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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 728

The ideas Martin gave Ao Guanhai were very useful.

Those two wars were definitely a pain point for the American people.

Hillary suffered a huge defeat and soon announced her withdrawal from intra-party competition and supported Okuanhai instead.

At the same time, the slogan created (plagiarized) by Martin also greatly increased Ao Guanhai’s support among the black community, even reaching a crazy level.

This also made Ao Guanhai pay more attention to Martin’s opinions and would call Martin from time to time.

“Hillary surrendered, and now I have enough party votes to win the presidential nomination. She has also expressed her willingness to be my co-candidate to help me gain popularity. This woman has very high approval ratings in Florida and may be able to get me a lot of votes. Martin frowned slightly.

He had been in contact with Hillary, and she was not the kind of person who gave up easily. Ao Guanhai won a little too smoothly. He always felt that there was a conspiracy in it.

So he asked:”Did she introduce her donors to you?

Ao Guanhai hesitated:”No.””

“In other words, this woman’s donors didn’t come around to support you?”

There was silence on the other side of the phone.

Martin reminded:”Barack, you have to be careful, maybe this woman has other ideas.”

“You mean, she took the initiative not to help me gain popularity, but to gain my popularity?”

“There is a saying in China that you must be on guard against others. Barack, it is a good thing to stay vigilant.”

There was silence again on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Ao Guanhai said:”Thank you for the reminder, Martin.”

“I am at your service, Mr. President.”Martin made a joke.

Ao Guanhai laughed.


A few days later, Martin began canvassing votes for Olympics in California, but in a unique way.

He and Ao Guanhai put on a show.

First, Ao Guanhai solemnly proposed in the media that he hoped Martin could become his image consultant.

“As an American national idol, Martin Meyers’ sexy image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He is synonymous with fashion and charm. Therefore, I very much hope to invite him to be my image consultant and learn from him so that I can improve my body language and public speaking skills. further.”

Immediately afterwards, Martin publicly expressed his willingness to become Mr. Ao Guanhai’s image consultant to build his public image.

Then the media controlled by Martin began to exert its influence.

“It is reported that 22-year-old Martin Meyers has been on the phone with Ao Guanhai from time to time recently, mainly to provide his black friend with advice on image and speaking skills. According to a close friend of Martin Meyers: Martin has always shaped his own image and has been very successful. He is now helping Ao Guanhai create a suitable image at home and abroad.”——《Los Angeles Times》

“Sources in the Democratic Party said that in addition to asking Martin for image skills, Ou Guanhai also discussed foreign policy with him. It is reported that Martin suggested that after Oguanhai takes office, he should adopt a more balanced stance on the policy of relations between the United States and Israel.”——《california daily》

“Martin Meyers has extensive connections in Hollywood. In addition to his own support for Ouguanhai, he has also attracted James Cameron, Steve Spielberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jack Nick to the other party. Wilson, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Jessica Elba and many other celebrity director supporters. These people have huge influence, or Become Ao Guanhai’s campaign support”——《California Press.

Martin’s move immediately gave Ao Guanhai a head start in the election.

His influence can be said to be unparalleled among the younger generation in the United States. After some operations, the support rate of directly attending the Olympic Games increased by 1.02 percentage points.

The Republicans are not standing still.

McCain soon made a surprising move.

Just a week after Martin caused a stir in California, McCain’s long-pending deputy candidate was finally announced.

His wave of hunger marketing can be said to whet the appetite of voters.

At the same time, his choice also surprised many analysts.

This unexpected choice shocked the American political circles.

Sarah Louise Heath Perrin

“Who is Sarah Palin?”

When McCain announced his deputy at the campaign rally, more than 10,000 voters present asked this question.

Because this person had less than two years of experience in power and had never appeared on the list of McCain’s deputy candidates before.

But The reason why McCain finally chose her can be said to be that he specifically targeted Ao Guanhai and”carefully” chose a”female version of Ao Guanhai.”

During the call with Ao Guanhai, Martin said:”It can be said that McCain Kane’s move is a clever move, but also a dangerous move0..”

He analyzed:”First of all, choosing a face that is unfamiliar to voters can attract the attention of voters and the media. Before, McCain has been complaining that the media favors the Democratic Party, but this time McCain announced the choice of a little-known deputy. Choosing several well-known popular candidates has indeed created a sensational effect and achieved the purpose of attracting the attention of the media and voters.”

“Secondly, McCain can bring a new trend to the American political arena with the help of male-female matching, which may break the historical pattern in which both the president and vice-president of the United States are held by men.”

“For example, Barack and Hillary could have formed a dream team – O’Shea, which was indeed sought after by many media and voters at the time. However, in the end, Hillary was eliminated due to her ulterior motives, and this expectation ultimately came to nothing..” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“McCain seemed to find inspiration in it, appreciate the power of male-female cooperation, and also see the vacancy left by the Democratic Party.”

“It is said that McCain only had one phone call with Palin before choosing her. This shows that this was a temporary inspiration, but it was very popular.”

“Third, McCain chose a female version of Ao Guanhai because he wanted to offset your advantage, Barack. This guy makes up for the disadvantages of his age and attracts young voters by matching men and women with fewer men.”

“Palin seems to be 3 years younger than Barack. Both of them can be branded as political novices, young, energetic and far away from the traditional Washington 3.3 political image.”

“Fourth, McCain chose Palin, and he also chose a Republican version of Hillary. Palin’s multiple identities may become a vote-sucking machine for McCain—Palin is not only a capable career woman , and she is also a dedicated mother who cares about her family. Outsiders believe that Palin, a mother of five, will be a vote-sucking machine for women.”

Ao Guanhai actually has some regrets. Before looking for Bendeng as a campaign assistant, Martin actually suggested keeping Hillary. Since the other party’s conspiracy has been foiled, there is no harm in keeping the other party. Unfortunately,

Ao Guanhai has a big heart. It was still not broad enough, so I finally rejected the proposal.

Now that I think about it, Martin still had the foresight.

(Brothers, please take care of me and give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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