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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 912

“Wow, I get to play the heroine, this evil badass woman.

After reading the script, Scarlett excitedly wrapped herself around Martin. Well, it was”wrapped” in the literal sense.

Her arms were around Martin’s neck, her legs were (clamped) on Martin’s side waist, and she was Threatened Martin that she would not come down until she was allowed to play the heroine.

Martin shook, and Scarlett also shook, but they still clung to Martin like a hozen.

“I won’t come down until you agree to let me play this ‘Ruth’’”

“This is a villain”

“I do not care”

“There’s also an intimate scene”

“Can find a substitute”

“Okay, okay, you acting geek, I agree, come down”

“real? No regrets allowed?”

“Really, I will never regret it!”

“Oh yeah!!! Scarlett excitedly jumped off Martin and ran back to her room with the script, preparing to study the character tonight.

Scarlett doesn’t have to worry about money and life in this life. , unlike the original timeline, the acting career has become more and more commercial.

“What script made Scarlett so excited?”

Nicole, who has been focusing on raising her baby at home recently, feels that she is a little out of touch with society. She doesn’t even know what Scarlett and Martin were arguing about just now?

“A new script I wrote, a horror film with a bit of suspense”

“Really? This reminds me of the movie”Island” we worked on back then.》”

Nicole smiled, with a blush on her fair face. She didn’t know what she thought.

Martin smiled evilly and leaned forward, putting his dishonest hand into Nicole’s clothes.

“Nonsense, Connor is still here”

“Come on, what can a little kid understand?”

When Martin turned his head, he saw his son’s big blue eyes, staring intently at his hand.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Martin took out his hand, glared at his son fiercely, and then said domineeringly to Ni. Ke said:”You sleep with me tonight, and Connor will be left to Bi You to watch. After saying that , she snorted at her son again.

Nicole chuckled and hit Martin on the back,”Why are you acting like a child and competing with your own son?””


It was after Martin’s new project”Escape” was established.

In addition to the male and female protagonists who have been determined, other supporting roles have also been robbed.

In particular, the role of the black maid, who had a small but outstanding role, caused quite a stir among the black actress community.

Halle Berry, Zoe Saldana, Tyra Banks and other black female stars have all asked their agents to express their willingness to participate.

Will Smith’s loud-mouthed wife also asked her husband to speak well of her in front of Martin.

But if she heard what her husband said to Martin, she would probably go crazy

“Martin, you don’t have to consider me, everything is based on the role. If Jada is suitable, then please choose her for my sake; if she is not suitable, then don’t worry about my ideas and follow your own wishes. , to be honest, I have also seen the script of your new project, and I think Jada’s acting skills may not be up to that level.……”

Will Smith told the truth that his wife’s acting skills were just like that. He felt that his wife would never be able to perform the weird smile that the black maid showed from time to time in the script.

Will Smith’s words are very beautiful. He neither embarrasses Martin nor himself. He just can’t let Jada know, otherwise this woman may make trouble again.

“Martin, please don’t let Jada know what I just said. I get a headache when she makes a fuss. Martin laughed. Will had to bear the consequences of marrying such a wife, and he had created a persona for himself as a”lovely and good man”. It would not be easy for him to get divorced.

So, the persona thing , it is a boost when a star has not yet made a fortune in the early stage. When a star achieves success, he is watched by countless pairs of eyes, and it becomes a constraint!

So Martin has never thought about creating a personality for himself, and he can do whatever he wants.

Warner Headquarters.

A meeting is going on.

Participants are discussing an issue about DC’s life and death crisis.

Yes, DC Films has encountered a”crisis” again.

Since the”Dark Batman” series collaborated by Martin and Nolan exploded Later, DC and Warner filmed”The Shining” during this period.》、《warder》、《superman returns》、《Green Lantern》、《Superman: Man of Steel” and several other superhero movies.

But the box office was not ideal, and it was completely outclassed by Marvel next door.

“I think the gap between us and Marvel is ‘Martin’. Marvel has actually encountered Waterloo, but every time it was Martin who saved their superheroes.”Iron Man 1″ and”The Avengers” can be said to be the best. The two most important nodes of Marvel movies……”

“I think our original choice was wrong. Zack Snyder is not Martin. He may be a good director, but he definitely doesn’t have Martin’s magical ability to always make movies attractive.……”

“I think we must involve Martin in our follow-up plan. He is the guarantee of success…. ”

A Warner executive talks about it

“However, once Martin participates, he will inevitably ask for investment. He is too greedy.” One executive disagreed.

“What does it matter if Martin is involved in the investment? What he takes away is never as good as what he can earn for us, and once the movie is successful, it can help our superheroes get out of trouble. This is a benefit that no amount of money can compare with.”Another executive piped up.

A supporter of Zack Snyder also said:”Although Zack’s Superman did not meet expectations, it did not make us lose money. I���Why not give him another chance? And you all have seen the project plan that Zack has made about”Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. It is very complete and exciting. It should be able to break the previous slump.”

“Choosing Zach is a gamble; choosing Martin is a sure-fire deal.”

“Haha, no one can make a profit without losing money. I think Martin’s choice to make a low-budget horror film this time may be a failed choice.”

“Okay, don’t argue.”


Alan Horn spoke, and the conference room became quiet.

Alan Horn, who was supposed to switch to Disney last year, is still sitting firmly in the position of president of Warner.

He listened to a crowd After thinking about what the executive meant, he thought for a moment and said,”How about this? Let’s first send someone to ask Martin what he means and see if he is willing to make a superhero movie for us. If so, then we can talk about investment. The problem”

“And on Zack’s side, so that he can continue with his plans for ‘Batman v Superman’, we’re going to do both. No matter what Martin chooses, we have to tie Zach to our chariot. This is a good director. No matter how good Martin is, he cannot completely belong to Warner.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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