is not that difficult to understand.”

I didn’t know for a moment whether he was praising or scolding!

“Hahaha,” Martin laughed,”Chris likes to play with the audience in the film, I can see it.”

This is indeed Christopher Nolan’s bad taste. This is true of”Memento”, and it is also true of subsequent”The Prestige” and”Inception”. The constantly spinning top at the end of the film has caused many people to struggle and argue.

………… mid june

《The crew of”The New Batman” moved to New York.

In a small conference room at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Manhattan, Martin, the Nolan brothers, Ben Affleck, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and other film creators gathered One day, they were watching the TV in front of them attentively.

On TV, former President of the United States Bill Clinton, who had just undergone heart surgery and was still recovering, appeared with full enthusiasm at the Democratic Party campaign rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Clinton smiled and shook hands with some of the voters present. He was full of energy, and it was impossible to tell that he had just had a knife on his heart.

It’s not easy for these”political creatures” either!

Subsequently, he began canvassing votes for the Democratic candidate-John Curry

“You must make a clear choice between two strongmen…whose different policies will have very different results for this city, this state, our country and the world…Sometimes, I have been Called a child recovering from illness…in five months, John John Curry will also make America recover from illness.……”

“On security…Mr. Curry will give us a stronger military, more help, better management of Iraq, more focus on homeland security…a greater, more focused search for weapons of mass destruction Focus on dealing with underground organizations… In five months, John Curry will make America unbeatable……”

“Our friends on the other side say they want a world where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of far-right groups… They only work with who they want, but we can do better… …The Republican camp where George W. Bush belongs is not only trying to scare away those voters who have not yet decided where to vote from John Curry, but they even want to scare away those voters who have already decided to vote from the election ballot box… George W. Bush should learn Reflecting on this, we cannot make the same mistake over and over again… I believe that in five months, George W. Bush will be a former president like me.……”

Later, Clinton also talked about his condition:”I feel very good. My chest will be a little weak in the morning, but it will be better after getting up and doing some activities. Now I just sleep, walk around, read a book, Look at basketball, that’s what I do.”

When asked if she thought John Curry could win, Clinton responded:”I think so, but the support ratings between the two are really tight. Got it”

“I know that I alone cannot change any vote, but I hope that the reasons I give can still influence a few votes.”


After the canvassing was over, candidate John Curry’s speech began to be played on the TV. The main candidate spoke, but everyone didn’t care anymore and started chatting enthusiastically.

I have to say that John Curry’s popularity is indeed not good, far behind Bill Clinton.

Although Zipperton stepped down, he was brought down by his political opponents because of a (sex) scandal, not because he was defeated in the election.

Why did his political opponents attack him?

Isn’t it just because this guy is so popular that he can’t win in a serious election campaign?

Although Zipperton can’t control his lower body, he is one of the most popular presidents in the history of the United States. This guy is very eloquent, has a sense of humor, and most importantly, he is smart – he has a very good memory and often uses a lot of words in his speeches. The data makes competitors speechless, and the public still likes to see this.

For example, now, Katie Holmes said:”Clinton is so handsome. If he runs for president, I will definitely vote for him.”

Ben Affleck said:”Clinton’s spotlight is definitely on John Clinton. Above the protagonist, standing next to Clinton, John Curry has no sense of existence.”

“Of course, that’s a kid you can’t defeat!”Morgan Freeman looked like someone who had come before.

When he first ran for president in 1992, Clinton earned the nickname”The Kid Who Can’t Be Knocked Down” for his perseverance in his political career.

Unfortunately,”The Kid Who Can’t Be Knocked Down””The boy” finally fell under the woman’s”pomegranate skirt”!

“Martin, what do you think?”Nolan asked.

Martin said:”The Democratic Party is not very willing to win this election. Xiaobu left a mess and no one wants to wipe his (butt) for him. That’s why the Democratic Party launched John Curry, who is of average eloquence and average popularity. So far in the campaign, this guy is still lagging behind George W. Bush, whose public opinion has dropped sharply. I don’t think he has much hope.”

“This campaign is a complete competition!”

Compared with the presidential campaign between George W. Bush and John Curry.

Martin is more concerned about Ao Guanhai’s congressional election this year, and he has already had a certain degree of contact with him as an alumnus, although he has not yet been admitted to Harvard Law School. He had taken a class at the college.

Ao Guanhai was very happy with the olive branch extended by Martin, and he even happily accepted the campaign funds funded by Martin. For this famous tycoon who was about to become his disciple, Ao Guanhai was very happy. Want to make friends.

The two have even made an appointment to meet after Harvard Law School starts in September.

The presidential election is a full name carnival day in the United States. This is a super big event that is better than the best popcorn movie. Show, full of entertainment attributes!

The mutual criticism between the two candidates has provided the common people with a lot of talk after dinner.

The American presidential election is a process of exposing each other’s scandals and causing great trouble.

For example, John Curry claimed that Bush is arrogant. He not only wants to be the president of the United States, but also longs to be the king of the United States. The evidence is that Bush often refers to the White House as the president’s palace. 713 He even claimed that Bush is an”ugly androgynous creature, neither a man nor a man.” strength, nor the tenderness and sensitivity of women.”

Xiaobu’s counterattack came quickly.

Three days later, the media revealed that before the election, John Curry had asked a woman to leave the United States for personal reasons.

This”mysterious woman” was Curry’s mistress. Her underground affair with Curry began in the spring of 2001 and lasted for two and a half years.

Due to Curry’s pressure, the woman had to leave the United States before the presidential campaign and went to a country in Africa.

For a time, the United States All major media have listed this”mysterious woman” as the number one”target””

《The Boston Herald column also reproduced the American tabloid National Enquirer’s investigation of Currie

《The National Enquirer reported that Currie admitted that he had smoked marijuana and was also interested in some female Hollywood stars. The report also said that a 22-year-old blond woman was spotted at Currie’s home late at night, while Mrs. Currie was not at home at the time.

Curry then fought back again, saying that the reason why Xiaobian must kill Ben Laden was because they were friends (this is true, Ben Laden also funded Xiaob’s campaign), and before the 9(1)1 incident, Xiaobu had actually known about it for a long time, but he didn’t stop it just to start a war.

Xiaobu satirized Corey as a liar, a sex addict, and had an affair with his subordinate’s wife.

Both sides came and went, and the people enjoyed eating melons.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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