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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 141

The Green Emperor walked step by step, his eyes were waveless, and a ray of blue light overflowed, and where he passed, there was a burst of sounds, extremely peaceful, and various visions filled the heavenly dome, as if he was in a holy land and pure land.


Suddenly, the divine qi machine that erupted from the Qing Emperor’s body was like a Wanjun Divine Blade fighting, only listening to the sound, an imperial soldier in front of him was instantly hit hard and was beaten out horizontally.

The Green Emperor didn’t say a word, just slowly raised his hand, pointed out a finger, and an eternal light shot out from between his fingers, directly knocking that sword-shaped emperor soldier away, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

“Reviv the imperial soldiers, suppress with all your might!”

There is a great power shouting, wanting to revive the imperial soldiers and show the divine power of the emperor road.

However, everything was in vain, the green emperor’s finger represented eternity, omnipotence, invincibility, a cyan finger print fell, and that mighty one instantly turned into ashes.

The Green Emperor turned a blind eye to the strong people of ten thousand races, pacing forward, the stars in his eyes were billions of dollars, constantly flowing, the sky was full of light, and the refreshing fragrance floated down, like a dream, the light and rain were like smoke, and many people seemed to be drunk directly to the ground.

Many living beings are terrified, the Qing Emperor’s means cannot be calculated, is it really revived, out of the ancient epic, to attack the nine days again?

The Green Emperor stood with his hands in his hands, dressed in blue clothes, he looked young, heroic and majestic, he looked so indifferent, but he had an invisible emperor power.

Even if they were as strong as the sages of the demon race, they couldn’t help but tremble, the Green Emperor did not suppress them, just a primordial breath, which made them can’t bear the panic in their hearts.

This is the majesty of the Green Emperor, even if it is plain and quietly standing there, even the sages of the demon race can only look up, and the trembling of the soul comes from the trembling.

The supreme beings from the Heavenly Cave were all shocked in their hearts, how powerful the Green Emperor was, but thinking about his amazing life was just awe-inspiring!

It can be expected that even when the Qing Emperor was young, he must have been a strong man who was proud of ancient and modern times, and at that time, most of his peers would be desperate and difficult to look back on.

“When Emperor Ye Tian was young, he had a comment: Young man has no beginning, comparable to ruthless people, comparable to the Green Emperor! Now I know how strong this Supreme Demon Emperor really is! “

A sage who came from the Heavenly Cave exclaimed in a low voice, and now he knew the comment mentioned by the World God King, this Green Emperor was not an ordinary person, but a peerless creature that could be compared with Ye Tiandi and other figures!

“Zheng!” , “Zheng! “……

At this moment, ten thousand swords roared in unison, and one after another huge pillars of light rushed straight to Xiaohan, each one was like Dayue, that sword-shaped imperial soldier actually revived, wanting to kill back, and even sent out supreme emperor Dao coercion!

This is only the fluctuation of natural flow when it recovers, but even so, it seems to be breaking the sky.

“It is worthy of being an imperial soldier, extremely revived, showing the glory of the past!” There is a big, the emperor soldier has a spirit, this emperor soldier encountered the green emperor, and at this moment he wants to recover, replace his master and Qing!

Even if it has not been fully recovered, at this moment, the entire void seems to be cut open, and countless big stars are trembling, as if they will overturn at any time!


The emperor sword sounded softly, but the green emperor looked indifferent, and his fingers popped out and pointed at it.


A voice that seemed to have a fairy rhyme came, and this emperor sword suddenly became quiet, and was calmed by the invincible existence of this demon race!

“How is that possible?!”

Some sages were shocked, it was an imperial soldier, and it was gradually recovering, wanting to show its lord’s splendor and fight with the Green Emperor, but now the Green Emperor only popped out a finger, and it was directly suppressed!

How strong should the Green Emperor be? Compared to the owner of this emperor sword, how much stronger should it be?!

“No, it’s really a Heavenly Emperor-level existence…”

Some creatures were shocked, their eyes were tightly looking at the peerless figure standing in the sky, and their voices were trembling.

All the living beings swallowed a breath of cold air, the Green Emperor was too powerful, so he put away this emperor sword in a plain way.

“It’s a pity, the refining technique is too poor, and it wastes Xianzhen…”

This was the first sentence that the Green Emperor said since he appeared, but it was such a sentence that shocked countless living beings, that is, it made the clan in charge of the emperor sword angry, and it made the suppressed emperor sword constantly ringing!

“Refining techniques…”

There were creatures whose hearts were beating wildly, it was an imperial soldier, and it was an emperor who refined this emperor sword!

But in the mouth of the Green Emperor, it was… The refining technique is too poor!

If other creatures dare to say this sentence, they will definitely be chased and killed by this clan and insult the emperor of a family, this is an unending vendetta, but this one in front of him is also an emperor zun, and may even … It’s the Heavenly Emperor!

Even if they want revenge and want to suppress each other, there is little hope!

However, in the face of the changes of many strong people and the constantly ringing emperor sword, the green emperor was still unmoved, quietly looking ahead, the stars in his eyes evolved, and all kinds of mysteries of the birth of the universe were all circulating together.

“I never thought that countless epochs had passed, and you had sneaked into the world!”

The Green Emperor said slowly, his eyes still staring at the void, as if he had pierced the infinite territory, pierced the truth and the void!

“What did Emperor Zun see?!”

Some sages were shocked in their hearts, wanting to know what the Green Emperor saw, but let them stare at that void, they still couldn’t see a trace!

“I’ve given you a chance, why don’t you retreat?” The Qing Emperor calmly spoke, and there was an immeasurable chaotic immortal light in his eyes, which would burst out at any time and cut this void chaos apart!


The next moment, a monstrous divine light rushed out from the void, it was an ancient chariot, rumbling out of the void, and on it there was a presence that was emitting divine light, as tall and short as ordinary people, but it made people tremble!

Above the head of that figure, there was a fairy gold halberd, stained with the blood of the supreme god, and the trace of murderous aura seemed to directly tear people’s hearts and rush into it!

“That was… There is an emperor?! “

Countless creatures were terrified, and the figure that exuded divine light was actually under the coercion of the emperor road, which made people feel terrified. _

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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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