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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 128

“Huh… Ok, how could it be you? “

At this moment, a voice sounded, and a person on the opposite road, purple-gold crowned, carrying a broad combat knife, arms like a dragon, tiger back bear waist, eyes domineering!

“Dong Mo, it turned out to be you!”

Yu Xingkong was shocked, and really met an acquaintance.

This Dong Mo is the first person in the Dao Holy Land of the Heavenly Death Realm, and the first person of the younger generation of the Dao Dao in the Heavenly Death Realm, and his strength is extraordinary.

“Hahaha… Earlier, a native ferocious beast told me that this place would allow me to fight a good fight, but I didn’t expect it to really be! “

Dong Mo laughed, although he was surprised to meet Yu Xingkong here, as long as he could fight well, it was worth it!

Above the altar, in the midst of the chaos, a long vitality suddenly burst out, slowly filling the air, and with the explosion of this vitality force, a terrifying aura also suddenly erupted…

Not long after, with the outbreak of this breath, a mighty knife qi stirred in all directions, rushed into the sky, and seemed to be able to shatter the floating clouds!

“Okay, come on, you and I have a good fight!”

Dong Mo’s figure is burly and tall, and the thick and majestic body is like a flowing and domineering hero!

Between the gestures, there are traces to be found, but it is already a light wind, faintly showing the prototype of a master!

Anyone who sees Dong Mo will immediately think of a scene inexplicably, one person and one knife, against the world’s heroes!

That peerless crazy and blood-boiling heroic scene!

So deep as a mountain, vast as the sea! Like the king of swords! Emperor in the sword! In front of him, ten thousand knives bow down!

“Well, a battle is good!”

Yuxing Empty Dao, didn’t he come here to have a big battle, met Dong Mo, this rare Dao Tianjiao, this is indeed exciting!

As Yu Xingkong’s words fell, Dong Mo let out a low muffled roar in his throat, his figure took a wrong step back, the combat knife was in his hand, and the knife was full of qi!

In the blink of an eye, wave after wave of knife light collided, and the invisible momentum actually collided with a fierce murderous aura!

Crackling, as if to completely cut and shatter this silent altar!

At this moment, Dong Mo only has a knife in his heart, only a battle!

Nothing but a knife!

He is a pure swordsman, and at this moment, he only has boundless battle intent in his heart, and he wants to fight Yuxingkong for life and death!

They are all Tianjiao of a supreme force, and the Dao Spirit Realm knows the mystery, even if they die here, for them at most, it is a period of recuperation.

On the other side, I saw the starlight behind Yu Xingkong, turning into a sword light curtain, as if containing the supreme sword Dao, like the Nine Heavens Sword River, engulfing everything and strangling everything!

At this moment, he seemed to be incarnated. The sword god, the heavenly power is pervasive, the entire firmament, turned into a sword world in an instant!

There was a loud bang in the field, but the sword light and the sword light fought hard, the sword light was like a long dragon, the starlight was contained, and the volley went straight to the nine skies, and the sword light was like the Milky Way, slashing into the sky!

The two separated as soon as they touched, and then returned, and the sword light and shadow gradually turned into a white light, a black qi, entangled.

At this moment, the entire altar seemed to be about to collapse, constantly making a rumbling noise, and I saw that the Nine Heavens Star River was as mysterious as the heavenly curtain, like a heavenly sword, tearing everything, the sword river directly engulfed, supreme sword power, killing Dong Mo!

Dong Mo’s expression changed, he put the combat knife in front of him, stood evenly under his feet, and his two long legs seemed to support his entire body towards the starry sky.


The endless divine power mixed with the Dao Comprehension, with the stirring energy and the fierce Dao Realm, it seemed to cut everything off.


Heaven and earth roared, and at this moment, the sword light and sword light collided, flooding the altar in an instant, and the endless divine light rushed in all directions, directly submerging this area.

Yu Xingkong did not spare his hand at all, his experience in the Void God Realm was not in vain, at this moment, his right hand glowed and held a round of golden sun, and slammed down!

At the same time, his left hand swung, and the black taiyin force squeezed the void, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, blocking Dong Mo’s retreat.

The Star Sword Art was something he learned from the Primeval God King, and it contained supreme sword art, but his practice time was still short, and it was not enough to show the power of this supreme sword art.

But he has fought with the Taikoo God King many times, and with his guidance, Yu Xingkong’s progress in the stars is not to be underestimated, at least few people in the world can fight with one.

Originally, Dong Mo was not much different from him, after all, they were all leaders of the younger generation of the Great Sect, but he had practiced in the bluestone road for a long time, and he had the guidance of the Ancient God King, so far, his strength in the realm was not comparable to what it used to be!


The entire void was crushed, as if a god was weeping!


Dong Mo was suddenly hit hard, and a mouthful of reverse blood directly spurted out, taking dozens of steps backwards one after another, and the entire chest cavity seemed to be pierced!


“Xingkong, your strength, how did you improve so fast?!”

Dong Mo asked while coughing up blood, he had also fought with Yu Xingkong, the two were between Bozhong, but this time, he was injured in just three moves, and Yu Xingkong’s strength was stronger than he thought.

“Haha… Dong Mo, you don’t know this, I had an adventure in the Nether, I met a peerless existence, and with his guidance, the stars were greatly improved! “

Yu Xingkong said with a smile, if it weren’t for meeting the Ancient God King, his current strength would be almost the same as Dong Mo, but it’s a pity, and now he has become a lot stronger, and he is only one step away, and he can transform and enter those supreme god forbidden levels that only ancient supremes have stepped into!

“What peerless existence can increase your strength so quickly?”

You know, at their level, it is very difficult to take another step in the realm of Avatar God, and it is almost impossible, but now Yu Xingkong is directly pressing him to fight.

“Taikoo God King!”

“What?! Primeval God King?!! “

Dong Mo was horrified, he naturally knew who the Ancient God King was, and now he is very famous in the Heavenly Death Realm, that is the senior brother of the emperor, who created the supreme existence of the Heavenly Cave! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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