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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 796

“《”Joker” is definitely the most ambitious work in Martin’s directorial career. It is not only a movie, but also a dark epic. The film has exceeded the scope of a comic book movie in terms of script writing, actor performance, director expression and core concepts.

It should belong to the Oscars, but it is more than just an Oscar. It is more like a social warning, deconstructing a large number of North American social problems.

What deeply affected the author was the scene when Arthur went to Wayne Manor. A hollow iron door separated the street, as if two worlds were separated. Martin used an extremely symmetrical lens to reflect this.

Inside the iron gate, there are rich mansions and luxurious food and clothing; outside the iron gate, there are shabby streets and unemployed people.

The metaphorical meaning of this shot is self-evident.

And in the same shot, there is a scene of the Wayne family in the theater.

Inside the theater, there was a lively atmosphere, with famous families gathered together, and the interesting programs made everyone laugh; outside the theater, the atmosphere was grim, with poor ghosts and poor people wandering around, and people at the bottom who could not survive demonstrated in protest.

Iron gate, theater. One siege after another!

In such a chaotic society, who can not be crazy?!

Arthur is a normal human being. What makes him a monster?

It’s Gotham, it’s high society, it’s those in power.

So, Arthur went crazy, but he also became normal.

At the beginning of a new day, he stopped being depressed and started laughing and dancing crazily. He didn’t want to let down his life anymore.

All the emotions, all of them, were wandering in the shrill laughter and the graceful dancing.

When Arthur stood on the roof of the car, stomping and dancing like crazy, Arthur disappeared and the clown appeared!

Gotham’s upper class has created a madman, and this madman’s innate mission is to destroy Gotham’s upper class.

The above is my analysis of the plot, let’s talk about Martin’s performance.

Martin Meyers’ crazy performance is definitely an important driving force in pushing this film into a classic in film history.

Yes, I used the word crazy because I think it expresses what I mean better than stunning or masterful.

I don’t know how Martin managed to become an empathetic character and express Arthur’s loneliness, sadness, and misery in the first half of the film so vividly, the pain and anger that had nowhere to vent, and the madness caused by various reasons. The longing and fantasy for dreams, love and normal life revealed in the gaps are all performed vividly by him, which can even be called shocking.

As the story progresses step by step, and Arthur gradually turns into a clown, Martin Meyers interprets the clown’s unique madness, the twisted evil charm, and the charm that may only belong to this clown. The character’s unique handsomeness, elegance and comedy.

In the film, Arthur can’t help but laugh wildly due to his mental illness, and he often laughs inappropriately – when he is misunderstood, when he is in danger, when he is extremely sad… The author personally believes that this is Martin’s performance. The most difficult part was even more than the physical performance in the locker room.

But when we see the maniacal laughter on his face, we can also feel his fear and sadness in his eyes. From his body movements, we can see that he strongly wants to stop, but he can’t. And can’t do it.

Arthur’s smile is more like crying than laughing. Crying with a smile is the highest state of sadness, right?

Anyway, I have never seen that kind of helplessness and sadness in my twenty years of movie watching experience. I was empathized with it – my heart was depressed and my whole body was trembling.

At that moment, there was only the word crazy in my heart, because only a madman can perform this kind of madness, but Martin is not a madman, so this is even crazier, isn’t it?”

This is Kevin Thomas’s review of”Joker”. It is very long and very sincere.

So, he is Martin’s number one”licker”,

Chris Pratt and Daniel Kaluuya have to step aside..

And that’s just part of the accolades that Joker has received.

Beginning Friday morning, premieres》,《Los Angeles Entertainment News》,《Hollywood Information Station》,《Film and entertainment magazines such as Entertainment Weekly gave”Joker” unanimous praise!

And Kevin Thomas’ good friend James Buren also gave”Joker” great praise in the”California Film News”

“《”Joker” is not a horror movie, but it made me experience the ultimate fear because it was too real.

The economic crisis, the unemployment wave, the collapse of the welfare system… all of these are so familiar, as if what I am watching is not a movie, but our social news.

Therefore, in a series of bad encounters that happen almost every moment in our society, we begin to empathize and feel for the subtle psychological changes of the characters. When the characters go to extremes as the plot develops, we think it is logical and logical. Couldn’t be more appropriate.

And my sense of terror stems from this – it turns out that we can be so close to sin and the abyss of extreme evil. All it takes is one bad day to turn the most rational person into a lunatic.

What Arthur experienced:

1. Encountered bullying at work and in life.

2. Betrayed and deceived by friends.

3. Unemployment and loss of meager source of income.

4. Kill someone accidentally.

5. The government’s psychological counseling center closed down, depriving people of the mental assistance they had always received.

6. The police came to the door, and my mother suffered a stroke and was hospitalized.

7. The father is fake.

8. The mother is delusional. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

9. Your favorite idol makes fun of yourself.

10. My girlfriend who has always supported me is a figment of my imagination.

What Arthur experienced is also what we may experience in reality, but it is difficult for us to experience all the hardships that Arthur experienced at the same time and one after another.

These ten consecutive blows caused the firewall guarding Arthur’s spiritual bottom line to be suddenly defeated.

When there really comes a time when all the spiritual pillars of your life are knocked down at the same time, can you really be sure that you will not collapse or go crazy?

So, Arthur is crazy.

What Arthur, and indeed everyone, did not expect was that the crazy man would be supported and have followers.

When the rioters robbed Arthur from the police car, they surrounded him and regarded him as their leader and god.

Even many of the Joker’s followers don’t know Arthur, but that doesn’t matter. The important thing is that they need a belief.

At this moment, on the stage of the smashed police car, Arthur is faith.

He is the center of attention, he is supreme, and his believers worship him, shout for him, and cheer for him from the bottom of their hearts.

His every move and his deformed, weird and extremely funny dance attracted crazy cheers and imitations from his followers.

He suddenly realized that he had always wanted to have a stage of his own, and this might be the stage arranged for him by fate.

So Arthur decided to throw everything away, decided to embrace his bad, tragic fate, and completely integrated with his fate. He shed black tears and used his own blood to draw a bright upward smile on his face.[]

At this moment, the clown became Arthur, Arthur became the clown, and the King of Chaos was born!”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Zhang).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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