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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 139

“Go, exit the Heavenly Cave for the time being, I’ll take a look later!”

There is a powerful way, directly rushing out of the Nine Heavens Star River, they also have to witness it, if this is the birth and revival of the Green Emperor, it can definitely shake the entire Heavenly Death Realm!

At the tomb of the demon emperor, there was an ancient chariot killed, cast from divine iron, engraved with dense “Dao patterns”, pulled by powerful fierce beasts, emitting gusts of wind and thunder, crushing through the sky, rolling in, a powerful battle intent surging like a tsunami.

Another great power has come, exerting great means, to suppress everything, to blast open the tomb of the demon emperor, and seize that heart!

But at this moment, that heart seemed to merge with heaven and earth, instantly turned into a green light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, the magnificent ancient hall made of five-color divine jade sacrifice was covered with dense demon text, and the five-color divine brilliance bloomed, and dragon characters, phoenix characters, Xuan turtle characters, etc. seemed to have life.

The demon qi is like a billowing wolf smoke, straight to Xiaohan, the surging demon power is undulating like an ocean, all living beings cannot approach, and those who dare to cross the thunder pool a step are all shaken into powder at the first time.

These great powers are killing again, no longer ready to chase the heart that escaped, they want to forcibly break through the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum and enter it to seize the treasure!

They all exert peerless means, supreme divine energy, like the sea of gods monstrous, like the galaxy pouring out, the vast expanse between heaven and earth, everywhere is dazzling light, endless divine radiance is impacting, the demon emperor mausoleum here seems to be boiling.


Not long after, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in the direction of the demon emperor’s tomb, which made people’s souls tremble, and the brilliant divine light broke through the clouds and penetrated heaven and earth.

As if a volcano had erupted, endless demon power surged out, and brilliant light rushed in all directions like a tsunami.

The weak did not dare to stay at all, the endless divine light and terrifying demon power continued to rush in all directions, and the slightest mistake would be strangled!

I don’t know how long it took, and many great powers didn’t know how many times they struck before they could punch a crack in the corner of the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum.


At this moment, a stream of light flew out from the torn corner of the Demon Emperor’s mausoleum, rushing in all directions!

“Psychic Artifact! Stop them! “

There are great powers, these are the most precious treasures, they have been channeled, and they have strong potential!

Many great powers all stretched out their big hands and faced the sky, but there were still many rays of light that had slipped through the net, rushing to the sky and disappearing into the mountains and forests.

At this moment, even the cultivators who were there before all took action, quickly flying in all directions, chasing towards the sky, rushing into the deep forest, chasing the light of the sky.

The endless light went in all directions, and all the psychic weapons buried in the ancient tomb rushed out.

Among them, several beams of light are particularly dazzling, extremely dazzling, and the shining sky dome is dazzling, like a round of small suns, you don’t need to think about it, it is a rare treasure!

All living beings went crazy, chasing in the vast glory regardless of the danger, seizing those psychic weapons.

The Demon Emperor’s mausoleum is also collapsing, but no one cares about it at the moment, even if it is a demon creature, they just want to seize the psychic treasure at this moment!

At this moment, in that dazzling brilliance, a brilliant beam of light that eclipsed the sun, moon and stars suddenly burst out, as if the sun had burst!

“What’s that?!”

All living beings, even those powerful beings, find it difficult to open their eyes, and their eyes are stabbed, but even so, all the great powers are the first to strike at the first time to hold this divine light!


The divine light broke through the sky, it had unparalleled powerful energy, like a cosmic starry sky in turmoil, terrifying fluctuations were vast and unfathomable, shaking away many great powers, and making the weapons in their hands instantly dim!

The brilliant divine light streaked across the long sky, causing extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, and countless creatures fell into the sky because of this, as if a world was burning, and there was nothing to stop it.

“That must be the weapon that the Demon Emperor held during his lifetime!”

There is the supreme Dao, his eyes are blazing, it is an imperial soldier, and it is extremely powerful, far better than the imperial soldiers held by all races!

“Could it be that this is the imperial soldier of a demon race heavenly emperor? How else could it be so terrifying?! “

There are creatures that are extremely terrifying, this power is too terrifying, and no one has ever controlled it, but even this is terrifyingly powerful, even the imperial soldiers cannot compare!

This kind of thought is very frightening, if it is true, then does it not mean that there is a demon emperor in this demon emperor’s mausoleum?

This imperial soldier shot out tens of thousands of divine rays, the brilliance was gorgeous, I couldn’t see what it looked like, the blazing light made people unable to open their eyes, it was like hundreds of millions of stars burning at the same time, and the whole heaven and earth were shaking violently!

In an instant, it was completely flooded by light, becoming an ocean of energy, vast undulations, all the surrounding creatures flew out, and some people who were too close directly shattered and turned into a cloud of blood mist!

All the great powers are ready to move, this is a godless soldier, not an ordinary imperial soldier can be compared!

Especially the demon clan, they even planned to bring this imperial soldier back to the clan at all costs!

The Terran race once had a Qingyang Heavenly Emperor, but the Qingyang Heavenly Emperor never left an imperial soldier, and there has never been a Heavenly Emperor-level emperor soldier in this world, and this one in front of him is likely to be the only Heavenly Emperor-level imperial soldier in countless epochs in the Heavenly Death Realm!

“Whatever it takes! Immediately invite the imperial soldiers from the Hui clan, and you must bring it back to our clan!” “

There is a powerful way of the demon clan, the demon clan once lost an imperial soldier, but if you can bring this piece back, even if the Peng clan imperial soldier can’t find it, it doesn’t matter!

This one imperial soldier alone can be compared to all other imperial soldiers!

No matter how much it costs, as long as you can grab it, it is worth it!

The other great clans are the same, they want to bring the supreme emperor soldiers to kill, suppress everything, and take this imperial soldier away! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,·


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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