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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 111

The big ding crossed the sky, the figure stepped on it, overlooking the world, peerless, slender and straight, full of black hair scattered, heroic and overpowering, as if dominating the world.

This was exactly the same as what they saw in the bronze coffin, but at this moment, they worshipped it even more in their hearts, this existence was invincible for eternity, and it was more terrifying than the Heavenly Emperor!

“Emperor Ye Tian! It’s really him! “

At the end of this ancient wall, a Dao text appeared to tell the truth, and at this moment, all the sages finally knew that this Ye Tiandi, as well as his great enemy, did not belong to this time and space at all!

They are from within the gates of time, from unknowable times!

At this moment, some people understood that on both sides of time and space, there were top existences clashing, respectively fighting in two pieces of time and space, which happened to break through some kind of time boundary wall, and the river of years rushed, and Emperor Ye Tian and his great enemy were also killed here!

“Then the other side, could it be the supreme existence of the Hand Holding God City?”

Some beings speculated that that being only mentioned in the Dao text, and did not know its true name, but it was definitely the most supreme existence!

“What is recorded on the other side?”

There are sages who can’t wait to calm the hearts of countless years, and at this moment it is actually surging!

On the other side of the ancient wall, at the beginning, two figures confronted, one stepped across the sky, like the Heavenly Emperor in the dust, it was Ye Tiandi!

The other statue sits on an ancient chariot, a golden sacred cow pulls the cart, and holds a huge city in his hand!

“It’s that invincible existence, he actually confronted Emperor Ye Tian, is he going to strike in endless years?!”

Everyone knows that Emperor Ye Tian came across the river of years, and if he fights with the creatures of this life, it will inevitably cause earth-shattering turmoil, and may even subvert all ancient history!

“How do I think that golden sacred cow is invincible even to the emperor?”

There was a sage who said uncertainly, it was just a mount, but it shocked his heart, and he did not dare to look directly, otherwise his soul would tremble.

“How can that such an existing mount be simple, it is likely to really surpass the emperor Venerable!”

There is a sage road, the emperor does not dare to say that it is against time and space, let alone cross the river of time and fight, this is no longer the level of the emperor can do, absolutely beyond this level, it is likely to reach the unknown territory!

“An Lan?!”

A creature exclaimed, and he saw Daowen on the side of the carved map, indicating the identity of this invincible being!

But the next moment, his soul was instantly cold, as if he was stared at by an existence beyond the will of the world, and in the engraving, the creature who was originally confronting Emperor Ye Tiandi seemed to have set its eyes on him!


A peerless Saint Soldier directly crossed the air, wanting to cut off the qi machine, but it was constantly shaken by the shock, as if it was about to explode at any time!

“What’s going on?!”

Another sage hurriedly asked.

“Don’t mention that existence name, you will be targeted by a supreme qi machine!

This figure trembled, his body was cold, and at that moment, he seemed to really want to die, and that gaze seemed to tear his soul apart!

“Not to mention? He stands side by side with Emperor Ye Tiandi, I can mention Emperor Ye Tiandi, why can’t I mention him? “

Some foreign sages laughed and said “Anlan”, but then there was a scream, his eyebrows were bleeding, and his soul was damaged!

“Real name! Quiet…… Those two words should be the real name of this existence, which has long transcended the river of time, and the real name cannot be mentioned! “

“And Emperor Ye Tian, in order to make people remember, it should be a title, not a real name!”

A Terran Sage Dao, he had talked about these things with the Tianyi Holy Land Yitian Sage, all of them came from that place called the Void God Realm, and now it seems that it is not a lie!

“Real name cannot be mentioned?! I don’t know how many years later, just thinking of his real name, he will also be noticed, what level of existence is this? “

Everyone was shocked, too terrifying, this existence does not know how many years, how many epochs ago ancient existence, but still can not be mentioned!

“Being able to penetrate the river of time and cross both sides, these beings may have engraved their real names in the endless years, and any living creature mentions them will be sensed by time!”

They guessed, looking at the figure with awe in their eyes.

“It is worthy of being a creature who dares to confront the Heavenly Emperor, it is really terrifying!”

The Terran sage said, Emperor Ye Tian fought across the years, peerless, and this existence also had the intention of being invincible, daring to confront it!

It’s a pity that they have never seen these two beings fight, two creatures in time and space fight, the impact is too great, countless epochs may be subverted, and the world may die!

But in the next moment, the carving suddenly changed, on a boundless city wall, a blinding light suddenly rose, a young figure in the body, a drop of blood appeared, a blood bead, dazzling and dazzling, emerged from its body!

“Who is this again?!”

To be recorded on the same ancient wall as such an invincible existence is definitely not a nameless person, but he is too young to have a profound cultivation.

At the moment, occupying a single engraving is amazing!

However, the next moment, this young figure changed drastically!

Above his head, the flower of the Great Avenue bloomed, and the drop of blood hanging in the void expanded and shrank sharply, and then dripped on the flower of the Great Avenue above his head, passing between the three flowers.

The next moment, among the three flowers of the avenue, three figures appeared!

The first flower, which was like a villain born in the past, opened his eyes, stood up from the cross-seat, and walked out of the Dao Flower, and a weapon appeared on his head, made of nine kinds of immortal gold, and there was a mother qi of all things hanging down!

“Emperor Ye Tian?! How can it be?! “

This is so familiar, they have seen it before!

“How could Emperor Ye Tian come out of his Great Dao Flower?! Could it be the power of that blood?! “

The saints couldn’t believe how Emperor Ye Tian existed, transcending time, and at this moment, he actually walked out of the Dao Flower of this young figure!

However, before they could be shocked, inside the second avenue flower, another figure rose up and walked down from the platform, with a majestic posture, swallowing the world, looking at the long river of history, wanting to ask the world, who is fighting with the front!

This person’s face was blurred, and above his head, a tower appeared, divided into nine floors, exuding the aura of cosmic desolation!

This is an invincible existence, no less than Emperor Ye Tian, and at this moment, it actually walked out of his body, as if he wanted to fight again!

The next moment, a figure also appeared in the third avenue flower, but this phantom shadow was in line with the young man’s true body, as if returning, fusing together, there was an invincible and unique grandeur in the world!

The three figures were all like the Heavenly Emperor’s Venerable, watching everything, confronting the invincible creature who held the Divine City, as if overlooking the latecomer!

This engraving is also the last!

And on the side of this engraving, next to the young figure, there are also three Dao texts engraved!

“Barren Heavenly Emperor!” _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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