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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 550

Huaxia Grand Theater.

Interview area.

Helen Isabel, who had just chased Tom Cruise and asked a series of explosive questions, suddenly found that the peers around her were looking at her with a little awe.

She asked the photographer George in confusion:”What happened to them?”

George was an honest man and said:”They were frightened by the sharp question you just asked Tom Cruise. After all, that is Tom Cruise, a superstar.”

Helen Isabel curled her lips disdainfully,”Tsk, he is just an old guy who only knows how to be cool on the screen and is about to expire. Am I still afraid that he will suppress me?!”

Helen Isabel’s confidence comes from From Paramount, or from Paramount’s new CEO, Bob Barkis.

As an entertainment reporter for CBS, a subsidiary of Paramount, she has to fight her boss’s boss without hesitation.

Yes, Shirley Lansing was fired from Paramount earlier this year.

After Shirley Lansing left Paramount, Paramount ended the honeymoon period with Tom Cruise and proposed to re-sign the contract with Tom Cruise for the”Mission: Impossible” series.

Of course, Tom Cruise would not agree. How could he let out the meat that has reached his mouth? The two have been at loggerheads recently.

Even Sumner Redstone, president of Viacom, the parent company of Paramount, said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal:

“Due to a series of inappropriate words and actions by three-time Oscar nominee Tom Cruise in public recently, our company’s Paramount Pictures is considering terminating relations with Cruise and Paula Wagner (Cruise’s former agent) 14-year-old partnership between co-owned Cruise Wagner Film Productions”

《The Wall Street Journal quoted Redstone as saying:”Although I still like him personally, the company’s shareholders and I believe that it is wrong to continue to cooperate. Paramount can no longer tolerate his recent behavior.”

As for Sam What are the”outrageous words and deeds of Tom Cruise” mentioned by Nareshidong? It is the”sofa dance” that has been making a lot of noise recently.”、””Cable Climbing” incident.

The so-called”couch dance” incident refers to: When Tom Cruise was interviewed by talk show queen Oprah Winfrey at the beginning of the year, he suddenly jumped on the sofa and danced wildly while making love to Katie Holm. Si showed his love wildly.

When Oprah tried to stop him, he also swore at Oprah.

His strange behavior caused an uproar throughout North America, and many people wondered whether the guy was on drugs.

Others He felt that he was mentally controlled by the Church of Scientology.

But he did not restrain himself.

Two months later, Tom Cruise attended the famous rapper Kanye West’s solo concert in Los Angeles. When he heard Kanye West singing his favorite song, he became almost crazy.

In addition to the excitement, Mkrews also chatted about his belief in Scientology to the people sitting next to him.

Then, He”waddled out of the box” mid-concert and kept complaining,”All these people are driving me crazy, it’s too much.”

After saying this, something even more shocking happened to all the audience.

Tom Cruise actually climbed up along the cables of the venue, and after climbing to a high place, he started waving his Arm.

His move successfully made him the protagonist of the concert, stealing the spotlight from Kanye West.

Afterwards, Kanye West joked:”Tom was just paying tribute to me in his own way, I have to say, Not only did I receive it, I was impressed.”

These two incidents have dealt a huge blow to Tom Cruise’s image – it is widely speculated that he is a drug addict or has mental problems.

Paramount also took this opportunity to put pressure on Tom Cruise, hoping that he could modify his contract.

However, Paramount executives seem to have made a mistake about Tom Cruise’s character.

As Sherry Lansing told the media when she left:”Tom is a stubborn person. He will not bow to pressure. They will not give in to pressure.” It will work.”

Back to the topic.

After Tom Cruise entered, several more stars walked on the red carpet, causing cheers of varying sizes.


Martin arrived with Drew.

The door of the Rolls-Royce was blocked. Pulling away, Martin in a black suit got out of the car, followed by Drew in a red evening gown.

“Martin! Martin……”

“Ah~! Martin, look here!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah! Legolas!”

“Neo, Neo!”

The decibel level on both sides of the red carpet suddenly exploded to the highest peak today.

The fans were shouting hoarse and frantically attacked the human wall of police.

Looking at the crumbling human wall, Martin had to stop and loudly comforted the fans. mood.

His words were very effective, and the movie fans calmed down a little.

The police officers wiped the sweat from their foreheads and looked at Martin with admiration. In the reporter interview area, everyone was also talking about it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novels net!)

“It’s strange, why do these movie fans listen to Martin so much? Even Tom Cruise and Michael Jackson are powerless in the face of these crazy fans.”

“Maybe it’s because Martin is not only an entertainment star!”

“His status as an energy tycoon?”

“I don’t think so. Bill Gates has also been thrown rotten eggs, President Bush’s shoes have been smashed, and even Rockefeller has been thrown vegetables. Once someone gets involved, they don’t care who you are!”

“No matter what the reason is, Martin has the strongest appeal among celebrities I have ever seen.”

“Hey, you think, what would happen if Martin ran for state legislator, or even governor?”

“It’s definitely better than Schwarzenegger. That big guy can succeed, but there’s no way Martin can’t!”

“What if it’s the president?”

“Um, isn’t that a bit too much? Reagan also started as governor”


After appeasing the fans, Martin pulled Drew and continued walking on the red carpet.

I stopped midway and signed autographs for a few (very lucky) movie fans.

After arriving at the interview area, a sharp voice came from the young

“Martin, what do you think about stealing Tom Cruise’s wife? Martin raised his eyebrows and looked towards the questioner. He saw a group of reporters looking at a big”bear” female reporter with shocked eyes. She should have asked the question just now.

Drew on the side frowned. , was about to step forward to speak, but was pulled back by Martin.

Martin stepped forward and said to the female reporter:”Your question insulted three people – me, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, and Nicole The relationship began after she divorced Tom Cruise”

“How do you prove it!”

This female reporter is naturally the Helen Isabel. At this time, she asked relentlessly, just like she just asked Tom Cruise.

(Brothers, please take care of me, give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards) Okay, thank you)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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