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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 780

Unemployed workers in the United States, who were forced to make a living, started the road to aid Africa.

They have no choice. If they don’t have to, who would want to go to Guinea, a place where birds don’t shit?

But without work, they are likely to become homeless, which is much scarier than going to Guinea.

Some”special groups” in China who advocate the”romantic” life of American homeless people without any restrictions may not know, or pretend not to know, why some of the homeless people in America maintain their most basic survival needs?

Let me tell you a number. There are as many as 12,000 homeless people missing in the United States every year. Some of these homeless people are not known to have died in that corner, while others are lying on the cold steel surgical bed and using their own fresh blood. Organs to extend the life of a rich man.

That’s right, the homeless population in the United States is the cattle and sheep raised by the rich—specialized to provide them with the blood and organs they need, or to meet the perverted needs of some rich people.

At the same time, they are also human experiment tools in some laboratories, used to test drugs, viruses, weapons, etc.

After all, no one cares about their disappearance or death.

But after arriving in Guinea.

These American workers discovered that although this country is poor, its basic living facilities are very complete, including water, electricity, and natural gas. Moreover, food and housing are cheap, and the cost of living is extremely low.

Best of all, there are opportunities everywhere.

Factories are rising rapidly in this ancient land, recruiting people everywhere.

There is work here and there is bread.

Even in terms of education, it is not lagging behind. Many teachers in the school are hired with high salaries from Europe, the United States, and China.

Well, at least it’s not lagging behind America’s”happy education”.

Of course, it cannot be compared with”elite education”, but how many working-class families can afford the cost of”elite education”.

As a result, some workers even thought of bringing their families over.

Many workers also began to write letters to their former colleagues, telling these stubborn donkeys to stop being stubborn and come to Guinea, where there is bread, milk and jobs.

And our Mr. Ao Guanhai was well received among the workers because of this proposal, which was originally a favor to Martin.

It’s an unexpected surprise!


On the last day of March,”Inception” finally finished filming.

Martin gave himself a break before the upcoming editing work.

On the way back from the studio to the Beverly Hills estate, Martin was making overseas phone calls to beautiful Australian girls.

In fact, Martin’s phone has not been disconnected since he left Australia.

The succubus, who has a hard time having heirs, values ​​the continuation of his bloodline far more than humans do.

Martin was talking on the phone and driving his car.

In front of his car is a truck transporting live pigs.

In the bed of the truck, there were”Brothers from the Second Division (bfbc)” who were locked in iron cages. They kept making groaning sounds. I don’t know if they had a premonition of their own fate.

Although people always use the expression”stupid like a pig” to describe a person as stupid, pigs are actually very smart creatures, with much higher intelligence than cats and dogs.

No, the second brother in the cage was struggling persistently for his own fate, using his long nose to press the latch of the iron cage again and again.

Through sustained effort, it succeeded.

The latch is pushed open.

The fat and strong pig pushed open the door of the cage, jumped out of the car, and rushed towards Martin’s car.

“Hoo Neshet!”

Martin braked and stopped the car.

The pig quickly changed direction and ran towards the wild fields beside the road.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”Nicole Kidman on the other end of the phone also heard the harsh brakes coming from here and shouted worriedly.

“It’s okay, dear, you may not know what just happened. A pig hit my car. Okay, no more chatting, I’ll go down and take a look”

“A pig? Where did the pigs come from on the road? There are wild pigs in Los Angeles now?”

Nicole Kidman was confused.

Martin hung up the phone and got out of the car.

The truck driver in front obviously also noticed that his”cargo” jumped out of the car and ran away. He also stopped the car and jumped out of the cab. , and quickly chased the pig running desperately, still shouting:

“Damn it, stop it, come back, Farke, don’t run, stop it!”

The other party screamed loudly while chasing the pig.

Martin laughed and bent over. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the truck driver passed by this guy who was not too big a deal to watch the fun, he couldn’t help but stare. She glanced at him and said,”Sir, since you’ve parked the car, can’t you help me?””

The tone was a bit coquettish.

Yes, our truck driver is a woman, and a beautiful woman.

And Martin found that he actually knew this person. Of course, it still came from the memory of Huaxia Martin.

Lauren Findley, the future American bodybuilding goddess and King Kong Barbie.

But now this girl is still a little chubby girl, and has not yet awakened to fitness awareness.

However, she is fat, and her face already has the prototype of the future goddess, and her facial features Beautiful, but most of her beauty is covered up by flesh, especially on the sides of her cheeks, which are plump. When she runs, these two lumps of flesh are still trembling!

Lauren Findlay, born In 1991, her parents were farmers. She was the only child in the family. In her youth, she often drove a truck to deliver goods to the family… This is the information about Lauren Findley that China Martin found from Wikipedia. As for this guy The reason why I pay attention to Lauren Findley is because I saw a fitness video on Youtuoluo in 2013. In the video, Lauren Findlay is wearing a fitness elastic outfit and”abusing” her muscles in the gym. Then The picture, the perspective, don’t be too sexy.

In fact, Lauren Findlay was not interested in fitness before the age of 22. During high school, although she sometimes went to the gym, she mostly regarded it as a place for recreation, and sometimes she just Run or walk on the treadmill.

And she never cared about her physical health during this time.

Until the age of 22, Lauren Findley, who often ate junk food as her main diet, began to feel dissatisfied with her body. Especially after confessing her love once, she was ridiculed as a”pig girl”, and her awareness of fitness finally awakened.

At that time, Lauren Findlay had just graduated from college. Because her family was well off, she did not need to rush to find a job, so While paying attention to content about fitness on the Internet, she slowly began to try to polish her body.

It must be said that this girl’s self-control is very remarkable. She successfully restrained her desire for junk food and turned boring into She persisted in her fitness training.

Two years later, when she appeared next to the man who had ridiculed her again, she had become a”pig girl” and a”goddess””[]

Of course, Lauren Findley wasn’t there to get back, she just wanted to see the man’s regretful and disbelieving expression!

This is simply a real-life version of”a sparrow turns into a phoenix””,”Cinderella becomes princess”,”Yesterday you ignored me, today I will make you unable to reach your heights.”

With long-term fitness, Lauren Findlay has fallen in love with the feeling of sweating, and is no longer angry at the beginning.

In In 2015, at the age of 24, she participated in the first competition in her life, the NPC Gold Medal Classic Championship.

Although she did not win in this competition, she also gained a lot of experience in this competition, which also It inspired her to take home her first trophy.

Fast forward to the second year, and Lauren was making rapid progress. Not only did she have a deeper understanding of training and nutrition, but her physique was even better than before. Soon after ,

Lauren, who was well prepared, participated in the 2016 NPC New Jersey State Bodybuilding Championships, and she finally won the championship as she wished, realizing her dream of winning her first bodybuilding competition.

(PS: Want to see pictures You can find the brothers in”Related Works”, the last one is this.)

And now, Pig Girl is still Pig Girl, panting and chasing the escaped fat pig.

(Brothers, please protect me, comment, flowers, collection, Please give me some rewards, thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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