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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 106

In the ancient forbidden land, there is silence, there is no sound here, no fierce beasts roaring, no birds and beasts flying, and no animals!

The ancient trees are towering, covering the sky, and there is no lack of elixirs, which seems to be a paradise for spiritual plants, but it is a forbidden area for animals!

If you don’t know the details, if you see the lush vegetation and vitality here, you will definitely think that it is a pure land.

However, if you look closely, you will find that this huge forbidden place, you can not hear the roar of birds and beasts, you can not see traces of ant activities, and it is almost dead silent!

“This is a peerless holy weapon, rare in the world!”

There are sages and creatures caressing the ancient stele, their eyes are shocked, a holy soldier is actually placed here, there is no one to protect it, no force can do it, it is really a loser!

“Not just one, but nine!”

Another sage said, a peerless Saint soldier of this level, actually laid out nine pieces at random!

“Ancient monuments…”

Only the sages of the Peng clan, when they saw this ancient stele, their expression was a little ugly, their clan once also had an ancient stele, and it was an imperial soldier, but it was a pity that it fell in the heavenly cave!

Now when I see the ancient monument in front of me, I naturally think of my own imperial soldiers.

As everyone knows, this ancient monument in front of him is his family’s imperial soldiers, which were dismantled into nine parts by Jiang Ling and placed here to guard.

Of course, these nine ancient monuments can also be united and reunited into one imperial soldier!

“What is the purpose of the suppression of the nine peerless Saint soldiers?”

This kind of handwriting is really confusing, just to make a road sign, it is too luxurious.

“This forbidden place is very mysterious, it has never been recorded in ancient history, and now it suddenly appears, which is quite strange…”

“Moreover, this place is also related to the Heavenly Cave of the Star Continent, the Heavenly Cave has existed for a long time, and may not even be a product of our era, this forbidden land is related to it, it is indeed worth pondering…”

There is a way of life, the ancient forbidden land merges with the original earth, and a forbidden land is drawn between the silent, which is related to the heavenly cave before the ancient times.

“There are also many changes in the Nether Realm, and it is said that hundreds of small worlds have been connected by a place called the Void God Realm!”

The Void God Realm is far less famous in the Upper Realm than the Heavenly Cave, the Desolate Forbidden Land, etc., and most of those who know are Terrans, and although the Void God Realm is mysterious, it is not impossible to create, so there is not much to really understand.

Few know that it is related to the Heavenly Cave!

“No need to say more, enter this forbidden place directly, maybe you can find the answer I am waiting for!”

A sage said, and at the same time directly entered the Forbidden Land.

After him, more and more living beings went to the Forbidden Land.

The old vine is like a dragon, with intricate roots, I don’t know how long it extends, and the ancient wood is vigorous, and it has been baptized by the years for a long time.

It’s a peaceful place, and if they don’t know the dangers here, anyone will think that this is a pure land!

“Strange, this place was only burned by the Holy Fire Sect Master with divine fire some time ago, and now there is no trace!”

There is a great power and wonder, the Holy Fire Sect Fire can be said to be the strongest of the God King level, not to mention an ancient forest, it is a Wang Yang, and it can also completely evaporate!

Some time ago, the sea of fire was rampant, and I don’t know how many divine fires fell in the forbidden land, it seems that it did not cause any damage to the forbidden land!

“What’s so strange, not to mention the existence that is locked under the endless abyss, just those nine sages, do you think that the divine fire can pose a threat?”

Some beings laughed and said that there were too few forces in the world that could threaten the sages!

These existences are all the peak creatures of the world, from the major races, with great strength, easily penetrating deep into the Forbidden Land, and it didn’t take long for the nine divine peaks to appear in the field of vision!

“That was…”

However, when they saw the nine divine peaks, everyone couldn’t help but gasp

Even if it is them, they feel that their scalp is numb!

At the moment before they reached the Divine Peak, in the endless abyss surrounded by nine Divine Peaks, countless white skeletons climbed up, densely packed and snow-white.

“How so?!” They all felt a little creepy, so many white bones crawling out of the endless abyss, this scene was too weird!

“Could it be that they are from the Sacred Fire Sect?”

A sage guessed, his face full of solemnity.

“It’s impossible, there were only more than a thousand people from the Holy Fire Sect last time, but here, it is not an exaggeration to call it a corpse mountain!”

Nine divine peaks, majestic, countless white skeletons struggling at the exit of the abyss, constantly climbing towards the divine peak!

“So many white bones, the Forbidden Land… How many creatures are buried in it? “

Right now, the nine divine peaks are densely packed, and countless white bones directly drown everything!

“Look what is that?”

Among the nine divine peaks, one divine peak has a particularly large number of white bones, and one place is directly submerged by white bones, like a small mountain.

But vaguely, you can still capture a corner.

“It’s like… It’s a giant coffin! “

Many great powers wondered that in this desolate forbidden land, there was still a giant coffin, whose coffin would it be?

“I haven’t heard the Holy Fire Sect Leader mention it, it seems that it just appeared!”

“Could it be the change caused by the arrival of the Emperor Venerable?”

That Emperor Venerable in the Heavenly Cave had entered the Endless Abyss, and the appearance of this giant coffin was probably related to it.

“Wait, look closely at that giant coffin!”

Suddenly, a sage exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief!

When everyone heard the prestige, they were all powerful beings, they could see infinity, and when they looked closely, they were suddenly stunned!

Before the giant coffin that was submerged in white bones, the nine behemoths were motionless, as if they had been there for eternity, making people feel endless desolation and longevity!

All the great powers recognized what it was, but because of this it it felt incredible, it was the oldest race, once the strongest race between heaven and earth, once the protagonist of heaven and earth, once on the same level as heaven and earth!


That’s a nine-headed dragon!

More precisely, it should be nine dragon corpses!

Each dragon corpse is 100 meters long, like cast of molten iron, full of shocking power.

The nine dragon corpses are all five-clawed black dragons, except for the crystal clear and purple light of the dragon horns, the whole body of the dragon is black, the black light is shining, and the scales are shining in the darkness with a little mysterious brilliance.

And at the end of each dragon corpse, there is a black iron cable tied to the thick mouth of the bowl, which is connected to the giant coffin that is flooded by white bones!

Nine huge dragon corpses, most of the body is hanging under the cliff, the giant coffin is not far from the cliff, whether it is above the dragon corpse or above the giant coffin, it is covered with white bones, if you don’t look carefully, it is difficult to find!

Kowloon coffin!

All existences, at this moment, the heart can’t help but shock, the dragon has long ceased to exist in the world, the same as the phoenix, Kunpeng, etc., and now the first-class, they only retain a trace of bloodline!

The five-clawed dragon, even in the heyday of the dragon clan, was an absolute king, but at this moment, the corpse was actually refined and used to pull a giant coffin!

What kind of coffin would that giant coffin be?!

(PS: First two more chapters, I went to prepare gifts during the day, I should always write today, and if nothing else, I will change tomorrow’s share, you can keep it for tomorrow to read together))_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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