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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 132

The Injuryless Emperor just shook his head and said, “I once stepped into the Immortal Forbidden Realm with one foot, but I couldn’t really set foot on it, so the inheritance I got was not the best…”

“Among my group of brothers, only the eldest has truly reached the realm of immortal forbidden…”

The Injuryless Emperor looked up at the boundless floating clouds, as if he thought of the scene when their brothers broke into the world and looked at the Nine Heavens.


Dong Mo didn’t understand, he learned the knife since he was a child, there is nothing else except the knife, let alone brothers, even there are few friends, how can he know what brotherhood.

Of course, what shocked him was that this harmless emperor once had a boss who had reached the Immortal Forbidden Realm, and this one was also extremely respected, and he could imagine the strength of the other party!

“The Divine Forbidden and Immortal Forbidden are like heavenly barriers, far from being comparable to the previous fields, even if the half-step Immortal Forbidden is compared with the Immortal Forbidden, it can be suppressed in just one move!”

The Harmless Emperor explained to Dong Mo, and Dong Mo also understood the gap between the God Forbidden and the Immortal Forbidden at this time, but it was useless to understand, because he had never even set foot on the God Forbidden, let alone the Immortal Forbidden.

“Huh… I know what you are thinking, and I give you a heartfelt warning, do not step into the level of gods before you set foot in the divine forbidden, otherwise you will not be able to go further in the supreme realm. “

“Moreover, according to what you said, the spirit world has opened, then the Great Avenue Flower is also close at hand, if you can find your own path within the Great Avenue Flower, it is very simple to set foot in the Divine Forbidden.”

“However, only the incarnation gods can enter the Dao Flower, so as a last resort, don’t break through the gods before the Dao Blossom blooms.”

Harmless Great Emperor Dao, every time the avenue blooms, it is a great opportunity for Huashen Tianjiao, and it is expected to walk out of a flawless road!

“Senior, is Dao Hua really so amazing?”

It was not the first time he had heard of the Great Dao Flower, when he was in the spirit world, he had heard the master mention it powerfully, and now he was mentioned again on this bluestone road, which made him very interested in this so-called Great Avenue Flower.

“Dao flower, can no longer be said to be magical, it contains an era of civilization, and there is a perfect avenue, if you can comprehend, let alone the divine forbidden, it is the immortal forbidden capital hope!”

“Moreover, in addition, there are countless creations within the Dao Flower, and there is even no lack of immortals and even more supreme Heavenly Skill Saint Methods!”

“At the same time, it is also a place where countless demons of the era have fought against Tianjiao, and from ancient times to the present, in endless years, many demons who have been silent in the years will appear when the avenue blossoms, and bloom with supreme brilliance at the end of this era!”

“Among them, there is definitely a divine forbidden and hopeful detachment!”

The harmless emperor road, the day of the blossom of the avenue, represents a knot, but that will also be the final glory of an era, endless demon conquest of the world, they will be the final witnesses of the era!

Dong Mo was also surging when he heard it, and he couldn’t wait to enter the Dao Flower and fight with those ancient demons!

“Thank you seniors for your guidance!

Dong Modao, if it weren’t for the guidance of the unharmed emperor, I am afraid that it would not be long before he broke through the realm and became a god, but now it seems that it is still too early, and he has not yet embarked on the real road!

“It’s okay, it’s just a trifle!”

The Harmless Emperor said boldly, he did not value these, even if countless years had passed, what he missed most was the years when he grew up with his brothers.


And a few days later, Dong Mo walked out of the bluestone road, and in the past few days he had been comprehending the guidance given to him by the Harmless Emperor, and today he felt that he had reached the limit and needed more time to digest, so he walked out of the bluestone road.

But he really didn’t expect that when he came out, he heard a news that made him so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

“You dead old man, wait for me!”

Dong Molang cursed loudly, he didn’t expect such a result anyway!

Outside, the news that the Void God Realm can obtain the supreme inheritance has been spread all over the place, and some people have received guidance from within the bluestone road, and they can obtain the supreme inheritance by breaking major records.

Fortunately, he spent two realm master-level treasures to exchange with Bird Ye, but the result was like this, isn’t this Sheng Sheng being pitted by someone for two supreme treasures?

Thinking of this, he really wanted to immediately raise a knife and hack the bird master to death!

Outside the bluestone road, many creatures are challenging records, wanting to get the supreme inheritance, but unfortunately, with their ability, it is almost impossible to get it, and those major records have long been occupied by those ancient supreme beings who have left their mark on the Void God Realm.

Among them, especially the Cangwu Domain is the worst, the Barren Heavenly Emperor has almost occupied all major records, such as the strongest physical body, the strength of the first realm, the strongest Dao, etc., they want to break these records, they simply want to fart!

There is simply no possibility!

I don’t know how many Tianjiao broke the halberd!

“Our Cangwu Domain is so miserable, the Barren Heaven Emperor has almost taken up all the major records!”

“Yes, the Barren Heavenly Emperor is not like the ancient supremes of other great domains, he completely grew up in this Void God Realm, all realms have been experienced, and every realm has his footprints!”

“Alas, don’t say it, even the top demons of the major sects, they don’t dare to challenge the record in the Cangwu Domain, and they all ran to other major domains. Although those records occupied by the Ancient Supreme cannot be challenged, not every layer of the other great domains has the footprints of the Ancient Supreme…”

Every time they think of this, the cultivators of the Cangwu Domain are both proud and helpless, proud that the Barren Heavenly Emperor is in the Cangwu Domain, but helplessly, just because the Barren Heavenly Emperor is in this domain, the quality of their major records and ancient records in this domain is terrifyingly high!

Either all the Barren Heavenly Emperors occupy, or even the Barren Heavenly Emperor has not broken, what did they break? And what can be broken?

Except for those small records, or new records, it is simply impossible!

But those small records are of little use to them, and it is good to exchange some blood and secret techniques, but the level will not be high.

Now there is no supreme-level Tianjiao in the entire Cangwu Domain to challenge the record, because he knows that it is impossible!

It is better to go to other great domains, those ancient supremes who have not grown step by step with the help of the Void God Realm, but also left them a chance to break records. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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