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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 140

After getting the news, countless strong people entered the spirit world, and even more big clans carried godless soldiers, and they wanted to reappear the emperor road battle within the spirit world!

For them, this big battle is beneficial and harmless, even if the loss is heavy, it is just a period of rest and recuperation in this world, but if it is done, it is a supreme treasure that is suspected to be the Heavenly Emperor Emperor Soldier!

No clan does not want to take it, so they do not hesitate to invite imperial soldiers, even if it is to fully revive the imperial soldiers, they will take it away!

The ancient chariot roared, killing from endless distance, and the Dao sound rumbled, as if driving a supreme divine weapon!

The starry river was dim, and the entire heavenly dome was illuminated by divine light, like daylight, infinite brilliance fell, and several terrifying qi machines rushed to kill!

The sound of the avenue roared, and no god coerced!

In all directions, there are different emperors, confronting each other, like jealousy, but the coercion has not weakened in the slightest!

Many creatures were crushed to pieces, as if they were about to be crushed!


A mouthful of divine sword whispered, constantly trembling, and the ripples of time and space continued to extend into the distance, and the sword intent was monstrous, as if it could cut off the universe!

On the other side, an ancient pagoda was trembling and roaring continuously, as if it was about to collapse the heavens and realms, and the infinite chaos was trembling, as if it would collapse at any time.

At the same time, an immortal gold ancient bracelet struck the nine heavens, and the divine power swept infinitely, as if imprisoning the entire world!


Several imperial soldiers swept across the sky, surrounded from all directions, restraining each other, but cooperating with each other, pressing towards the point where it was suspected to be the Demon Race Heavenly Emperor!

“This is the imperial soldier of my clan, and he will not retreat!”

There are demon clan supreme people drinking, no one is willing to give up this imperial soldier, especially this belongs to the demon clan, how can they be willing to give it up?

“Ridiculous! The imperial soldiers are supreme, and those who can get it, and they want to take it away after waiting for a word, is it impossible to put me in the eyes? “

Similarly, other great clan powerhouses will not let go of this imperial soldier, giving the demon clan is tantamount to greatly increasing the strength of the demon clan, and they can’t do such a stupid thing.

The breath of the Ancient Emperor Venerable continued to pervade, and a terrifying fluctuation like the collapse of the starry sky in the universe was fluctuating in the vastness!

The imperial soldiers are actually recovering, and if they want to show their supreme power here, they will reproduce the edge of the imperial war!

But at this moment, in that light, there was also a burst of godless power, which belonged to this mysterious Heavenly Emperor Emperor Soldier!

“Is this the power of the Green Emperor?!”

There was a powerful man from the heavenly cave who was terrified, and in his heart, the divine power of the Green Emperor reappeared in the world, and all the powers could not help but bow down, and the ancient gods would tremble because of it.

In the endless divine light, there is a chaotic plant, nine lotus leaves support the heaven and earth, and a green vine root presses the gods, which is like a living demon emperor!

As soon as this imperial soldier came out, it was almost to the heavens and realms, and some of the great powers in front of him finally couldn’t help it, and they knelt down, unable to withstand this kind of great emperor coercion.

Those imperial soldiers who were recovering in all directions, the light was dim compared to it, as if this green lotus was the center of chaos, only it was the real imperial soldier!

This is the power of the demon emperor, who became an emperor against the heavens in the most impossible era of preaching, breaking the rules of heaven and earth, and suppressing the godless Venerable of a large world!


At this moment, the light and shadow flickered, and among the Qinglian Emperor soldiers, a heroic figure appeared, stepping up from the lake to the shore, his eyes swept away, and the blue light appeared.

“Green Emperor! That’s the Green Emperor! “

“How could it be the Green Emperor?!”

“The Green Emperor is not dead, he is still alive?!”

The creatures who came in the heavenly cave were all shocked, and they couldn’t believe that they had traveled through the ages in the words of the World God King, and they saw an illusion of the Green Emperor.

But because of this, they were shocked, how could it be the Green Emperor? Incredibly, that was a creature of the same era as Emperor Ye Tian, an ancient existence that had broken into the Immortal Domain, it shouldn’t be him!


Nearby, a power that was a little closer let out a scream, and it was broken into three at that time.

Just a glance of his eyes made the body of this powerful person who killed all sides break, which was simply terrifying.

In the void, a man dressed in blue clothes, step by step, very heroic, the depths of his eyes are full of the scene of opening the world and the birth of the universe, which is extremely deep.

His every move is so natural, there is no coercion or a shuddering breath, like an eternal immortal body.

However, every living being wants to bow down, like to a god, and wants to bow down to him!

Finally, one creature after another fell to their knees, not by coercion, not by coercion, all from the heart, with great piety.

Sacred and quiet, solemn and strange, many living beings have an ethereal heart in their hearts, worshiping gods like gods, constantly kowtowing and worshiping.

“Live… Living Emperor?! “

All the mighty hearts were horrified, and they couldn’t believe the scene in front of them, it was a truly alive emperor, a truly alive demon emperor!

“Demon Clan Wanyu, welcome the return of the ancestor!”

At this moment, a demon sage flew over, knelt down in front of this demon emperor, bowed respectfully, he came from the heavenly cave, knew the identity of this supreme existence, once entered the immortal domain, and now even if he is not at the peak, he is by no means comparable to ordinary emperors!

After him, countless demon clans knelt down and shouted, wanting to welcome this demon emperor back to the demon clan.

In this way, the demon race will also become one of the supreme forces with the emperor in the world, and there is no need to fear the human race!

“Impossible, where in the world are there so many emperors?!”

The Terran race has an emperor, and the Celestial Race is also suspected to have an emperor, and now there is another demon race, how is this possible, how can there be so many living emperors in this world?

Holding the imperial soldiers, he was about to kill forward, but all this was in vain, facing the Qingdi, they looked as faint as dust, and when they were still more than a dozen feet away from the heroic man in Qingyi, they directly evaporated in an instant and melted clean!

“It’s worthy of being the Green Emperor, it’s too terrible, there is no way to figure out cultivation!”

That kneeling demon race sage secretly said in his heart, it was too strong, it was not a manpower at all, even if the imperial soldiers were completely revived, they might not be able to pose a slight threat to this existence!

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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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