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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 1

“I, Jiang Ling, the traverser, have crossed into the fantasy world!

As a qualified traverser, I am also a systematic person, however, I need to check in to the system for a hundred consecutive days to successfully bind.

And today, it’s the last day! “

Xiaofushan, in a tattered Taoist temple, Jiang Ling looked nervously and excitedly at the illusory panel in front of him.

He has been in this world for more than three months, and he can be regarded as having some understanding of this world.

This world is called Cangwu, it is a fantasy world, and his luck is not bad, when he comes, he happened to meet the old way in this floating cloud temple and took him in.

Otherwise, with his strength that he can’t do with killing chickens, if he wants to survive in this world for a hundred days, it is simply comparable to hell mode!

After that, he also stayed in this Floating Cloud Temple, but just a few days ago, the old way of Floating Cloud View quietly sat down.

In this tattered Taoist temple, only Jiang Ling was left.

“It must be a powerful system, otherwise I will really have to drink the northwest wind!”

Jiang Ling prayed in his heart, this Taoist temple did not have much grain stored, before Lao Dao died, although he taught him some refining techniques, but he had not cultivated for a hundred days, with his weak strength, it was too difficult to get food.

“System, check in!”

Jiang Ling thought in his heart.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully checking in and getting 100 luck points! “

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in for 100 consecutive days and successfully binding the infinite creation system! “

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a starter package, is it turned on? “

Three voices sounded in Jiang Ling’s mind, and at the same time, a memory entered his mind.

Previously, he didn’t know anything about the system, not even the name, only knew the daily check-in, but now, this memory told Jiang Ling the function of this system.

The infinite creation system, as the name implies, is related to the word creation, as long as the luck value is sufficient, the creatures in the world, all things, and secret arts, as long as Jiang Ling wants to get it, the system can create and deduce.

Of course, all this depends on the qi luck value, as long as the qi luck value is enough, Jiang Ling can become the world’s creator and creation god!

The acquisition of gas luck value is determined by the degree of influence of the “thing” created by Jiang Ling on the world, and the greater the degree of impact on the world, the more qi luck value is obtained.

“Gee, even the most ordinary first-order one-star creation permission needs 10,000 points at a time, and I can only buy it once in a row in this hundred days.”

The system divides the creation authority into nine orders and nine stars, and the price increases tenfold between each level, and now Jiang Ling can barely buy the most ordinary first-order one-star permission.

“By the way, there is also a newbie package, I hope to give it a little more power!” Jiang Ling remembered the newbie gift bag, and quickly clicked on the system space, where one of the golden treasure chests was quietly placed.

“Open the Newbie Pack!”

With Jiang Ling’s voice, the treasure chest trembled slightly, and immediately after, a treasure light appeared in the sky, dazzling!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the third-order nine-star creation permission*1! “

“Lie in the groove, make a big profit!”

Jiang Ling couldn’t help but burst into a foul sentence, the third-order nine-star, according to the system division, this is almost the level of the strongest in the Cangwu Realm!

As far as Jiang Ling knew, the Cangwu Realm was just a small world, ruled by a large world called the Heavenly Death Realm.

Casting Spirit, Innate, Huaxuan, Jiedan, True Self, Transformation God!

These are the six great realms of the Cangwu Realm, and after the transformation of the gods, it is said to be the real gods!

The gods are divided according to the system, at least the fourth order, that is to say, this time the system directly gave Jiang Ling a near-god-level creation permission!

If Jiang Ling creates a living being, it means that he will be guarded by a strong man at the level of a near-god and can live his life comfortably!

However, Jiang Ling had no such intentions!

Since he had this kind of opportunity, how could he not pursue that ethereal, but coveted avenue of immortality?

“Third-order nine stars, to maximize the benefits, it is best to exist for a long time, and there must be enough potential to facilitate future upgrades, and it must be safe, and it cannot be taken away by those strong.”

Jiang Ling kept thinking in his heart, after all, he was still just a novice player, and he couldn’t let go of any benefits, and the benefits were as big as they were!

However, if you want to fully meet Jiang Ling’s conditions, it is almost non-existent, which is what makes Jiang Ling most distressed.

Treasures are impossible, unique, and of little use.

The creatures are also not good, the third-order nine stars, the scope of influence is limited, it is impossible to harvest too much luck.

The exercises are more suitable, but the restrictions are also very large, once born, they will be taken away by the mighty, and he does not have the ability to protect them.

“Huh… No, it seems that there is a suitable one! “

It can exist for a long time, has enough potential, and is safe enough not to be taken away by the strong!

“Then it’s up to it!”

Jiang Lingxin is neutral horse clapping!

“Use the third-order nine-star creation permission!”

Jiang Ling thought in his heart, the next moment, endless darkness engulfed Jiang Ling, there was no substance, no life, and no light here!

Everything is nothing, as if in the midst of endless chaos, no power can exist!


Jiang Ling breathed deeply, the endless nothingness made his heart throb, and he could only force himself to calm down.

“Open the sky! Groundbreaking! “

Jiang Ling’s voice fell, and a roar erupted from the chaos, a divine light, tearing the chaos and supporting the heavens and the earth.

Black clouds roll, thunder roars, the earth collapses, the five elements evolve, destruction and life coexist, darkness and light coexist!

Jiang Ling was also shocked, as if he had truly experienced the opening of the world and created a world!

“Blood-colored earth, Wancheng Tianshan, rune passage, Spirit Casting Beast King…”

Jiang Ling’s voice continued to sound, heaven and earth continued to evolve, the blood-colored earth stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, peaks rose up one after another to the sky, one passage after another chaos, leading to unknown places, an illusory spirit casting level beast king roared and rushed…

“Finally, it’s the record monument…”

In front of Jiang Ling, an illusory but real stone tablet emerged.

“Fire Cloud Immortal, step on the heavenly fire, and the way to fight fire reaches the extreme realm in the initial place.”

“Lei Ze, palm the ten thousand thunder, the art of thunder has reached the extreme realm at the beginning!”

“Bi Fang, walk against the wind, and the way of the wind reaches the extreme realm at the beginning!”


Jiang Ling compiled hundreds of records in a row, and according to his expectations, this place would eventually become the most prosperous holy place in the Cangwu Realm, and he naturally had to pay attention to any detail.

“It’s still the last two!”

The thought in Jiang Ling’s heart fell, and two lines of text appeared on the record tablet again:

“Favorite Animal Milk: The Initial Speed is the Most… The most initially robbed … The most explosive power in the initial place…”

“Heavy Pupils: The Best of the Initial Authentic Heart… The most powerful in the initial ground… The most powerful of the original earth…”

These two names, hanging high at the peak of the record monument, are as bright as the stars of the great sun, shining on the heavens of all worlds!

And after this step was completed, Jiang Ling also breathed a deep sigh of relief, this can be regarded as a foreshadowing left by him, and the future role is infinite.

“Void God Realm! It’s done! “

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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