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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 956

“Stop shouting. Do you want everyone to come and watch?”

Martin’s words made Dakota Fanning notice her situation.

Ah, she was still naked!!!

So she wanted to scream again.

Martin quickly blocked her mouth with his mouth, and then with his hand With a wave, he put the torn dress on Dakota Fanning, then quickly held the other person’s waist, hugged the other person, entered the men’s room, and hid in the cubicle.

This series of his The movements were so smooth that before Dakota Fanning could react, she and Martin were already in the men’s toilet cubicle.

“Uh-huh, huh~!”

The lips parted again, Dakota Fanning gasped for air and subconsciously licked her lips


“I’m helping you”


“Your clothes are ruined, do you have any spare ones?”

“Uh, no! what do I do?”

Dakota Fanning only reacted at this time and quickly covered important parts of her body with her hands.

Martin grinned and said with a bad smile:”Covering it now? It’s too late, everything that should be seen and shouldn’t be seen has been seen.”

Dakota Fanning glared at him coquettishly, feeling strange in her heart.

Wasn’t she using an alternative way to establish a relationship with Martin?

“May, Mr. Meyers, can you buy me a dress? Me, I’ll give you the money. Martin looked at his watch, shook his head, then looked at the girl whose face was getting redder and redder, and said,”It’s difficult. At this time, no clothing store is still open.””

Then, he looked at the fabric of the evening dress draped around Dakota Fanning’s body. After looking at the tear for a while, he said,”It’s not impossible to save it. Don’t move.”

As he said that, he leaned over, and under Dakota Fanning’s nervous eyes, he pulled off the fabric of the evening dress, and then pulled the girl’s hands up and down into a flat outstretched state.

The girl stared again His eyes are rounded.

What does Martin want to do? Want to be seen!!!

Martin’s eyes swept up and down covertly, taking in all the scenery, but he pretended to have an expression of indifference on his face. Talk and move at the same time

“The fabric is torn in the front, but the back of the dress is still intact. ¨”

“Just turn around and put your gloves in”

“Right, that is it”

“You see, this way the whole front is blocked.”

At this time, Dakota Fanning’s mind had”flyed” away, and her body was stiff and at the mercy of Martin.

“Come on, turn around.”

She subconsciously turned around according to Martin’s instructions, with her back to Martin.

“Hmm, as for the back, the crack at the top doesn’t matter. As long as you tighten the neck like this, you don’t have to worry about the fabric slipping. This crack will be used as a slit in the back, but——”

Martin looked down. The upper body was solved, but the lower half was difficult!

The two fluttering hems can be seen at a glance, and they are white and attractive.

He’s not even wearing a thong, so he’s so brave.

Of course, the girl’s original dress was in the form of a long skirt, and there was no slit. Even if there was nothing underneath, there was no risk of it being exposed.

But now there is some trouble.

After thinking for a while, Martin had an idea.

He pulled off the hem of the girl’s dress in a circle, then wrapped it around her waist, and finally tied it up and down at the side waist, and a knee-length skirt was formed.

After all that, Martin even gave Dakota Fanning a spin.

The girl was confused and subconsciously followed Martin’s instructions to turn her body.

“No problem, it’s very sexy and beautiful, and as long as you don’t move too much, you don’t have to worry about being exposed.

Martin laughed and stretched out his hand towards Dakota Fanning,”Let’s go, beautiful lady.””

“Go, where?”Dakota Fanning’s brain hasn’t come back yet.

“Let me take you home. You can’t wander around the banquet wearing this ‘temporary outfit’. If it slips off midway, there will be headlines in major media tomorrow – Hollywood actress Dakota Fanning is in I ran naked at the”Get Out” celebration dinner. Do I have to give you a red envelope? Thank you for sacrificing your life to promote my movie?”


Martin’s teasing made Dakota Fanning laugh, and the nervousness and embarrassment in her heart also dissipated a little.

In the hall,

Drew, who was taking Liu Yifei and Anya everywhere to make connections, was suddenly startled when he saw his man pulling A woman with her head lowered and wearing a strange evening dress walked out of the bathroom and walked straight out of the hall.

“What’s going on? Are you hooking up with another one?”

Drew looked at the two girls he was holding on to, especially Anya. There is a high probability that this girl will not be”lucky” tonight.

Martin also noticed Drew’s eyes, nodded at her and smiled, and did Mouth:”Wait until I come back. Drew, whose” love” had already been deeply rooted in his heart, instantly understood what Martin meant, and nodded.

When he looked at Anya again,”Well, it seems that this girl still has a chance tonight.””

Martin and Dakota Fanning took the hotel elevator to the underground parking lot and asked:”¨¨ Where is your car parked?”

Dakota Fanning took out the car key and pressed it.

Biubiu twice.

The location of the car was found.

Martin looked at Dakota Fanning in surprise, wondering where the other party took out the car key?

Da Kota Fanning’s car is a retro Cadillac, very coquettish and bright blue. It seems that this girl has a wild heart under her pure appearance! In fact, Martin can just send it here, Dakota· Fanning was able to drive home by himself, but neither of them mentioned it.

Martin naturally sat in the cab, while Dakota Fanning shyly sat in the passenger seat and got into the car. During the car ride, the soft skirt slid, causing the girl to scramble again.

The Cadillac started and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

Martin’s bodyguard also followed behind in a Rolls-Royce.

Now Gordon He is no longer responsible for Martin’s bodyguard mission, but is helping Martin manage the local police system in Guinea.

The new bodyguard is a (Qian Zhao) young white guy, a Marine Corps background, who has experienced strict private bodyguard training, and now he is also He has been brainwashed by Martin into a”loyal dog”.

In the banquet hall, Liu Yifei noticed Drew’s distraction and asked:”What’s wrong, Drew?”

“Ah, nothing. Drew came back to his senses and changed the subject with a smile,”Let’s go, girls, I’ll introduce you to a few more producers.””

On the other side.

Leonardo said with complicated eyes:”Guys, I just saw Martin taking a girl out.”

Chris Pratt:”Girl?” who is it?

Leonardo:”I didn’t see it clearly, but the clothes look pretty good.””

Daniel Kaluuya:”I don’t find it surprising at all. Leonardo

:”I don’t think it’s strange either. I’m just envious. Damn it, why can’t Blake be as generous as Martin’s woman?””

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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