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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 110


At this moment, under the endless abyss, the immortal gold chain trembled lightly, emitting bursts of divine sounds, and the invincible figure standing next to the sacred tree seemed to be summoned, and fell directly towards the endless abyss without the slightest hesitation!

“What’s going on? Why did he retreat? “

It was strange to have a sage, this was very undeserved, when the Holy Fire Sect Master came before, he was suppressed by one of the invincible creatures on the nine divine peaks, and he almost died.

When they met this time, they were already ready for a big battle, but they didn’t want this Supreme Saint to leave directly.

“It seems to be summoned by the being under the abyss, but… Why did that being allow me to wait to ascend to the Divine Peak? “

It’s weird and hard to explain.

“Perhaps, this is related to the Heavenly Cave Emperor Venerable, it is said that after the Heavenly Cave Emperor Venerable returned, the rules of the Heavenly Cave were modified, maybe the Emperor Venerable reached some agreement with the forbidden underground existence!”

Whether it is the Heavenly Cave Emperor Venerable or the locked creatures in the Desolate Forbidden Land, they are definitely the most pinnacle existence in the world, peerless, and any one can be invincible!

Moreover, there seems to be a relationship between these two supreme beings, and it is not necessarily impossible to reach an agreement.

“Probably, only this can be explained!”

With a powerful way, the existence in the forbidden land will not be weaker than the emperor zun, only in this way can the emperor zun come in person!

“The sacred tree divine spring on those nine divine peaks…”

A greed color flashed in the eyes of alien creatures, since the existence in the forbidden land did not matter, did it mean that these nine sacred trees and nine divine springs could be taken away at will?

“Hmph! Greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, you dare to move, I will cut you first! “

There are human sages who shout, the holy tree divine spring is indeed tempting, but it also depends on who it is.

The existence in the forbidden land is probably not weaker than the emperor Venerable, otherwise how can he throw the nine Saint Soldier Ancient Monuments on all sides of the Desolate Forbidden Land, and display the Holy Tree Divine Spring at will!

This is the thing that exists, and if anyone who acts rashly and really annoys the existence under the forbidden ground, all of them will die here!

“Yes, the Holy Tree Divine Spring cannot be moved, so as not to annoy the existence of the forbidden underground…”

The Demon Race Sage Dao, if he can put the Holy Tree Divine Spring Saint Soldier Hall in front of the eyes of all living beings, then he will definitely have the certainty of keeping.

Any creature who feels that he has picked up a big bargain will definitely pay the price for his greed!

“Then what’s the point of me waiting here?”

What is the point of coming to the top of this divine peak, but unable to move the sacred tree divine spring.

“Naturally, look at those pieces!”

A Terran sage pointed to the ground.

Everyone had been attracted by the Sacred Tree Divine Spring before, but if they looked closely, they would find that on this wide place at the top of the mountain, there were countless fragments scattered scattered!

Crystal like jade, the notch is not complete, like broken, but there are some sharp and sharp marks on it, like the mark of the avenue!

In addition to this, some fragments above, scattered, seem to make up some information!

“There is a Daowen! That’s great! “

There was a sage surprise, shrouding this area with supreme divine power, and pieces flew up in the air, the big ones were like stone mills, and the small ones were like gravel, constantly combining and splicing in the void.

In a few breaths, a crystal ancient wall about 30 meters long and 5 meters high appeared in front of it!

And before and after this ancient wall, are densely covered with Dao texts and carvings, and the traces of the avenue are full, even if they are spliced, but there is no sense of stagnation, it is natural!

“This figure!!”

At the moment when the ancient wall was spliced, all the sages exclaimed, they saw a figure, stepping on a big ding, and the endless river of stars around the top was rising and falling!

“That figure in the bronze coffin!”

Some people exclaimed, this figure is extremely domineering, like a supreme heavenly emperor in the dust, there will be no mistake!

At this moment, this figure turned his back to Cangsheng, as if facing a supreme enemy, in front of him, there was an endless abyss, beyond the abyss, there was a supreme existence holding a huge city, and there were thousands of troops and horses, endless fairies!

That huge city is extremely ancient, full of blood and fire, and the endless Dao patterns shine with divine light, and it seems to be able to cut open the heavens and the earth, even the emperor dare not stop it!

This frightened many sages, what kind of city is this, it seems to be able to suppress all enemies, even the emperor will be defeated, absolutely invincible!

But it is such a supreme giant city, but it is held up by one hand, as if playing with a toy!

“What kind of creature is this?! Beyond everything, too scary?! “

No matter what kind of sages they are, they are all terrifying at this moment, a big hand, holding up a supreme god city, such creatures have never been in the world!


Looking further down, I saw that the boundless heavenly abyss was actually torn open a crack, and a big claw poked out, covering the sun and moon, suppressing the stars of the heavens, covering the sun and moon, and directly grabbing the stepping figure!

This is the inscription of the avenue, and all the sages seem to see a big claw that covers the sky and grabs it, as if it can smash the stars!

This is an invincible creature, the combat power is against the sky, against the time and space, as if fighting across the river of time!

However, that person turned his back to all living beings, alone against the enemy, very calm, he seemed to have rushed out of thousands of troops, he had already experienced countless killings, and he was not afraid!


His body was shining, dazzling, and in an instant, even the black hair was almost dyed light gold, and the whole person’s aura skyrocketed.

At this moment, all the creatures in front of the ancient wall seemed to see a supreme heavenly emperor standing in front of them, invincible for eternity!

With a bang, the person shook his fist, divine power, eternal invincible, punched towards the sky, and directly faced the big claw that covered the heavenly dome.

Like the Heavenly Emperor shaking his fist, the will of the heavens is trembling, the long river of time has set off terrifying waves, chaos is splashing, time is flying, this kind of heavy blow, unimaginable, the long river of earthquake years is going to be broken, and it is like changing its course again!

The two figures are extremely powerful, every move, the streamers are stirring, the years are surging, strong to the extreme, waving their hands, shattering all things, but now they are entangled, as if they are fused into one person, fiercely fighting.

Time and space are trembling, even in front of the ancient wall, the saints who are staring with divine thoughts are terrified, obviously it is just a carving, but they seem to see those two peerless beings fighting, every time they collide, their divine souls are trembling, as if they are about to be torn apart!

But they never looked away from their divine thoughts and stared closely, this is a great battle that will shock the endless era, and it should be remembered by all living beings!

On the ancient wall, that person stepped on the top, transcending time, everything seemed to be reversed, terrifying!

At this moment, he is like a heavenly emperor in the dust, his long hair is scattered, his divine power is peerless, he is walking on the top, opening and closing, magnificent and upright!

Attack and kill by supreme means, without giving the opponent a chance, and directly tear his opponent in half!

Even if it is just a carving, many sages are surging at this moment, and that figure is terrifying, invincible in the world! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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