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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 623

“I am Iron Man!”

This shot is rated as one of the most classic shots in film history.

This line is also talked about by Marvel fans as the most classic line in”Iron Man”.

But in Martin’s view, this simple line , the reason why Robert Downey Jr. said it with three parts of determination, three parts of pride, three parts of relief, and one part of indifference is because this is the portrayal of his true mood.

What he actually wanted to say is : I am Robert Downey Jr., everyone, come and get to know me again!

Just with this line, Martin felt that this movie belongs to him.


“right here?”

Gordon stopped the car, and Jeff Raymond and Martin got out of the car one after another. Martin looked at the old apartment building in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

“Yes, it’s right here! This guy was bankrupt a long time ago, and a friend lent him this apartment.”Seventy Three” He usually either lives here or goes to live with his father, but he still spends more time here.”

Jeff Raymond sighed and shook his head again, obviously feeling very emotional about what happened to Robert Downey Jr.

“Let’s go up.”Martin said, walking towards the apartment building first.

Robert Downey Jr. lives on the top floor, on the sixth floor.

There is no elevator in this old apartment. The three of them followed the stairs to the top floor, in the empty space between the fifth and sixth floors. , and also met a drunk homeless man lying there.

“Doesn’t this apartment have a caretaker?”

“He is the manager of this apartment, Old Bree!”

Martin was about to knock on the door when the apartment door opened, revealing Robert Downey Jr.’s slightly haggard, but obviously well-groomed face.

He pointed at the drunk man in the corridor and said:”Old Bree is addicted to alcohol. , I often fall drunk on the stairs while patrolling the corridors, just get used to it.

Then he made an invitation gesture,”Mr. Meyers, Mr. Raymond, and this big gentleman, please come in.””

Although he is down and out, Robert Downey Jr. still maintains the fun in his character, and does not look humble when facing Martin.

This is a man with arrogance in his heart!

Martin thought to himself.

Walking into the house, a young woman came from the kitchen Zhong poked his head out,”I’m making coffee, it’ll be ready soon, Robert, please ask the guests to sit down first.”

Facing Martin’s questioning gaze, Robert Downey Jr. smiled sheepishly:”This is my wife, Susan Downey, a producer.”

Susan Downey is Robert Downey Jr.’s second wife. The two have known each other for a long time and have never left each other when Robert Downey Jr. fell into a trough. On

November 5, 2003, Robert Downey Jr. Susan proposed to her the night before her 30th birthday. On

August 27, 2005, Susan and Robert Downey Jr. officially became husband and wife at a Jewish wedding ceremony in Hampton, New York. The three Martins were married to Robert Downey Jr. Downey led him to the sofa and sat down. Martin quickly found a topic to chat about. As the topic deepened, Robert Downey Jr. talked about his prison life without hesitation.

“In court, I was sentenced to a severe sentence by an angry judge. He was so angry that he uttered Latin words. I thought he was casting a spell on me!”

“Two weeks later, I was sent to a temporary holding center called Delano, where they decide which prison to send you to.”

“Suffice it to say, it was the most dangerous place I’ve ever been in my life.”

“Because it is a mixed prison, they do not mark each person’s crime level. No matter you are a 1, 2, 3 or 4 prisoner, they are all mixed together.”

“You can feel the evil vibe in the air! It feels like being in a really bad neighborhood, where there are no opportunities, only threats.”

“So, yes, they will take your wallet, so be careful”

“I remember one time I left my cell to take a shower – which, by the way, would be the best cautionary note – and I had no idea at the time. I was a bit delayed and ended up wearing my underwear inside out… I remember being laughed at loudly by my fellow inmates. At this point ,

Robert Downey Jr. shrugged self-deprecatingly,”I know you want to hear a more exciting story, but there really isn’t one, and I guarded my pi in the shower very vigilantly ( share).”

Like Martin, Robert Downey Jr. is also very good at chatting, especially he likes to laugh at himself, which is very endearing.

I heard him continue:”Later I was transferred to a formal prison, and for the first time I walked into the next year. When I was in a place where I had to stay for many years, the closest description I could think of was that I was sent to a distant planet. There, unless there are nine stars in the sky, you can’t even think about returning to the earth!”

“That was a really dangerous place. I was beaten, forced to starve, laughed at, and almost fucked! Yes, believe me, it’s really close..”

“Later, a powerful guy went to jail. He was actually a fan of mine. From then on, my life became easier.”

“Who is that awesome guy?”Jeff Raymond was a little curious.

Robert Downey Jr. hesitated, and finally shook his head,”Forget it, let’s not say his name, he will never come out in this life anyway!”

Then several people chatted about”Iron Man”》

“To be honest, I still feel like I’m dreaming. Why did you ask me to play this role? You know, I don’t have a good reputation now.”

At this time, Susan Downey came out with a plate. The coffee was fragrant, and the cooking time was so long. It was obviously not ordinary instant coffee.

Robert Downey Jr. smiled and said,”In order to entertain you, Susan went and bought it. High-end coffee beans cost us three days of food expenses.”

Susan Downey smiled and hit her husband’s arm,”What are you talking about?”

“Hahaha, okay, let’s not talk about it, let’s try the coffee, freshly ground and brewed.”Robert Downey Jr. looked at his wife dotingly and laughed.

“Great coffee, first time I had such great coffee!”Martin took a sip and gave a thumbs up.

Susan Downey blushed slightly.

She knew that Martin was just saying polite words. With this person’s wealth, what kind of good coffee has he not drunk!

Martin smiled 0.5 He said to Susan Downey:”Mrs. Downey, don’t think I’m complimenting you. I’m serious, because this cup of coffee contains a wife’s full love for her husband.””

“Hey, I’m still sitting here, don’t even think about teasing my wife! Robert Downey Jr. said jokingly, and then his arm was hit by Susan again.

Robert Downey Jr. picked up the coffee in front of him without taking it seriously, took a sip, showed a contented expression, and said:”This A cup contains a wife’s full love for her husband.”

Jeff Raymond and Gordon both laughed.

Martin also laughed and raised his hands in surrender,”Okay, okay, my fault, it was my slip of the tongue! Robert

Downey Jr. laughed and said seriously:”Mr. Meyers, can you answer the question I just asked?” Why are you looking for me?”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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