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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 734

Palin’s tough remarks aroused strong dissatisfaction from Goose Ross.

The tough leader on the other side of the Pacific fired at the beautiful American politician from a distance:

“Whether this Ms. Palin wants to use Ross as a platform for her to win votes, or she really wants to interfere in Ross’s internal affairs, I think she has chosen the wrong person.”

“We are not afraid of any opponents or enemies, and we do not allow anyone to throw dirty water on Goose and Ross.”

“If America wants to fight, then we will fight”

“This is my promise, and it is also Rose’s promise. Let’s see if the American people want this beautiful war-loving lady and her team to come to power.”

“What I want to make clear is that Elos is not Irak or Afukhan, this is not a quagmire, this is hell!!!”

The tough statement of the leader of Ross has put the McCain camp into an embarrassing situation – on the one hand, the arms dealers really hope that a war will break out. Even if the United States and Ross do not fight in person, at least one will A”proxy war” 03.

On the one hand, the staff of the McCain camp know that it is impossible for the United States to go to war with Russia. If the two superpowers start a war, it will inevitably be a world war.

Not only McCain The Kane camp knows this, and the American people also know this. Moreover, after the two wars of Iraq and Afkhan, the American people realized that their army is not as powerful as they thought. To be honest

, These two wars completely destroyed the United States. Because the Gulf War brought a halo and greatly reduced its international status, it can be said that the gains outweigh the losses. Except for arms dealers and oil companies, no one is happy. Why does

Libya’s Gaddafi dare to show his teeth to the United States now?

He himself His character is one thing, and the two wars that have put the United States into an embarrassing situation are also one thing.

But the good thing is that Palin’s speech really attracted the attention of the media focused on the”eavesdropping door”, and provided a good foundation for McCain has reduced the pressure.

And the fact that these words were spoken by Palin, not McCain, shows that there is still room for change. At the end of June, Martin’s”District 9″ continued to be popular.

And on June 30 On this day, American Broadcasting Corporation aired the fifth episode of Palin’s interview show.

In the interview broadcast that day, Palin told American Broadcasting Corporation’s host, Charles Gibson, that she accepted McCain’s invitation to become his running mate. A challenge, but she believed she was qualified to serve as vice president, so she”didn’t hesitate at all.”

Faced with Gibson’s questions about national security and foreign policy, Palin once again gave a tough answer.

She said that NATO should Accept Georgia and Ukraine.

When Gibson asked whether the United States would go to war with Russia if Georgia joined NATO and Russia attacked Georgia or other NATO members. Palin replied:”Maybe. I mean, if you become a NATO ally, when another country is attacked, by agreement you are supposed to help.

“We will continue to focus on Goose Ross,” she said. It is unacceptable if Russia puts pressure on smaller countries to attack without any reason… We will not repeat the Cold War.”

Washington, Oguan Hai campaign office.

Martin, who has had a little leisure time, is also here.

Watching TV with Oguan Hai, Biden, and their staff.

After hearing Palin’s answer, Oguan Hai laughed, Said:”She changed her story. It seems that Ms. Palin was stabbed in the back by McCain!”

“However, she was smart enough not to completely overturn her previous statement. She only changed the subject of the confrontation with Goose and Ross from the United States to NATO. Martin nodded and said,”This is a smart choice. She is protecting herself, but I think voters may not like it.””

A staff member said:”That’s right, it doesn’t matter whether you are tough or conservative, swinging is a taboo. Voters will think that you have no clear policy agenda at all. It’s a pity that it was Palin who made the mistake, not McCain.”

Martin said:”Palin’s remarks must have been inspired by McCain. Now no one pays attention to the wiretapping scandal. And even if Palin makes a mistake, he still has room for maneuver. After all, he is just a novice.”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As Martin spoke, a furry little head poked out of his satchel, looking around curiously.

“Arthur woke up, wow, I still can’t believe you got a lion.”Ao Guanhai said with a smile.

Martin rubbed Arthur’s little head and said with a smile:”It belongs to the grassland, I just feed it temporarily for a while.”

Arthur squinted his eyes, enjoying Martin’s touch.

At this time, the little lion’s hair had grown out. It was not like its father who had black hair all over its body, but a thin ring around its head. His mane was black, and the rest of his hair was golden brown.

Everyone in the room looked over curiously.


On the second question, the negative impact of Palin’s wavering in her remarks exploded.

Many media outlets and individuals have expressed criticism of his performance in this interview.

For example, the Washington Post commented:”Palin’s remarks completely lacked the diplomatic words used by American officials when talking about relations with Russia, showing that she is a completely immature politician.” Some commentators said:”It seems that she is an immature politician.” The last speech she made was just repeating the tough words used by George W. Bush during his administration, and now she seems to be regretting it, so does she know what she is talking about?” The

McCain camp also took remedial measures.

McCain said in a speech:”The 44-year-old Palin has been the governor of Alaska for less than two years and her diplomatic experience is quite limited – in fact, she just got her first passport last year and went to Kuwait and Germany. Country – 473 – She is indeed a newcomer, please give her a little more patience.”

Palin also said in her subsequent speech:”Yes, I have never met the leaders of other countries, but I don’t think this is Weaknesses, because they are also very unfamiliar with me.”

At the same time, the McCain camp’s counterattack against Ao Guanhai in other aspects is also going on.[]

First, after a writer who supported the Republican Party learned that Oguanhai had a half-brother in Kenya and was”living in poverty,” the Indian-born writer Dinesh D’Souza established a”compassion fund.”

He personally took the lead in donating 1,000 U.S. dollars and called on his readers to donate enthusiastically, because”a few thousand dollars is enough to completely change the fate of this man (Okuan Haima’s younger brother).”

This move was intended to humiliate Ao Guanhai.

At the same time, if Ao Guanhai’s brother really accepted the money, then Ao Guanhai could easily fall into a bribery scandal.

Fortunately, Ao Guanhai was prepared for this and took corresponding measures for all his relatives.

His brother in Kenya did not appreciate D’Souza’s”good deeds.”

Ao Guanhai’s half-brother said that no one has ever contacted the Ao Guanhai family to offer help, and the family does not need help from outsiders.

He believes that D’Souza’s purpose is just to destroy Oguanhai’s image.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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