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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 137

Dao texts can only be written by the emperor Venerable, and the Dao text of the demon race, naturally only the emperor of the demon race can write down.

However, in this spirit world, how could there be a demon Daowen? Could it be that the demon race had an emperor who had entered this spirit realm?


At this moment, the ancient hall built of five-color divine jade once again made a dull sound, the power of the seal was about to pass, it had almost completely risen to the crater, the glow flowed, the five-color divine light flickered, and the demon Daowen shone on the night!

A million miles away, the ancient words of Daowen are clearly visible, reflecting in the eyes of all living beings!

“That was… Demon Daowen?! How can there be a demon Daowen in the spirit world? “

“Could it be that there are relics left by the Demon Emperor Venerable in the spirit world?”

“Quick, go and investigate, this is likely to be related to the Demon Emperor Venerable, and it is also the Demon Emperor Venerable of the same era as the spirit world!”

At this moment, in all directions, I don’t know how many creatures saw this scene, no matter which clan of strong people, at this moment, they immediately flew towards the place where the text shone.


At this time, the red magma in the ancient buildings under the volcano was boiling, constantly surging outward along the crater, burning half of the sky red.

That magnificent ancient hall, ups and downs, vibrating in the magma, shining brightly, crystal throughout, full of the breath of time.


With the last dramatic tremor, the ancient hall slowly rose from the magma, and one after another complicated and mysterious demon patterns loomed, but it could no longer imprison the ancient hall, let it float.

The volcano shook, the magnificent ancient hall rushed out of the crater, and the dazzling light illuminated this ancient land, like daylight, the stars in the sky all dimmed down, and the five-color divine light was shining.

The entire ancient hall is made of five-color divine jade sacrifices, as if coming from across infinite time and space, making people feel a kind of time precipitation, as well as the breath of endless years.

The ancient hall of the treasure is brilliant, there are many ancient words engraved at its foundation, the dragon script is vigorous, the phoenix script is flying, the Xuan turtle script is condensed, the unicorn shape is atmospheric, like a dragon like a phoenix, like a turtle, the iron hook is silver, majestic and powerful, it is the demon Dao script, only the demon emperor can write!

“This… Could it be the mausoleum of my clan’s emperor?!! “

Some demon clans trembled, almost prostrate and bowed down!

At this time, a demon clan power appeared in the void, very powerful, and his words were full of killing intent, saying: “This is the tomb of my demon emperor, and all other races are there. It’s you who don’t hesitate to fight, despite stepping forward! “

Another clan of great powers stood up and said, “Yes or no, you still need to fight to know, it has not yet been opened, how to conclude, if you want to swallow alone, it is inevitable that there will be a fight!” “

A demon clan powerhouse with two horns and a height of three meters walked forward, and his voice was like a big bell vibrating, making people’s eardrums buzz, “How can the mausoleum of my clan emperor allow you to blasphemy?” Hugh is messing around here! “

“Hmph! If you want to swallow it alone, don’t you allow me to wait to stop it?!” “

Another powerful and strong person came out, although the demon race Daowen appeared, nine times out of ten it is a demon emperor mausoleum, but as long as they have not seen the demon emperor emperor corpse, they can deny all this and do not recognize that this is the demon emperor mausoleum!

“You’re forcing my clan to make a move!”

There are demon races who can shout, turning into brilliant golden divine swords, pointing directly at all races, as long as these creatures dare not retreat, they will immediately start and kill directly!

The other races also stretched out their divine power, and endless divine radiance spread all over the world, seemingly able to slaughter all living beings!

“Boom!” , “Bang! “Bang! “……

At this moment, the dull sound continued to sound, as if a heart was beating violently, and the five-colored brilliance of the crater rushed into the sky, crushing all the monstrous demon qi and vast divine power fluctuations in the sky.

All living beings were attracted to the gaze, and looked towards the crater, as if through the layers of obstacles, and saw the shining temple!

That Daowen, at this moment, bloomed with even more brilliant light, full of mysterious power, no matter what kind of power, it would be shaken by the five-color divine light that flowed out, and it was difficult to approach!

But this made many living beings happy, and this kind of power made them believe that this was the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum, which was likely to contain the Demon Emperor’s greatest treasure!


The strong people of all races joined forces to attack, and all kinds of divine weapons constantly crashed into the gate of the ancient hall, finally shaking it, opening a gap in the rumbling.

In the rumbling roar, all the creatures of all races rushed towards the ancient hall, wanting to kill it, at this moment, the war really broke out, it was about the emperor, and no race was willing to give up!

Especially the demon race, they decided that this was the tomb of the demon emperor, and they could not tolerate other ethnic groups to blasphemy, and they tried their best to kill all the aliens who planned to break into it!

The blazing light is flickering, the sky is trembling, all kinds of weapons swallow divine light, vertical and horizontal impact, murderous aura rushes through the sky, divine power surging, and the ancient hall is almost boiling.

In front of the magnificent ancient hall, the brilliance is dazzling, the demon qi is soaring, it is all a battle of life and death, all living beings do not leave a backhand, and the demon emperor’s mausoleum is too important for them.

What’s more, this is the spirit world, even if they fall, they won’t really die, but they let them kill to madness, and they don’t even have any scruples about themselves, using forbidden magic powers with very big hidden dangers to cut down other race powerhouses, without any hesitation at all!

At this moment, the great war was extremely fierce, the blood of ten thousand races spilled into the sky, soaking the earth, and I don’t know how many living beings were cut down and torn apart alive!

This great battle was full of blood and killing, and there were casualties from all races, all fighting for their lives, all wanting to be the first to rush into the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum.

Millions of miles away, in the heavenly cave, the World God King at the end of the ancient road opened his eyes, his eyes probed the netherworld, and the cave pierced through the nine skies, as if descending millions of miles away, and saw the brilliant ancient hall that stretched across the crater!

“The mausoleum of the One… Unexpectedly, even he was revived…”

Although this sentence is soft, all living beings can hear it, who is “he” and whose mausoleum?

At this moment, the countless great powers in the Nine Heavens Star River were all thinking, could it be that the strongest one from endless years ago was revived?! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,·


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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