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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 109

That person, stepping on the top, slowly appeared in the eyes of many sages and powers.

At this moment, the scene is magnificent and unparalleled in the world!

The big ding is quaint, cast by countless immortal gold, in its swallowing, one big star after another is rising and falling, above the dingkou, there is a river of stars, brilliant, with it ups and downs!

Above the big ding, there are many traces, there are knife marks, arrow holes, sword qi is pervasive, all kinds of supreme weapons have left marks, and they have experienced countless shocking battles!

This mouth is horizontal, a person steps on it, looking down on the world, peerless, slender and straight, full of black hair scattered, back to the sky, heroic and overpowering, as if dominating the world.

At this moment in his present world, the entire void was suppressed, the Desolate Forbidden Land was suppressed by this qi machine, and the endless white bones fell down one after another, constantly kowtowing, as if paying homage to a peerless heavenly emperor!

This is only a corner of the opening, if it is all opened, the heavens and the earth will change drastically!


There was a great power exclaiming, when he saw the back of that existence, his soul seemed to be torn apart, unable to look directly, unguessable!

Both eyes were cracked, the eyeballs were exploded, and the blood of the world was scattered!

Even if it was a sage, his eyes were constantly flowing with blood at this moment, and his soul seemed to be burned by divine fire!

That existence is invisible, unfathomable, inconceivable, unimaginable!

Like a taboo, forbidden by the avenue, feared by heaven and earth!


Everyone joined forces, directly closed the bronze coffin, did not dare to look again, just glanced at the back, the spirit seemed to be destroyed, if that figure turned around, they did not dare to imagine what would happen to them!

“What exactly is that existence?! A mouthful of ding, it seems to be able to crush all ages, a back, can make me wait for the soul to be damaged! “

There was a sage whose eyes were bleeding and his face was full of blood, but he didn’t have the heart to care, Fang Cai’s existence was too supreme, too supreme!

“Ding! That mouthful of big ding, Emperor Ye Tiandi is also a mouthful of the mother qi of all things! “

There were sages who drank, their expressions were excited, in addition to the giant coffin, it was recorded in the thousands of texts that Emperor Ye Tian used a mouthful of the mother qi of all things as a great vessel to suppress Huanyu!

“That was… Emperor Ye Tian?! “

“How could the Heavenly Emperor possess such a qi machine?!”

Some people can’t believe that this is just a back, a shadow, if the real body comes, they have no doubt that the entire Heavenly Death Realm will return! Everything will come to nothing!

“That’s not something that the Heavenly Emperor can describe, it’s definitely detached!” There were sages who covered their eyes and said, although they did not face the emperor or the heavenly emperor, they also had the existence of imperial soldiers.

However, even the fully revived emperor. It may be like that big mouthful, just looking at it makes my soul tremble.

No matter how strong the Heavenly Emperor is, after all, it is still at the level of the Emperor, and it is impossible to refine the peerless supreme treasure, and if he can control such a supreme treasure conquest, the creature above the Great Ding is even more terrifying!

“Heavenly Emperor, what did the Heavenly Emperor mean before eternity?”

Obviously, the meaning of the word “Heavenly Emperor” when Ye Tiandi existed in the past and when Qingyang Heavenly Emperor existed was fundamentally different!

In their lifetimes, the word “Heavenly Emperor” is a realm, surpassing the emperor but not beyond the emperor.

However, if that back is Emperor Ye Tian, then what kind of strength does the former Heavenly Emperor have to have to qualify as a Heavenly Emperor.


But at this time, the nine huge dragon corpses and the bronze ancient coffin rumbled when sliding with the mountaintop, and the nine dragon corpses like the Great Wall of Steel were slowly sliding down the cliff, and the copper coffin was also driven to slowly slide forward.

“Let’s go!”

All the sages were shocked, in the endless abyss, there was a terrifying creature, they were not willing to face it.

Several rays of light flew out from the giant coffin that had been lifted open, and at the same time, the giant coffin also accelerated its speed and fell down the cliff wall straight down!

After the nine huge dragon corpses and bronze ancient coffins fell off the cliff, they did not make any sound of falling to the ground for a long time, as if this endless abyss was really endless!

The sages looked at the endless abyss with supreme divine thoughts, where all kinds of immortal gold turned into chains, connecting endless, as if locking a figure.

But when the divine mind leaned into that figure, it seemed to feel that the world collapsed and all living beings collapsed, as if countless living beings were buried, as if hundreds of millions of living beings died!

Great horror!

Just at a glance, they were terrified in their hearts, under this ancient forbidden land, there was actually a supreme great terrorist, although they had never seen its true face, they were sure that this was a supreme existence, cultivation was unfathomable, I am afraid it had reached the point of unfathomability!

“Compared to the Heavenly Cave, this Desolate Forbidden Land is even more terrifying!”

Some sages sighed that the Heavenly Grotto had gone to practice holy places for the world, and it was not difficult for the strong above the God King to enter it.

But this desolate forbidden land, even if the god king comes in, there is a danger of death, and even these sages, if they are not careful, they will be robbed.

“Go to the top of the mountain, there is a sacred tree divine spring, maybe there are more records!”

That Heavenly Emperor’s back is still imprinted in their hearts at this moment, such a existence, but has not left a name in ancient history, this is the great fault of the Terran race!

The giant coffin was not far from the top of the mountain, and the sacred tree was already faintly visible, and at the same time, they could also see a figure standing on the edge of the cliff, with an ancient tower hanging above its head, a full nine floors, with a high energy of more than ten meters, which could suppress a heaven and earth!

The wind howled, rolling his robe, but he had never heard it, and countless white bones climbed around him, as if in fear.

This figure had no eyes, as if it had been controlled by someone, and its gaze was faint, as if it was a supreme spirit looking at it.

Many sage powers only felt dizzy in their brains, as if a heavy hammer was striking on their souls!

“That’s a Supreme Saint!”

A sage gritted his teeth and said, it was a supreme saint, invincible world, for any force, and even any race, it was a foundational existence, but at this moment, it was actually guarding a divine peak in this desolate forbidden land!

“The Holy Enemy? Advance or retreat? “

Some people asked, the Holy is not easy to resist, this is the last great realm under the road of the emperor, it is already the pinnacle of the world, and it is a realm that many living beings can not reach in their lifetime!

In this world, any force that has the Most Holy Town can be called the Supreme Holy Land!

“In! Although the Most Holy is strong, I also have the Most Treasure to suppress! “

Any sage has peerless means, not to mention that they are all from the Holy Land Great Sect, with a deep background, and the use of at least peerless saint soldiers this time is also a peerless holy soldier, even if the combat power is not as good as this supreme saint, but they can work together, so that the supreme treasure suppresses it!

What’s more, there are also the Most Holy in this world, if they are invincible, it is not difficult to hold out for a while, and they can persist until the Most Holy comes to the rescue! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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