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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 105


In the endless abyss, the sound of iron chains is coming, even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles apart, it is clear to the ears!


The entire Desolate Forbidden Land was trembling, the black fog was surging, almost spreading to the outer edge of the forbidden area, and the sound of iron chains sounded non-stop, as if it was in the ears.

Outside the forbidden land, the nine ancient monuments guarding all sides trembled, and a Hongmeng will spread out, shading the sky and light straight into the blue underworld, shrouding the entire Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land!

“What’s going on and what’s going to happen?”

There was a strong man who was uneasy, the emperor Zun entered the forbidden land of the desolate ancient world, and then there was such a vision, if it was not related to that emperor zun, no one would believe it!


The iron chains swayed and sounded non-stop, and the sound of metal rubbing was extremely harsh and bouncing, as if there were many metal chains that were taut and ready to be broken at any time.

It was as if there was a peerless being who wanted to appear, but it was locked by that chain and could not really appear.

“In the Desolate Forbidden Land, there is also a peerless being?!”

It is impossible for the emperor to enter the Desolate Forbidden Land for no reason, coupled with the sound of this iron chain constantly rattling now, some people speculate that there is probably a peerless being imprisoned in the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land!

“Heavenly Caves, Forbidden Lands, Immortal Temples… How could these beings suddenly appear in this era?! “

There are strong people who are uneasy in their hearts, they seem to feel a glorious world, the advent of a terrifying era!

“The Heavenly Cave Emperor is honored as a Terran, and this desolate forbidden land is probably also related to the Terran Race, what secrets are the Terrans hiding?”

There are alien horrors and doubts, and today’s name of the cave resounded in the heavens, especially for those powerhouses above the realm of god kings, the heavenly cave is simply a supreme holy place!

There are many holy path rules, and even nine emperor avenues to understand, and there are no restrictions on races, as long as you can break through the stone statue and cross the sea of blood, you can enter it!

Moreover, there are even more Terran emperors sitting in it, and no one dares to fight the idea here!

But it is such an extraordinary force, but it is related to places such as the Desolate Forbidden Land and the Bronze Immortal Temple, and all living beings will be suspicious.

The Terrans, the only race in the Heavenly Death Realm who has ever produced a Heavenly Emperor, what secrets have hidden in the long years?!

At this moment, the red light flickered, and the phoenix chirped for nine days, it was a divine chain made of immortal gold, and a great avenue divine mark emerged, which could extend infinitely into the endless abyss, as if locked on a figure.

The four elephants guarded and guarded the four poles, and the figure of the emperor stood in the endless abyss, facing the peerless existence trapped by countless immortal gold chains.

“What the hell is going on here, what realm has this person reached, who locked him here, and what is his origin?”

Countless creatures speculated that this would be an existence, and what kind of creature could lock him here?


After a long time, the vision dissipated, the sound was silent, and the existence did not come out of the endless abyss, but gradually fell silent!

The next moment, the ancient road of stars stretched again, spanning many continents, and endless distances one after another!

Emperor Zun stepped forward, the phoenix bird chirped, the true dragon chanted, and countless visions appeared, spanning the infinite earth and reaching the heavenly cave!

“What exactly did the Emperor Venerable talk about with that existence in the Forbidden Land?”

Some people speculate that it is absolutely impossible to let the emperor come in person, just to take a look, there must be some secret in it!

In the heavenly cave, the Nine Heavens Star River, the endless starlight will welcome back a supreme figure, standing on the Nine Heavens Star River, overlooking the Heavenly Cave!

“I will pass down the method of the heavenly cave and set up three levels, and anyone who can cross it, regardless of the realm, can use the method of the heavenly cave to sense the stars of the nine heavens and the stars to practice!”

A voice, passing through the chaotic cave is too empty, coming from the end of the ancient road, resounding in the heavenly cave!

“What, pass down the law of the heavenly cave?!”

The Star Pavilion Lord exclaimed, but soon showed joy, the Heavenly Grotto is a holy place for cultivation, if cultivators of all realms can practice with the help of the stars of the Nine Heavens Star River, how many Tianjiao will they be able to cultivate?!

“What exactly did the Emperor Venerable talk about with that one in the Forbidden Land? Why did you pass down the Law of the Heavenly Cave? “

The Heavenly God King thought that no matter who wanted to enter the Heavenly Cave before, he had to step over the stone statue and cross the sea of blood in order to cultivate with the help of the power of the Nine Heavens Star River.

But now he wants to pass down the method of the heavenly cave, which means that even if he is not in the Nine Heavens Star River, he can practice with the help of the power of the stars!

“However, the three levels set by the emperor will definitely not be easy…”

Some creatures thought that the Nine Heavens Star River was a supreme treasure land, and the power of the stars contained thousands of avenues, no matter who it was, entering it to practice would be twice as effective with half the effort.

No one would think that this Heavenly Cave Law could be easily obtained, and the so-called three levels must be obtained only by the top demons in each realm!

And just when the Heavenly Cave changed, Feixianzhou also set off a monstrous wave!

The existence in the Desolate Forbidden Land can allow the emperor to come in person, and there must be a great secret hidden in it!

Moreover, the nine holy soldiers, nine holy trees, and nine divine springs are too irresistible!

“The Falling Phoenix Immortal Gate wants to enter the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient Ancient Land, and the sage will personally take action!”

“The thirteen clans of Juntian City will also enter, and that mysterious Juntian City Lord will appear!”

“It is said that the demon clan also has sages who are here to enter the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient and find out!”


In just a few days, the entire Flying Immortal Continent was filled with news that various major forces were going to enter the Desolate Forbidden Land.

However, none of them acted alone, not to mention anything else in the Desolate Forbidden Land, those nine sages alone were enough to deter many forces!

Therefore, all the Holy Land clans are ready to work together and enter it together to pursue the true mysteries of this ancient forbidden land!

The first big city outside the Barbarian Land turned into a heavenly city, and in just a few days, countless powerful sages appeared, and peerless creatures that were rarely seen in countless years also appeared one after another!

“With so many beings wanting to enter the Forbidden Land, can you inquire about the true mystery in it?”

“Who knows? There are nine sages there, and there is an existence that can make the emperor come in person, who can guarantee it? “

“Indeed, there are still beings who want to find the Bronze Immortal Temple, but they find nothing!”

Some creatures looked at one peerless existence after another, and their hearts were horrified, but at the same time, they were more curious about the Forbidden Land, hoping that they could find the true mystery in it!

On this day, there were Immortal Phoenix chariots spanning nine days, chaos warships flying endlessly, and Immortal Gold Ancient Hall crossing the universe…

A venerable existence is a peerless Holy Spirit, a supreme demon Venerable, a peerless spirit, and a worldly master!

Every single one is a peerless existence!

“How mysterious the Forbidden Land is, under the God King, there is no need to enter it with me and wait!”

There is a peerless existence that says that even if the god king enters the Forbidden Land, there is a danger of death, and ordinary creatures entering it, even the sages may not be able to save it! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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