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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 121

“I didn’t expect that you even knew all this, who told you?”

The loneliers are quite interested, the spirit world and the Great Avenue Flower are not so easy to know, how did Gu Ning know?

“There is a sword cairn in the Void God Realm, and there is a sword spirit senior in it, who told me.” Gu Ning said directly.

“Sword Spirit? Could it be the sword of the One? But, with your cultivation, how could you possibly see him? “

Lonely and polite, obviously, he also knew about the Sword Spirit Beilu, but it was precisely because of this that he felt strange, with Gu Ning’s current strength, even if it was the Supreme Realm, it was at least necessary to reach the Immortal Forbidden level, and it was possible to see it.

“I got a copy of the sword art inheritance from the master of the sword spirit senior.” Gu Ning said, he knew that if he didn’t have the sword art inheritance of the sword spirit master, with his strength, it would be impossible to see the sword spirit.

“No wonder…” laughed the loner.

“Now that you know, I might as well talk to you.”

Gu Ning was overjoyed in his heart, and there was really nothing wrong with coming to this person.

The loner continued: “The so-called spirit realm is similar to the virtual god realm, and only the spiritual will can enter it, but unlike the virtual god realm, there is no realm limit, and all levels of living beings can exert their full strength. “

“Exercise all your strength?!”

Gu Ning’s heart was shocked, the biggest advantage of the Void God Realm was to limit the realm and separate the cultivators of the various realms, and it was precisely because of this that Gu Ning and them were able to sweep across the domain.

But if it is a world that does not limit their strength at all, they will have no chance to sweep and will be full of dangers.

But in this way, in this spiritual world, they can also get a more realistic experience!

“Yes, compared to the Void God Realm, the Spirit Realm is more vast, moreover, there are many ruins and secret realms, and there are many supreme inheritances, if you have the opportunity to get it, you may be able to ascend to the sky in one step.”

Lonely and accessible, the spirit world is vast, wider than one of the big worlds, but also has endless dangers, endless opportunities, there is a real place for the strong to compete, only the top creatures have the qualifications to survive in it!

“And what is the flower?”

Gu Ning asked.

“The flower of the avenue, it will only bloom once in an era, there is the way of the supreme gods, the desolate emperor who is dictatorial for eternity, my boss, and the ultimate existence of the sword path, all of whom have entered it and found the path they really want to take.”

“There are three thousand worlds, and there are countless opportunities in each world, but there are also many terrifying creatures, and if you are not careful, you may die at any time.”

“Moreover, every time the avenue blooms, there will be countless ancient demons, Tianjiao masters will reappear, and that time will be the real golden world.” However, the blossoming of the avenue means that an era is coming to an end, and the great reckoning is coming. “

Lonely road, every time the avenue blooms, there will be countless supreme Tianjiao in the world, not to mention the God Forbidden, there will be many terrifying creatures at the Immortal Forbidden level.

However, the blossoming of the avenue also means an era. The darkness is about to be reckoned with, and no living being can be spared.

“The Great Reckoning?” Gu Ning was puzzled in his heart, but it was obvious that the loner had no intention of telling him.

“So the avenue of this era is about to open?”

Gu Ning asked, before he heard the sword spirit say that it would not be long before the spirit world would open and the great road flowers would bloom, could it be that this era would also come to an end?

“It’s really fast, and it won’t be long before you don’t have much time to grow.”

The loner laughed, which era is not so, before the end of the era, any great realm will usher in a blowout explosion, and the demons accumulated in the entire era will be born, and the immeasurable light will bloom in the last time of this world!

Gu Ning also felt a sense of tension in his heart, countless demons since ancient times, if they really converged in the same era, it would definitely be extremely brilliant!

But at the same time, his heart was also full of expectations, that was a place where even the existence of the Barren Heavenly Emperor had fought against the Tianjiao demons of countless eras, that was his dream!


And just when Gu Ning knew all this, at the beginning of the Cangwu Domain, two old men appeared again, it was Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird.

Moreover, far more than the Cangwu Domain, two figures appeared in thousands of domains in the Void God Realm, if it was real.

They are very strange, and they are not deceived, of course, everyone is on guard, there are very few rookies in the virtual god world now, and they know all about the bad deeds of these two goods, and they know that they are not good birds.

On the shoulder of the bird master, the bird turned into a big sun, hanging behind him, like a brilliant divine ring covering his head, like an immortal Buddha.

Uncle Jingbi is out of the dust, fairy wind Dao bone, kind eyebrows and good eyes, like an immortal walking in the world, Dao Dao immortal qi surrounds himself.

They walked within the Void God Realm, and with every step they took, the Void God Realm would be turbulent, and one after another illusions were in the sky, as if they were confirming the endless avenue.

In the Cangwu Domain, everyone saw an invincible figure appear, heroic, like a true god, and endless divine radiance shrouded his body.

And as soon as he makes a move, he is like a true dragon young son, turning the river and the sea, pushing everything, every time he strikes, it is a record birth, starting from the beginning, killing all the way, invincible, breaking a number of records in a row, shocking everyone!

“That was… Uncultivated! “

Someone exclaimed, recognizing that it was really the barren who had fought a decisive battle with the heavy pupil, and at this moment the phantom barren was sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a human crown, like a young emperor, dominating one side, and the domineering imperial power filled the world!

“Quick, senior brother and sister, hurry up and enter the Void God Realm, something big is happening!”

“What’s wrong. Why is there such a panic, what kind of system? “

“The wilderness has reappeared!”

“Everyone, hurry up and enter the Void God Realm, go and watch ah, the wilderness has reappeared, and it has its former glory, and it is invincible, pushing all kinds of records in the Void God Realm.”

“What? Get in fast! “

In the Cangwu Realm, all living beings are like this, and everyone is calling for companionship, telling the people around them to watch this grand event.

The wilderness has not appeared for a long time, and no one dares to challenge the stone monument in the innate realm, but today it is strange, the bird master and the Jingbi master are in the world, and then the virtual shadow of the wilderness also appears, as if it is summoned!

The Cangwu Realm Void God Realm is directly boiling, and the sea of people, major forces, and major sects have all entered the Void God Realm, wanting to see the former gods again!

“Look, another record monument has appeared, it is worthy of the absurdity, he is simply going against the sky!”

“I counted, he rushed all the way, didn’t stop at all, and has already broken dozens of records along the way!”

They had never seen such a person, singing all the way, invincible, pushing all kinds of records, and moving forward.

Countless records were broken by him, and the creator was kicked off the record monument by him, and he was like the only god in this virtual god world! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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