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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 113

The ancient wall stands horizontally, engraved with ancient patterns and Dao texts, such as the Dao Shenwen, telling the ancient history of the Heavenly Emperor in that chaotic era!

There were two figures, one of which had a big ding hanging around his body, and his black hair flew like a supreme god, standing at the pinnacle of the world!

And the other figure, like a woman, misty, standing in the mist, standing on the abyss, looking down on the eternity, wearing a bronze mask, as if crying instead of crying, like laughing instead of laughing.

Her hair is flowing, her moon-white dress sets off her graceful and proud fairy posture, and her skin is as white as mutton fat jade.

The style is peerless, the temperament is super dusty, and it seems that it will feathering and ascending to the immortals at any time.

Her body seems to condense the power of the years, looking at the landslide, watching the sea and the sea, condensing her eyes for a moment, the vicissitudes of the sea!

“Who is that? Actually standing side by side with Emperor Ye Tian? “

A sage exclaimed, Emperor Ye Tian was peerless, and his combat power was unmatched, but this one could stand alongside him, who would it be?

The mist was shrouded, and the slender figure was even more unattainable, standing on the nine heavens, and the light turning was daunting.

Whether it is qi or majesty, it is not inferior to Emperor Ye Tiandi in the slightest, which is shocking!

This is a supreme Holy Spirit, with power that cannot be ignored, like a fairy in the red dust, which does not belong to the world, she should be a figure above the nine heavens, and should be honored by the heavens!

And when they saw the Dao text related to this existence, they were only left with infinite shock in their hearts!

“The Ruthless Emperor… Red dust is fairy! “

A sage said stunnedly, this existence is too supreme, known as the most amazing emperor in the history of the human race, the most talented woman in ancient times!

It is also the first ruthless person in ancient and modern times!

A mortal body, the qualification potential is insufficient, but it breaks the heaven and earth, rises against the sky, achieves the supreme heavenly emperor body, and shines brightly in the ancient heavens!

Killing all over the nine heavens and ten earths, making the supremes of all the heavens and domains tremble, and all the souls worshiped, shocking the ancient and modern.

Sweeping through the six and eight wastes, independent of the pinnacle of humanity, overlooking the eternal reincarnation.

One sword swept away a forbidden area of life, one person pushed a side of the Ancient Holy Land, single-handedly resisted the existence of nine Heavenly Emperors, conquered nine heavens and ten lands, and created nine ultimate mysteries comparable to the Heavenly Emperor Law!

In front of her, the ancient emperor did not dare to speak, his palm shattered into the peak of immortals, killed the supreme immortal fetus, killed the ancestral dragon, and transcended the world!

Enter the Desolate Forbidden Land, turn the Desolate Forbidden Land into a forbidden area for life in the world, and shock all races!

This is a supreme existence, not for Cheng Immortal, and even disdainful of Cheng Immortal, but she has already reached that level, detached from the red dust, and turned into a red dust fairy!

Transcended the years, surpassed all the emperors of ancient times!

“The first female emperor of the Terran race, the first person in ancient and modern love!”

The hearts of all the saints were surging, to be able to see such a peerless existence, even if it was thousands of years away, only a little immortal posture could be seen, but it was already awe-inspiring!

She never died, but tenaciously lived one life after another, creating miracles of immortality, but not for becoming an immortal, just waiting for someone to return in this red dust.

“Reincarnation… How in the world was there reincarnation… Alas, even the emperor who is as strong as a ruthless man is also troubled by it? “

Some sages sighed that the world says that there is reincarnation, but since ancient times, it has always been only a legend, and no living being can verify it!

Looking at the mask of the ruthless emperor that seemed to cry instead of crying, laughing and not laughing, all the saints’ hearts couldn’t help but be sour, and they were all infected.

They are all guessing that it must be the most memorable experience of this female emperor who is the first in ancient and modern times, with tears in her smile and good memories in bitterness.

No one would have thought that this peerless emperor would have such a secret.

It’s a pity that all this has dissipated in the river of time, outsiders cannot know, and the truth is buried in the past.

Even if this supreme being entered the fairy realm in the red dust, everything in the past could never be reproduced!

“It turns out that those nine supreme saints are all desolate slaves…”

With the Holy as a slave, who else but this female emperor?

“I wait… I don’t even have the qualifications to become a desert slave…”

All the saints are in a state of interest, I don’t know whether to rejoice or how, those who can become desolate slaves must be peerless beings of an era, at least they are all the most holy, and they have been invincible for an era!

“If you are not a peerless powerhouse, you must not be a deserted slave!”

No matter how many sages there are, if they don’t meet the requirements of this female emperor, they won’t even have the qualifications to become slaves!

“Wait… The Ruthless Emperor is the Lord of the Forbidden Land, the existence under the endless abyss…”

There was a sage whose heart exploded violently, the ruthless emperor was the lord of the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land, and now under the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land, there was a peerless existence locked by countless immortal gold divine chains, could it be…

“How could the Ruthless Emperor be locked up? Who can do it? “

Some sages retorted, it was a creature that surpassed the Heavenly Emperor, let alone the Emperor, even if it was the Heavenly Emperor, what could it be?

“Maybe it’s not locked by others, but self-proclaimed, otherwise how could that emperor in the Heavenly Cave be close?”

There is humanity, the strength of the Heavenly Cave Emperor Venerable is already obvious to all, it is definitely an Emperor Venerable creature, standing at the pinnacle, such an existence, even if other Emperor Venerables are alive, it is not worth his personal visit.

Unless, it was an existence that was enough to make him awe!

However, these are just their wild speculations, there is no evidence at all, and it is impossible to determine who is under the abyss!

“And… Emperor Ye Tian and the Ruthless Emperor, the bronze coffin in front of them, isn’t it… The bite we saw earlier? “

On the last engraving, two peerless figures stand side by side in the desolate forbidden land, which seems to be a multicolored altar, on top of that altar, there is a bronze ancient coffin, and on all sides of the altar, there seem to be traces of nine-headed dragon corpses, pulling a giant coffin!

“It must be, it’s just, what is that bronze coffin worthy of the attention of these two supreme beings?”

Everyone was very strange, reaching the level of Ye Tian Emperor and Ruthless Emperor, what else in this world was worth their attention?

“It’s like a ceremony, but isn’t this coffin Emperor Ye Tiandi’s imperial coffin?”

Some people wondered that they had opened the corner of the bronze coffin and had seen the figure of Emperor Ye Tian!

It stands to reason that the emperor’s coffin should be cast after the death of the emperor, how can there be a reason why the emperor coffin was cast before his death?

“It seems that we thought wrong at the beginning, that bronze coffin does not seem to be the emperor coffin, what we saw was only what we wanted to see the most at that time!”

The sages had extraordinary insight and quickly guessed the truth, and at that time they learned the name of Ye Tiandi, and they were full of thoughts that it was Ye Tiandi, naturally, all the sages saw Ye Tiandi’s figure, if they look at it now, it will definitely be different!

“So what’s inside this bronze coffin?” Whose coffin is it? “

Even the saints are a little confused, this engraving is always intermittent, and many have never obtained the truth!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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