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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 144

Seeing that the demon tribe was overjoyed, Jiang Ling continued:”You guys, please remember and don’t forget to worship. This is the Qing Emperor’s true form. He is not weak to the Emperor. If he can embody the spirit, Wisdom, it may not be possible for Qing Emperor to reappear!”

All the creatures were shocked again. They could see how powerful Qing Emperor was. With just one thought of killing, he could kill a quasi-emperor. If he reappeared, wouldn’t the demon race be invincible? ?

The demon clan is all surprised. Is there hope that the Qing Emperor will reappear?

But they also thought that this green lotus was the former body of the Qing Emperor, but it was refined into an imperial weapon after he cut off his old body. Strictly speaking, this green lotus was not so much an imperial weapon as it was an imperial weapon. Rather, this is an emperor’s corpse!

Throughout the ages, there have been examples of emperor corpses cultivating spiritual wisdom. If the human emperor had not lied to them, there was indeed hope that the Qing Emperor would reappear!

Even if he is not the real Qing Emperor, he is still an existence comparable to the emperor, and can protect the demon clan from declining for tens of thousands of years!

“Thank you Emperor Zun!”

For an emperor, no amount of gratitude is in vain. All you can do is keep it in your heart.

Jiang Ling didn’t pay attention to it.

He didn’t hand over the Azure Lotus Emperor’s soldiers to the demon clan out of good intentions.

This green lotus…

The Lotus Emperor Soldier is a system creation that can harvest luck with the help of incense.

The more creatures that worship and worship, the more luck can be harvested, especially since this is the imperial weapon of the Demon Clan Emperor, so he will definitely enjoy it in the Demon Clan!

With its supreme status and the worship of hundreds of millions of monsters, coupled with Jiang Ling’s words that it is expected that the Qing Emperor will reappear, he believes that this Blue Lotus Emperor Soldier will definitely be regarded as the most precious treasure by the monsters, and there will definitely be countless monsters.

The tribe worships them day and night!

In this way, he can harvest countless fortunes! After all, it is unfair for other races to only harvest fortunes!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ling glanced around again and saw it. With jealousy in the eyes of many races, he slowly said:”You all races, the biggest enemy is not each other. The flowers of the avenue will bloom. This era will eventually end, and the great reckoning will come. Do not engage in civil strife or self-destruction.” everything!”

After Jiang Ling said this, he left in the morning light without waiting for the creatures of all races to understand the meaning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye at the intersection of heaven and earth.

“The end of an era? Great reckoning? What does this emperor mean?”

Countless living beings keep thinking in their hearts, what will happen at the end of the era? What is the great reckoning?

At this moment, they seem to feel the endless darkness shrouding them, with no end!


In the spiritual world, Jiang Ling’s figure gradually emerged, turning away from the supreme meaning and turning into mundane matter.

“Harvesting all races will start slowly, but now, we can try it.……”

Jiang Ling said slowly,”It” refers to the skull that once struck Emperor Qingyang and chopped it off.

An evil skull blocked the Tianshang Realm. Even if it could not be crossed, Jiang Ling had always been curious about the reason for this.

However, he had never had much spare luck before, so he kept putting it off, and even making up the ultimate darkness had to be vague and impossible to explain clearly.

Because he knew that once he explained it clearly, it would definitely arouse suspicion, and there was still a Celestial Clan in the Tianshang Realm.

This clan has many secrets, and has always been an enemy of the human race. The most important thing is that the quasi-emperor of the Celestial clan and the god king Di Yuan also fell into his hands before. He has explored their bloodlines, and there are indeed some unpredictable things..

Therefore, he has never made everything clear, and every time it involves darkness, it will be very blurry.

“This time, I want to see your true face!”

Jiang Ling made up his mind and said, of course, he is not prepared to be an enemy.

Moreover, he has a bigger plan in his heart, to create all things and become the mastermind behind this world. Naturally, regardless of good or evil, good or evil, he will To be in His hands!

“But you need to think carefully about what to do……”

Now his luck value is indeed enough, but he cannot waste it. Naturally, he wants to maximize the benefits.

It is easiest to upgrade the Tianji Stone to the level of an immortal weapon, but the Tianji Stone has always been used by him alone, and it is impossible to harvest luck.

“In this case, it would be better to create a creature similar to it……”

It’s not like he has never done this kind of thing before. He once created a big demon in the lower world, but it was considered a failure. Before he found out, he didn’t dare to let him appear in the world again.

“Got it……”

Jiang Ling thought of a creature that was once invincible and lived in the same era as Emperor Huangtian, but eventually fell into darkness, became an enemy of Emperor Huangtian, and was eventually beheaded.

“Xiao Liuzi, the decision is yours!”

Jiang Ling said with a smile. He had a deep impression of this character. He was once as famous as the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, the One with Double Eyes, and the Ten-Crown King. He dominated the world for several eras and was invincible!

However, during the great reckoning, he threw himself into the darkness.

Although He himself had the blood of darkness, but it was still shameful.

He eventually died in that battle, and the title Xiaoliuzi was the nickname given to him by the Six-Crown Champion Ning Chuan.!

This is the creature that Jiang Ling wants to create, and it is not an imperial body like the World God King.

It will be a complete creature, and it will be a supreme creature that has surpassed the emperor and truly entered the level of”immortal”!

An hour later, a figure gradually appeared in front of Jiang Ling, shrouded in light. He was dressed in snow clothes, and even his shoes and socks were white, spotless. His silver hair was disheveled, extremely bright, and his face was so handsome that it was unreal, better than many women. Beautiful.

He seems to be the most perfect creature in the world, without any flaws or dust, like a fairy in the sky, who does not eat the fireworks of the world. He is shining brightly, holding a bracelet, as if he was born with the destiny of heaven and earth. , otherworldly, with a sky map on his back, a dragon pattern on his forehead, and the divine light illuminates the entire sky.

This area is filled with light and rain, peaceful and holy. He seems to have come from the fairy world, otherworldly and unparalleled..

If Jiang Ling hadn’t sealed the void with supreme means, countless powerful people would have surrounded this place, and they would have thought that some supreme treasure had been born!

“It’s really expensive……”

Jiang Ling was speechless. A complete living being is precious, especially a six-crown king who is not only an immortal but also masters many holy and heavenly arts. The key is the string of six-path reincarnation beads. Taken together, they are almost as good as the spirit. World’s price.

(PS: Please take a look at the related work, which contains instructions on the update time, thank you!)_

To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,·


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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