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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 767

There is also a hint of coolness in Los Angeles in December.

Around New Year’s Day is the coldest time of the year in the greater Los Angeles area.

People began to add jackets to T-shirts, and girls would decorate themselves with beautiful silk scarves, adding more”brightness” to this not-too-cold winter.

As he said, Martin edited very quickly, completing the rough cut in just one week and the final edit in three weeks.

Todd Phillips, who assisted Martin in editing the entire film, was shocked. This was not the”Quick Gunslinger”. This was clearly the”Flash”.

Then came the preview session.

Warner executives, Meyers Pictures executives, and DC executives were all present to watch.

After watching the final cut of the film without the soundtrack, there was silence in the screening room.

After a while, applause broke out.

Warner CEO Alan Horn couldn’t help but loosen his tie, heaved a sigh of relief, applauded, and said to Martin next to him:”I have to say, this movie shocked me.”

“It is indeed shocking. There is no doubt about the artistry of this movie, but… will it be too dark and depressing, and will the audience be able to buy it?”A white-haired old man with eyes came over and looked at Martin with admiration and said.

This old man’s name is”Joe Kubert.”

Everyone knows that Stan Lee is the father of Marvel, but he is not as big as Marvel. In the DC universe, very few people have actually said that”Six Five Three” so-and-so is the father of DC.

In fact, for the DC universe, the so-called”father of DC” also has an existence that is roughly similar to Stan Lee. , it’s just that people don’t market this kind of character.

And”Joe Kubert” is what many DC fans call the”Father of DC”.

In Joe Kubert’s life, just like Marvel’s Stan Lee, He has created many superheroes that everyone is very familiar with, such as the well-known Superman, Batman, Robin, etc.

Compared to Marvel’s Stan Lee, Joe Kubert himself does not like to appear in front of the media and has not participated in In the DC movie series – unlike Stan Lee, who is completely a”hard-hatted sidekick” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, judging from his personal achievements in the field of comics, this man is not inferior to Stan Lee in any way.

In response to the old man’s inquiry, Martin laughed and said:”I’m not worried about this. In fact, although this movie is dark, it is not depressing. If the audience can successfully put themselves into Arthur before the end of the movie, If so, this is actually a great and enjoyable movie!”

“Think about it, everyone, what is the formula for a superhero blockbuster? Weak – strong – spiritual sublimation – become a hero. So the last two points of anti-hero films are their opposites: weak – strong – corrupted in thought – becoming a villain, but most of the villains encounter negative things in their growth process, and we usually I like to call these things art.”

Martin’s words made both Alan Horn and Joe Kubert look thoughtful.

After a moment, Joe Kubert laughed,”I see, you bad boy, you played a nice little trick.. Alan

Horn shook his head and said secretly:”What a smart guy. He put the core of business into the outer shell of art, and concealed it so naturally and so well. If he didn’t say it himself, I’m afraid no one could.” Thinking of”Joker”, which interprets darkness to the extreme, it turned out to be a commercial blockbuster! This brain, tsk tsk tsk, if only my stupid little son was as smart as him.”

Alan Horne’s youngest son is a famous Hollywood playboy


After the editing was completed, all that was left was to add special effects, music, subtitles and other work. With the assistance of the team, Martin did not need to do it himself, so he had more free time.

He spent most of his free time preparing for”Inception” and also took time to attend the”Golden Globe” award ceremony.

The Golden Globe Awards has nothing to do with football. Its full name is the North American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards.

Unlike the Academy Awards, this event is organized by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and has virtually nothing to do with the film academy.

The Golden Globe Awards have been held annually since 1944. The results of various awards are determined by the votes of 96 journalists (about two-thirds of which are part-time).

Because it is held one month before the Oscar voting day, many people consider it to be the Oscars’ precursor award.

Of course, in fact, the two are not the same thing at all.

Although the dog author has not written before, Martin has actually been favored by the Golden Globe Awards since his debut.

Unlike the Oscars, which pay more attention to so-called artistry, the Golden Globes are willing to compromise with business. Martin, a weirdo who can combine business and art very well in most of his works, is naturally the darling of the Golden Globes.

At this year’s Golden Globe Awards,”Slumdog Millionaire” invested by Meyers Films won the”Best Drama Film””、”best director”、”Best Screenplay”、”She became the biggest winner with four awards for”Best Score”.

The biggest personal winner was Martin’s old lover-Kate Winslet.

The British Rose won the 2016 Oscar for her wonderful performances in”Revolutionary Road” and”Life and Death” respectively. She won the”Best Actress” award in the movie drama category and the”Best Supporting Actress” award in the movie category.

Steven Spielberg won the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Golden Globe Awards. The old man made an emotional speech on the stage. speech, explaining to the actors in the audience what acting is.

At the dinner party after the Golden Globe Awards, Kate Winslet found Martin

“Are you free to chat?”

“Okay, let’s go over there.”

Martin pointed to the rest area nearby.

“how are things?”

“It’s great. I’m still having fun and drinking as usual. I also participated in a campaign for the leadership, and also made a few movies. My life is very fulfilling.”

Kate Winslet smiled

“Still don’t want to get married?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Kate, you know, I have too many women, no matter who I marry, it will be unfair to others.”

“Geez, you and Leon are both bastards, but your mouth is much better than Leon – you can talk about lust in such a responsible way, I think you should choose to join politics, you have great potential”

“Well, I did consider it. Martin smiled and nodded, not at all angry at the other party’s joke,”So, how are you now? I heard that you gave birth to a son.” Kate

Winslet was silent for a moment before nodding:”Yes, I have a son.” However, I have been having a very bad time recently. Sam and I are separated and planning to divorce. Martin

‘s eyes widened.

Kate Winslet chuckled,”You don’t have to be so afraid, I won’t pester you.””

Martin was stunned. Am I afraid? Am I surprised? Forget it, whatever the beauty says is whatever it is!

At this time, Kate Winslet changed the topic again,”When I need comfort now, you have something to say tonight. Time?”

There must be time for this

“Of course, I am yours tonight!”

Kate Winslet smiled again


《wall street journal》:”Palin, a vase, a scourge or a multi-faceted beauty?

Palin has outstanding appearance. She won the”Miss Wasilla” crown in the 1982 beauty pageant in the town of Wasilla. Two years later, at the age of 20, Palin represented her hometown of Wasilla in the”Miss Alaska” In the beauty pageant, although she did not win the title of”Beauty Queen” again, she still won the”Miss Most Relatable” award.

After McCain announced Palin as his running mate,”Palin fever” quickly heated up. Her outfit and rimless glasses were called fashion trends, and a wallpaper company even launched a life-size”Palin wallpaper””..[]

The Republican Party hopes to rely on Palin to attract female votes, but netizens have begun to make a fuss about her appearance and beauty pageant experience. Some netizens claimed that her”(nude) photos” were posted on the Internet. At the same time, a bikini photo of Palin participating in the”Miss Alaska” beauty pageant and a sexy photo in a miniskirt were also exposed. However, the Palin campaign issued a stern statement claiming that these so-called”(nude) photos” were purely fake.

As unfavorable rumors against Palin spread, Palin decided to”preemptively strike” by revealing that her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant out of wedlock. Unexpectedly, the news shocked the Republican Party. The Republican Party has begun to question whether the female governor can really balance her family and public duties. At the same time, they are also exploring whether McCain’s process of selecting his deputy was too hasty and did not think clearly about Palin’s personal problems, which may also become a big risk for the Republican Party. Is Palin a flashy”vase”?

Just like every celebrity cannot escape the chaos of the entertainment industry, Palin also began to fall into the confusion of scandals since she announced her candidacy. The Republican Election Office released Palin’s financial status information on October 3, showing that Palin has assets of more than $1 million. Her image as an”ordinary working class American” was immediately questioned.

Later, the media exposed Palin’s abuse of power case. When Palin was the governor of Alaska, she allowed her husband, Todd, to use the power and resources of the Alaska governor’s office to put pressure on officials in relevant departments, trying to get Public Safety Commissioner Mulligan to fire Palin’s former brother-in-law, Wooten, from his position as a state trooper. Divorce her sister in revenge for brother-in-law. But because Morrigan refused to comply with her orders, she was removed from office by Palin. Palin will be questioned by an investigation on this matter in the near future.

One after another, it was revealed that Palin used public funds to pay for her daughter’s transportation and hotel expenses when she was the governor of Alaska. Some media said that since Palin took office in December 2006, her three daughters have spent a total of 21,000 US dollars on 64 one-way and 12 round-trip air tickets.

Palin’s daughter was not invited to attend many events, but Palin later revised her expense report to claim that her daughter participated in official activities. Palin’s continuous negative news has affected McCain’s election to a certain extent.

Although the outside world continues to criticize Palin, she still receives a lot of praise for every public appearance and speech she makes. Especially on 2.1, the highly anticipated vice presidential candidate debate between Palin and Biden became an unforgettable debate. The media commented that Palin’s performance greatly exceeded expectations. Even some critics commented that she was smooth-talking, approachable, and pleasing to the eyes and ears. Palin has repeatedly used market slang to get closer to the ordinary people, and her increased stability has given the Republican camp a glimmer of hope.

Although many outsiders still criticized her lack of experience in politics, Republicans disagreed. There were media reports a few days ago that conservative members of the Republican Party are eagerly considering the possibility of nominating her to compete for president after the 4th. They believed that on a political level, a few weeks was a long time, and if it took four years to train her, it would be equivalent to several lifetimes for an ordinary person.

The election year in the United States may be the most unusual year in Palin’s life. We will wait and see what her future”acting career” will be like.”

《Los Angeles Entertainment News》:”Yesterday, at the dinner party after the Golden Globe Awards, Martin and Kate Winslet had a good chat, and then left together. Unfortunately, our reporters were unable to track their destination.……”

《washington daily》:”The voting results are about to be released, and the biggest suspense is about to be revealed – who will the people choose to become the leader of this country?……”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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