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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 116

The saints have unknowingly been infected by the scenes of conquest and killing on the carved map, which one of those beings is not the pinnacle, which one is not invincible?

However, one life after another, endless years, billions of epochs, the darkness seems to never be destroyed, like a shadow, never to dissipate!

All that can be felt is despair!

“Will darkness strike again?”

The Terran sage said, at this time, he did not want to believe that all this was true, that was too sad, endless ancient history, it was actually a battle against darkness, there was no end!

The same is true in the hearts of the mighty people of all races, darkness does not care which race you are, that is the ultimate dead silence, everything will be nothing!

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the ninth divine peak, which was their last stop, and they didn’t know if this would reveal their doubts.

On the ninth peak, the ancient wall was erected, and a familiar carving came into view, it was actually the scene they saw on the second peak, the ruthless emperor and Ye Tian Emperor standing side by side.

The bronze coffin is displayed across a five-color altar, as if performing some kind of ritual.

“This engraving is actually connected to the second peak?”

This is very strange, the engravings on the first eight divine peaks are mostly intermittent, but I did not expect that this ninth divine peak may be connected to the previous one.

They continued to look down, but the second one was beyond everyone’s expectations, because another creature appeared, heroic and invincible, sweeping across the universe!

“Beginningless Emperor?!”

Everyone was shocked, but they didn’t expect that the Beginningless Emperor would appear in this carved picture, and the three supreme beings actually gathered in one place!

“These three are worthy of breaking the shackles and the existence of red dust immortals, and only this kind of existence can come together in that era…”

Some sages sighed, they learned from the carvings of the Beginningless Emperor that there were deficiencies in heaven and earth in that era, and only one emperor could appear in an era, and only these three could break the shackles and gather against the sky!

“yes… However, why did they gather at this altar, what kind of mystery does the bronze coffin have? “

Everyone has such doubts, can Ye Tiandi and their existence gather for it, what kind of secrets is buried in this bronze coffin?

The next moment, one thing appeared in front of the three supreme beings, only at this moment, the heavens and the earth roared, and the eternal trembled, and those three things seemed to break through the ancient wall and rush out from it!

In front of Emperor Ye Tian, there was a drop of blood hanging over, this blood was very strange, full of an inexplicable qi machine, just appeared in the engraving, as if the time and space were chaotic, as if it did not belong to any era at all!

It was somewhat similar to the drop of blood that had caused the Barren Heaven Emperor to change, but it was even more terrifying, as if the place where chaos had opened up already existed, with the oldest and most primitive aura.

“This blood is very strange…”

There was a sage Dao, he tried his best to visualize that blood, but he could only see a chaos, just like before the heavens and the earth were opened, there was only an endless Dao!

However, he could not write down any of those Dao, as long as the consciousness moved away from that drop of blood for a moment, all the feelings would dissipate in an instant!

Even the drop of blood he had seen in the first peak before had never made him feel this way.

And in front of the ruthless emperor, there is a green lotus hanging from it, chaos settles, and the flower blooms three thousand petals, each petal seems to be a world, and the rules of the avenue are endless.

Earth, wind, water and fire, the five elements of yin and yang, chaotic creation, cause and effect… All the rules, all the avenues, all the things emerge on this green lotus!

It seems to be the source of the Great Avenue of the Heavens, all the truth comes from it, and all the rules are born from it!

“What the hell is this?!”

All the saints were shocked, that kind of avenue qi machine, even through the ancient wall, can be clearly felt, although weak, but enough to make people shocked!

This is a supreme treasure, the real one flower and one world, as if it contains three thousand worlds, infinite truth, ordinary people can not know even one billionth of its rules even if they explore a lifetime!

“Who can refine this treasure?!”

No one can imagine what kind of existence it must be to create, which is unbelievable, and even more unimaginable!

And in front of the Beginningless Emperor, there is also a suspended thing, like a blind will, not like real, but even more illusory!

But when all the sages saw this thing, there was only endless horror in their eyes!

That hazy will, like the Dao of Heaven, like chaos, like the source of all Dao, will all evolution, variable fixed, time and space, no rule can escape!

“That was… World Will?!! “

The saints were terrified, and the will of the world naturally knew that the evolution of everything, the source of all the Dao between heaven and earth, is an existence that ordinary people cannot hope for!

But now, the Beginningless Emperor actually directly captured a world will!

Moreover, judging by the perfection of its Dao rules, it is at least a world will that can only be born in a big world like the Heavenly Death Realm!

How vast is the Heavenly Death Realm, countless continents, and trillions of living beings!

How strong is the will of the world in such a big world? Even the Heavenly Emperor did not dare to attack it!

But the Beginningless Emperor actually directly captured the will of one world!

And that world will seems to be powerless to fight back!

“The Beginningless Emperor is truly peerless and invincible!”

In addition to exclamation, in addition to exclamation, the saints could not think of any words, too strong!

This is a creature that can exterminate the entire Heavenly Death Realm, eternal and invincible, truly standing on the top of the heavens!

“Which of these three things is not invisible for hundreds of millions of years, gathered here, why?!”

The saints continued to look down, but saw that the three supreme beings had actually integrated those three beings, which were supreme treasures to any living being, into the bronze coffin!

“Daozun Ancient Blood, Dao Qinglian, World Will, Eternal Immortal Domain!”

Sixteen ancient words appeared in front of the eyes of all the saints, and at this moment, the bronze coffin seemed to tremble, and a chaotic immortal light broke through all obstacles and shone on all eternity!

A horizontal Chen between heaven and earth, connected to the Nine Heavens Universe above, and connected to the boundless pure land below, as if the door of the world, connected to infinity, as if leading to a supreme immortal realm!

“Eternal Immortal Domain, the last pure land, the place where all immortals are silent, the place where there is supreme dormancy…”

The last Dao text continued to pour into the eyes of all the saints, and the more they looked, the more shocked their eyes became!

In this world, there is such an existence, in this world, there is such a holy land and pure land, and in this world, there is such a supreme place!

All the sages, whether terrans or aliens, had their eyes firmly fixed on the ancient characters engraved on the ancient wall!

Eternal Immortal Domain, the last pure land!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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