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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 786

The scene changes.

Arthur, wearing clown makeup, was juggling on the street while holding a billboard.

This is part of his daily routine.

Suddenly, a group of young gangsters snatched the billboard from his hand. Arthur chased after him desperately. When he chased him into an uninhabited alley, he was beaten up by these arrogant gangsters..

The thin Arthur had no power to fight back and could only roll on the ground while letting out a crazy and harsh laugh.

Arthur would laugh maniacally whenever he was embarrassed or sad – this was his mental illness.

But Arthur’s laughter apparently mistook the gangsters for provocation, so they beat him harder.

After a while, the gangsters left, and the camera stayed on Arthur lying on the ground and extended back.

The bright red lips, pale face, green wig, bright yellow vest, and bright red decorative flowers on his chest made Arthur look so bright.

But Arthur, who is so bright, is lying in a dark alley, surrounded by garbage in black garbage bags on both sides. The walls are covered with graffiti, coupled with the turquoise filter effect specially applied by Martin, And the deliberately lowered camera angle makes everything seem so contradictory and depressing.

There were also torn pieces of bright yellow billboards on the ground in front of Arthur who was lying down, which also made the audience feel so dazzling.

Kevin Thomas was attracted by this shot and wrote in his notebook,”The clever camera movement and sharp color contrast show that in the cold and depressing background, no matter how vivid people are, they can only become incomparable in the end.” Depressed! This scene not only indicates Arthur’s future, but also indicates that Gotham City has fallen into a huge crisis!”

Because of the loss of the billboard, Arthur not only lost his salary, but also had to compensate his boss for the cost of the billboard. , and the job is likely to be lost as well.

Arthur didn’t know what his fate would be.

He walked lonely on the desolate street. There were piles of garbage that no one had cleaned up everywhere along the road, as well as hurried pedestrians of all kinds. The filter was still green, and only Arthur was the bright color. This was actually Let the audience feel Arthur’s loneliness even more.

The scene changed and Arthur came to the government-appointed psychological counselor.

After Arthur sat down, he laughed for a long time before he could control himself. Apparently, his uncontrollable intermittent laughter and mental illness had relapsed.

Attentive viewers can see that when he was laughing here, he was not as crazy as when he was beaten by gangsters before. There was a helplessness and bitterness in his smile.

Perhaps this was because he believed that the psychological counselor in front of him could help him, so he showed his truest emotions in front of him.

But – as usual, without any real concern, the black female psychological counselor just asked a few questions in a routine manner and wrote whatever she wanted in her notebook.

It seemed that she was recording her observations of Arthur’s condition, but when the camera zoomed in on the contents of the notebook, the audience discovered that she was just doodling at random.

Then, the camera follows the perspective of the black female psychological counselor and looks around the entire room.

The room was filled with case files, indicating that there were many patients coming for psychological counseling, and they finally settled on Arthur.

Arthur’s expression was actually pious.

Perhaps, he has regarded the person in front of him as his only hope.

Facing the expressionless questions from the psychological counselor, Arthur answered them one by one.

The psychological counselor took the joke booklet created by Arthur and casually opened the first page, which read in thick black font:”I just hope that my death will be more valuable than my life!” The handwriting was very The depth shows that Arthur worked very hard when he wrote this sentence.

James Bullen, who was sitting next to Kevin Thomas, wrote in his notebook:”Details, details are everywhere in the film!”

And because of this sentence, the audience at the scene was inspired by Arthur’s series of tragic experiences. Emotions, full of depression and sympathy for Arthur.

But even so, the psychological counselor on the screen remained indifferent. Instead, when handing the notebook back to Arthur, he asked:”Do you know why you ended up in a mental hospital?”

This sentence is like a slap in the face. He gave you a big mouth and asked you, do you know where you went wrong?

The audience, who were already slightly sympathetic to Arthur, were angry.

Daniel White clearly heard his roommate next to him, who was originally hesitant about the movie, gritting his teeth and saying,”You can’t do this!”

But he didn’t say anything to his roommate. He was equally angry – for Arthur , for indifference!!!

What did Arthur do wrong? Why do you do this to him? Maybe he just can’t stay aloof like most people!

Countless viewers lamented in their hearts for Arthur!

The scene switches again, suddenly flashing to Arthur’s time in a mental hospital.

Interestingly, Martin used a cold turquoise tone throughout the film, but he did not use it when filming the mental hospital sequence. Instead, he brightened the color saturation, making the room in the mental hospital appear brighter and more lively, contrasting with the coldness. The bleak street and the dark and depressing psychological counselor’s room formed a sharp contrast.

“Clocks, both clocks are the same, even the time is the same, it’s all details.”

Kevin Thomas heard his friends beside him muttering to themselves.

He also noticed that the clock hanging on the wall of the room in the mental hospital was exactly the same as the one in the psychological counselor’s room. Even the time pointed by the clock hands was the same. Same – 11:11

Kevin Thomas wrote in his notebook:”This is a hint to the audience that the outside world is crazy, but the mental hospital seems normal.”

His friend James Blum wrote in the notebook:”This comparison obviously makes it unclear where the real mental hospital is, and it also implies to the audience that Arthur’s destination is in the mental hospital.”

After the psychological consultation, Arthur took a bus on the way home.

On the bus, the little black boy sitting in front of him kept staring at Arthur, who was in a depressed mood, so he kept remembering his mother’s words—— Arthur, who brought happiness to others, began to make funny faces at the little black boy, making him laugh.

This was originally a gesture of kindness, but in the eyes of the indifferent mother, it was harassment.

“Please don’t harass my children!”

The little black boy’s mother hugged the child and reprimanded Arthur loudly.

When the little boy turned around and stopped looking at Arthur at the mother’s instruction, Arthur’s mood became visibly depressed, and The audience also felt aggrieved for him.

At this time, Arthur couldn’t help laughing loudly.

Under the disgusted eyes of the black mother, Arthur immediately handed over a small white card that was sealed in plastic. The card said :”His laughter was not malicious, it was a mental illness that he had no control over. Thank you. Please return the card after reading it.”

The slightly yellowed card is full of marks, which means that the disease has been around for many years. On the other hand, specially printing this card also indirectly shows that Arthur knows that it will affect others, and at the same time he is willing to reduce the impact on others. To the lowest.

Seeing this, the audience has begun to feel heartbroken for Arthur’s kindness.

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Sir).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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