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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 138

“Has the outside world changed again?”

“Very likely, otherwise the World God King would not say so.”

Many powerful Dao, they all know that this one will only be like this when the strongest person appears, otherwise even the quasi-emperor will not be able to move him.


Outside the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum, there was a sharp shock, and the people around the ancient hall all turned pale and retreated backwards, and a vast and unfathomable force rushed out from the ancient hall, like the angry sea roaring, killing countless cultivators on their backs and quickly retreating.

The blazing light rushed out from the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum, and the people of Yao couldn’t open their eyes, the vast and unfathomable power was like a mountain and a sea, and a small crystal coffin that was no more than a foot long rushed out, and the powerful power and dazzling light were exactly what it emitted.

“Knock”, “Knock”, “Knock”…

It is trembling gently, like a heartbeat, full of rhythm, full of majestic breath of life, and vast power sweeps in all directions.

“What’s that?!”

Some demon clans exclaimed, that small coffin actually made their hearts bristle, as if there was some kind of supreme existence hidden in it!

“Trap it first, then make another plan!”

Someone shouted, and the next moment, more than a dozen pairs of big hands reached out and grabbed the crystal coffin, and those big hands were condensed with supreme divine power to suppress the small coffin!

Of course, while they were fighting for the crystal coffin, they were also fighting each other, and the blood of the gods splashed and splattered continuously.

Gold, silver, purple… All kinds of blood fell from the sky dome, and some even a drop of blood could crush a void and blast the crater open!

The divine power of all living beings has condensed to the peak, and it is strong to the extreme!

“Click, click!”

At this moment, the crystal coffin could not withstand the impact of so many strong people, slowly cracked, and then shattered with a bang.


At this moment, a monstrous demon force burst out in an instant, shaking all living beings out, and no living creature could withstand this violent force!

Whether it was a god king or a sage, his heart suddenly trembled at this moment, that kind of power is the majesty of the emperor, and there is the emperor avenue hidden in it!

In the shattered crystal coffin, the life breath that erupted was simply comparable to the ocean, and the life force of everyone present was not as strong as it was.

In the source of endless demon power, the red heart was only as big as a fist, as bright as red onyx, and the fierce blood-colored divine radiance surrounded it, and the endless breath of life was exactly what it emitted.

“Knock”, “Knock”, “Knock”…

The sound of the heartbeat came out, it was actually trembling and beating, without losing its vitality, this is actually a heart with strong vitality!

At this moment, no one can approach, dare not approach, every beat of this crystal and bright red heart, makes the people around feel the blood spurting, blood vessels seem to burst, everyone’s heart is in severe pain!

“The Heart of the Emperor… It is the heart of my demon emperor! “

In the sky, several big demons were all shocked, and couldn’t help but exclaim, the crystal demon emperor’s heart beat powerfully, and then suddenly rushed into the sky, turning into a blood-colored divine light, actually about to rush into the far sky!

“Intercept it, at all costs, imprison it!” The strong man of the demon clan shouted loudly: “That is the heart of my clan emperor Venerable, the source of his strength, if it is owned by my demon clan, it will be expected to create a demon clan emperor Venerable again!” “

The demon race will rush to kill at all costs to take this heart away, but there is far more than one family here, there are far more than one sage, and it is too difficult for the demon race to take this heart away!

Even if you can win it, you will definitely pay a heavy price!

Inside the Heavenly Cave, the World God King’s gaze was faint, he saw through the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and sighed lightly: “Alas, it is indeed him, even this one has returned…”

Many existences in the Nine Heavens Star River were once again shocked, listening to the tone of the World God King, this existence was by no means simple, and it was likely to be another existence comparable to the Emperor Venerable, or even more powerful!

“Dare to ask Emperor Venerable, but there is an ancient existence revived in silence?”

At this moment, some great powers couldn’t help but ask, not only him, there were too many creatures who wanted to know all this, and they all wanted to know, what kind of existence could make this emperor mention it twice?

“Wangu Qingtian, a lotus…”

The World God King said calmly, but just this sentence, all the creatures in the Nine Heavens Star River seemed to have a scene in front of their eyes, heroic and majestic, black hair scattered, long figure, deep eyes, and a wise brilliance that was insightful in all things!

Wangu Qingtian a lotus!

In front of all living beings, there seemed to be such a majestic figure, originally a green lotus, pregnant for millions of years, and born in the Immortal Pond.

Cut off the old body, refine the new body, start at the end of the micro, go against the sky, sing all the way, and leave the people of the same generation far behind!

He once embarked on the ancient road of the starry sky, leaving endless legends, and also entered the depths of the starry sky all the way, rebelled against the creation of heaven and earth, and achieved Godless Position in the most impossible era of enlightenment!

Even if he sat for ten thousand years, there was a wisp of killing intent manifesting, forcefully crushing two peerless spirits holding imperial soldiers, and killing them in an instant!

He had wanted to evolve the Supreme Immortal Domain and open up an immortal realm that could live forever in this world!

At the end of his life, he was born again, adjusted himself to the peak state, held the imperial soldier, and made the last fight of his life, to forcibly break through the Immortal Domain!

“Emperor Ye Tian… The Green Emperor…”

All the great powers were shocked, especially those sages, they were even more terrified, in that illusion, they actually saw Ye Tiandi, the peerless Heavenly Emperor who had fought for endless years, defeated the strong enemies of ancient and modern times, and suppressed all the great enemies!

“This one is actually in the same era as Emperor Ye Tian, and even Emperor Ye Tian once needed to look up!”

In the illusion they saw, Emperor Ye Tiandi had struck together with the Green Emperor and entered a passage made of blazing light, and Emperor Ye Tiandi’s Emperor Fist even penetrated there!

“Immortal Domain! Did the Green Emperor break into the Immortal Domain?! “

The great powers were shocked, and they thought of that place in the Desolate Forbidden Land, the Eternal Immortal Domain!

Could it be said that the Green Emperor also entered it, and even before the three Emperor Ye Tian, the Ruthless Emperor, and the Beginningless Emperor?! _

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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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