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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 143

“Imperial soldiers! Cut it off! “

But soon, someone immediately reacted, although the Green Emperor killing intention disappeared, but that Green Lotus Emperor soldier had not disappeared, it was still hanging in the void, blooming with endless divine light!

“Who dares?!”

The power of the demon race also reacted, shouted, and the killing intention of the Green Emperor dissipated, but it did not mean that they could take away the Green Emperor Emperor soldiers, this was an enemy of their demon clan!

The demon emperor soldiers are across the void, and if they want to recover, they must cut down all the great enemies who beat the Qinglian emperor soldiers!

The green emperor’s killing thoughts dissipated, but the battle for the emperor soldiers still did not stop, and even more intense, without the limit of the strongest, this place will definitely become a battlefield!

All the great powers will conquer, and they will fight!


The next moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the end of heaven and earth, combined with the pulse of this world, and clearly entered the hearts of all living beings.

The golden crow gradually climbed the heavenly dome, and the brilliance of the morning sun fell on the brilliance of the sky, dyeing the earth with a layer of red.

At the end of that heaven and earth, a tall figure was coming step by step, white clothes victorious over snow, heroic and majestic, stepping on the green clouds and the moon, as if stepping on the whole world!

The endless imperial pressure broke through the clouds, covered the chaos, the entire spirit world was resonating with it, infinite visions continued to pour into the world, the true dragon coiled, the phoenix hissed, the kunpeng spread its wings, the unicorn fell to the ground…

His arrival fills this ray of morning light with life!

“Another statue… Emperor?!! “

All living beings were already confused in their hearts, how could this be? The killing thoughts of the Green Emperor only dissipated, and another peerless existence descended, suspected to be an emperor!

“Impossible! Where are there so many emperors?! “

The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan and the Green Emperor killed the thought, if they added this statue in front of them, within this day, they saw the existence of three statues stepping on the emperor road, which was too dreamy to believe!

However, all dreams have become a reality, that peerless being has descended, revealing its true body, white clothes like snow, eyes clear and deep, like an ancient cold abyss, calmly looking at everything!

“That was… That Tianzun?! “

All the powerhouses from the Heavenly Grotto were shocked, this one they had also seen, not long ago they entered the Heavenly Grotto, and when they reached the end of the ancient road, they were greeted by the World God King!

Called Tianzun by the World God King, he told the blossom of the Dao, and it was suspected that the person in charge of this spirit realm was also suspected to be a supreme emperor!

This person was none other than Jiang Ling, and after the Green Emperor’s killing thoughts dissipated, he was in front of him. Before the descent of all nations.

Jiang Ling waved his hand, and the rules of the infinite path converged, and an invisible big hand held that one green lotus emperor soldier in his hand!

This piece of imperial divine power is endlessly suspected to be the weapon of the Heavenly Emperor, but in Jiang Ling’s hands, it is extremely calm, not showing wind and waves, slowly rotating in his hands, making the chaotic qi rise and fall.


Many strong people were shocked, but they felt impossible, too terrifying, that green lotus, but even the imperial soldiers could not match, but now, it was easily held in his hands!

“Where did the Terrans come from so many emperors?!”

At this moment, many great powers still did not know the level of this person, only the true emperor Venerable, and the emperor who was not weaker than the level of the Green Emperor, could so easily contain this green lotus.

At this moment, they are all jealous in their hearts, the Terran race already has the Heavenly Cave Emperor, and there is also suspected to exist in the Desolate Forbidden Land, and it may be an invincible existence, and now in this spirit world, there is another statue!

Could it be that in this era, the Terrans really want to dominate the heavens, and the Unai can not be honored?

Only the strong people of the human race are extremely happy at this moment!

Jiang Ling held the Qinglian Emperor soldier in his hand, looking at the expressions of all living beings, and then slowly said: “The Qingdi heroic life, from chaos, cut off the old body, the peak of the first life, standing in the extreme realm of the emperor, can be called the heavenly emperor, and has the ability to suppress the darkness…”

No one understood what Jiang Ling was going to do, just listened to him slowly talk about the merits of the Green Emperor, and those strong people who were not from the Heavenly Cave finally knew at this moment that this godless emperor numbered.

Especially when he heard that the Green Emperor could be called the Heavenly Emperor, the strong man of the demon race even had to spray his bloodline!

An Emperor Venerable personally admitted that even if the Green Emperor was not a Heavenly Emperor, he was qualified to be honored as a Heavenly Emperor!

“Green Emperor!”

All living beings remember this emperor number in their hearts, especially the demon race, this is his demon race heavenly emperor, who should be worshiped by the demon race for ten thousand lifetimes and immortal in endless years!

“Where is the Demon Sage?”

The next moment, Jiang Ling’s emperor’s voice came out, as if the world was transmitting for it, and the entire void was about to boil!

The sages of the demon race were shocked, and quickly bowed, this is an emperor, no matter which clan he belongs to, he needs to be respected!

“This piece of Qinglian Emperor soldier is the body of the Qingdi Emperor, boarding and killing thought, reappearing divine power after these endless years, cutting down the quasi-emperor, and waiting for all generations to worship, forever remembered!”

Saying that, Jiang Ling gently pushed out with one hand, and the green lotus emperor soldier slowly fell, towards the demon sage.


The eyes of all living beings are full of disbelief, especially the Terrans, this is an imperial soldier, how can it be handed over to the demon race?

Only the demon race, although they are puzzled, but their eyes have lingering joy, and some even have tears!

The first demon sage knelt three times and bowed nine times, bowed with the highest etiquette of the demon race, and respectfully supported the green lotus emperor soldier with both hands!

Looking at this Qinglian Emperor soldier in front of him… No, it should be the Green Emperor itself, the many great powers of the demon race are all very happy, if it were not for Jiang Ling’s presence, they would almost laugh and be ecstatic!

“Wait, thank Emperor Zun!”

Many demon sages worshiped, just because Jiang Ling was willing to hand over the Qinglian Emperor soldiers to the demon clan, that was the greatest kindness to the demon clan, even if it was not the demon clan emperor, it was worthy of their worship with the highest courtesy!

“Although the Green Emperor is a demon race, he has a relationship with several Heavenly Emperors of my Terran race, and his imperial soldiers and my Terran Race will not covet it.”

The Terran sages suddenly remembered that in the words of the World God King, they had seen the Terran Ye Tiandi and the Green Emperor working together to blast open the Immortal Domain, and the two supreme beings had definitely fought side by side, so to speak, the Green Emperor and the Terran were friends and not enemies!

Moreover, since this Terran Emperor Venerable did this, there must be his reason, perhaps it was just that they couldn’t see through. _

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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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