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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 11

“More than 200 million points, part of it is used to improve strength, 100 million is used to upgrade the Void God Realm, the other 100 million is used to create another, and the remaining one is used in case of emergency…”

What to create for the second time, Jiang Ling has already thought about it, but it is not allowed to be used for the time being, let the Void God Realm harvest it first.

“Upgrade the Void God Realm first!”

According to Jiang Ling’s plan, there will be six levels in the Cangwu Realm Void God Realm, from Casting Spirit to Transforming God, the higher the level of the realm, the more difficult it is to enter.

As far as the innate level is concerned, even if it is an innate cultivator, not everyone can enter, and only if the strength reaches a certain level, can the shackles be broken.

And the higher this shackle, the stronger the realm!

“Buy one creation permission from one star to one star of the fourth order!”

“Ding! It will cost 100 million gas luck points! Do you use it? “


Jiang Ling did not hesitate, in order to make the Void God Realm more perfect and harvest qi luck more effective, this investment was necessary.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fourth-order one-star creation permission*1!”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fourth-order two-star creation permission*1!”

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fourth-order three-star creation permission*1! “

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fourth-order four-star creation permission*1! “

“Use the fourth order one star to create permissions! Open up the innate field! Innate City… Blessed with heaven…”

The place where the initial place meets the innate realm, a continent, rising abruptly from nothingness, there is a city on it, not very large, but quite imposing, like a lying holy beast, exuding a ray of brilliance.

In this city, it is densely packed with teleportation arrays, guiding to all the holes in the innate realm, and only from here can you enter each cave blessed land, otherwise it will be blocked by the heavenly graben and cannot enter it.

If the initial land is a complete continent, then the innate realm is an isolated island, and only through the innate city can you go to explore.

Jiang Ling also wanted to follow the original book, but if he created such a virtual god realm, boundless, where would he get so much luck?

And in this void, one after another the holes exuded vast and rich vitality, and the spiritual energy was more than ten times stronger than the initial place, even compared to the Holy Land of the Great Sect in the present world, it was no worse!

“Use the fourth-order two-star permission! Open up the realm of metaphysics! Mount Kinabalu… Treasure land…”

“Use four-tier three-star permissions! Open up the field of Yudan! Shrine…… Pure Land…”

“Use the four-order four-star permission! Open up the realm of your true self! Void Battlefield…”

One by one, the vast world was born in Jiang Ling’s hands, and then gradually merged with the Void God Realm, one after another, like a world tower!

“It’s enough to go to the realm of the true self for the time being, after all, according to the standards I set, it is not so simple to enter the realm of the god of transformation, at least in a short period of time.”

Jiang Ling thought that when the cultivators of the Cangwu Realm reached the standard of entering the Transformation God Realm, he would not lack the qi luck value of the Transformation God Realm.

Moreover, there are not many great powers in the Cangwu Realm, and the luck value that can be harvested in the Avatar Realm is not much at all, that is, in order to make the Void God Realm more perfect, otherwise even if he has spare money, he may not create it.

“Then it’s about improving strength!”

Now he doesn’t have this bit of luck, and even as long as he wants to, he can become a god in an instant!

However, he does not have this idea for the time being, once he becomes a god, he will be rejected by the Cangwu Realm and have to go to the Upper Realm, but with his current background, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the Upper Realm.

After all, in the thousand-level world of the Heavenly Death Realm, there are countless treasures, chances, and strong people, and it is difficult to set off many storms and waves except for the top-level creations.

And once he attracts those most peak powerhouses, he also has no power to protect them!

Therefore, if he went to the Upper Realm, it at least meant that he had the authority to create an invincible level even in the Upper Realm, otherwise he would not have rushed forward.

“Although you can’t go to the Upper Realm, there is still no problem in becoming an invincible person in the Cangwu Realm!”

Jiang Ling said with a smile.

“First of all, come to the third-order nine-star cultivation pill, one divine power pill, and one experience pill!”

An experience pill can allow him to instantly have the combat experience of a third-order nine-star powerhouse, no longer empty cultivation and divine power, but a true third-order nine-star powerhouse!

“Ding! It will cost 27 million gas luck value, will it be used? “


Jiang Ling was straightforward, and after his words fell, the qi luck value was also deducted twenty-seven million, and at the same time, three pills, one red, one green and one purple, fell into his hands.

As soon as Jiang Ling took it, his qi machine became stronger and stronger with time.

Congenital perfection… Huaxuan consummation… Yudan is complete… True self is complete… Avatar consummation….

In just one pillar of incense time, Jiang Ling’s aura climbed from the Spirit Casting level to the Transformation God Perfection level.

At this moment, the clouds are steaming, the fog is shrouded, the small floating mountain is like an area of the immortal world, pearlescent treasures, brilliant divine brilliance, all kinds of grass and trees on the hill grow wildly, a few moments, it is actually rid of the mundane and transformed into a spiritual object.

Especially those who are close to Jiang Ling, they are like nirvana, constantly swallowing the essence of the sun and moon, looming in the haze, and transforming into a rare medicine!

Even if it is tens of thousands of miles away, you can see a pillar of light that reaches the sky, shrouding the small floating mountain, purple qi rising and circling, and holy light shining on the eight wastes.

A terrifying and extremely powerful qi machine broke through the barrier of heaven and earth, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, birds and beasts were all terrified, and the demon race was all terrified!

“What’s that?!”

In Xuankong City, countless people asked, the qi machine that suddenly pressed on their bodies made them jealous, once they perceived, it was as if they were noticed by a god, and their flesh and soul were trembling!

“What a terrifying gas machine! This…… Is it to touch the realm of gods? “

“How is that possible?! How can you break the shackles in the Nether? Only by entering the Heavenly Death Realm can there be hope, which is the final rule of eternity! “

“Then what kind of gas machine is this?! Even in the Avatar Powerhouse, I have never felt it! “

In Xuankong City, several strong people were terrified, each of them had at least reached the perfection of Jiedan, and they had also seen the qi machine of the Transformation God powerhouse, but those who reached this level had only seen it in their lives!

However, this terrifying qi machine did not last long, only existed for a short time and dissipated into nothing, and everything returned to calm!


“Is it a breakthrough? But unless you break through the gods, how can you have such a terrifying qi machine? “

“Perhaps this mysterious being is trying to break through the gods, but it seems that he has failed!”

Several strong people guessed, but did not recklessly pursue the truth, although it was only a shock, but with that kind of qi machine, few people in the entire Cangwu Realm dared to venture to investigate.

However, there are always calves who are not afraid of tigers in their first birth, and some of the lower realms are looking for that place after the divine radiance disappears!

The top powerhouses in Xuankong City were not stopped by anyone, or rather, they hoped so, because in this way, they could also obtain some information.

Xiaofushan, Jiang Ling’s aura gradually stabilized, reaching the limit of the Transformation God Realm, and the qi machine gradually merged.


A white practice came out lightly from Jiang Ling’s mouth, striking straight out several meters, condensing for a long time.

“This kind of power is really terrifying!”

Feeling his own surging power, Jiang Ling couldn’t help but sigh that his previous strength, compared with now, was completely the gap between rice grains and Haoyue!

“I can’t stay here for the time being, and the layout of the innate realm of the Void God Realm will not be used for the time being, so if I place this place, I should also prepare for the next creation.”

Jiang Ling thought in his heart that the innate realm had some of his layout, but for the time being, he didn’t need it, and he just happened to create the next creation during this time.

As for Xiaofushan, today’s changes have appeared, and this place is destined to be noticed by countless people, and it is no longer suitable to continue to stay.

However, this is the resting place of the old man, and he doesn’t want too many people to disturb his peace, so some arrangements are still necessary.



Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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