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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 148

The vision on the divine peak did not last long before dissipating. Although several strong men stationed in the divine city have arrived, it is difficult to know what happened before.

“Hey, there is a creature there!”

One of them suddenly said, it was very strange. Just now he had covered it with his spiritual thoughts, and he had obviously not found any living beings, but when he looked at that place, he found a figure standing there.


He is the King of Gods, with unparalleled spiritual thoughts, but the spiritual exploration just now was unable to find this figure. I am afraid this figure is not simple.

This is a woman with unparalleled elegance, with long fiery red hair flying, and crimson armor. Moving in the wind, her tall figure exuded a divine light, and her eyes seemed to be able to see through the autumn water. She looked like she was only twenty years old.

However, she was such a beautiful woman with two traces of tears on her cheeks. He stared closely at the corner of the sacred peak, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing, making people unpredictable.

“It is forbidden to enter the sacred peak, so leave quickly!”

At this moment, a God King flew over and shouted with a frown.

The energy on this woman’s body was very strange, and her whole body was void and chaotic. It was difficult for the divine mind to capture her existence.

But with the eyes of this God King, she could It can be seen that she is not strong, and has not even entered the level of gods. I am afraid that she is using a peerless treasure to cover up her energy.

It is not easy to isolate the divine power of a god king. It is not easy to use it on a weak person who has not yet become a god. The power behind her should not be underestimated when it comes to living beings.

However, the red-haired woman didn’t seem to hear it, her eyes were still staring blankly in front of her, and two lines of tears fell unconsciously from the corners of her eyes and fell on the ground.

“My friends, this place is not allowed to be entered. Please leave quickly.”

Another God King said, he also had some scruples. To be protected by such a powerful treasure, the existence behind it was terrifying, and she didn’t do anything, so they didn’t act rashly.

“Father, mother, master, senior brother, senior sister… I woke up, but where are you?”

This peerless woman whispered, her voice choked with sobs, and she sobbed from time to time. She clenched her two showy fists. She was astonishing for all eternity, and her aptitude was incredible, but in the end she could not compete with the years!

“Jiuqu Sword Sect, why are you no longer here?……”

Word by word, the woman spoke slowly, tears flowing down uncontrollably.

“Jiuqu Sword Sect?!”

A god king exclaimed, looking at the red-haired woman with a look full of disbelief.

The Nine Curved Sword Sect was an old force under the divine peak. It existed in the oldest years. There was a quasi-emperor. The most powerful creature was in charge!

But even they knew very little about this, except for a few words of record.

However, this red-haired woman looked at the corner of the divine peak and cried softly, and also mentioned the Nine Curved Sword Sect.!

“wake up? Why do you say wake up? Is it difficult…”

Suddenly, a god king was stunned. He thought of the news that had been circulating in the Tianshang Realm during this period!

“Do you still remember the news from the spiritual world that the flowers of the avenue will bloom, and the geniuses and monsters of countless years will appear in this world? Could it be that she……”

Thinking of this, he felt awe-struck, because he felt that this was the most likely guess!

Another god king came over, his voice was like thunder, exploding in the void, and said:”Little friend, are you a member of the Jiuqu Sword Sect?!”

This sound of thunder pulled the red-haired woman who was immersed in thousands of thoughts back. In reality, she turned her gaze away, sadness and loneliness flashing in her eyes.

Apart from that, she couldn’t see anything else. Even when facing a god king, her eyes were extremely calm!

“What a remarkable character!”

There was a message from the King of Gods. This is indeed remarkable and amazing. She can do this when facing the King of Gods directly. This woman should not be underestimated.

“Jiuqu Sword Sect, Feixue, has met the senior! Does senior know where my Jiuqu Sword Sect is now?”

Feixue naturally hopes to hear the word”know”, but she also understands that time is ruthless. Who can survive in these long years? Even the thousands of temples that used to be located under the divine peak are gone, who else is there? Can it still last forever?

The God King sighed, shook his head, and said:”The Nine Curved Sword Sect is in the past, disappearing for countless years, leaving only a few words in ancient history. Feixue

‘s face turned pale, and there was sadness in her eyes, but she had already expected it in her heart. She had been sleeping for too long, and she has been living in this alternative way to this day.

“My little friend has been sleeping since ancient times and has been sealed until now?”

A god king asked. They wanted to get the answer. If this is true, it means that more ancient monsters will wake up from their slumber, which means that the story of the Great Dao Flower is very likely to be true!

“Exactly, my master once received enlightenment in the land of silence, so he sealed me into the divine peak and has been sleeping to this day.”

Several god kings are awe-inspiring. The Land of Nirvana is considered by the Tianshang Realm to be the remaining ruins of the previous era. However, only sages dare to set foot in such a place, and even dare not go deep into it. It seems that Feixue’s master is also the same. a remarkable existence

“I wonder what enlightenment the master received? Can you tell me?”

A god king asked. He wanted to confirm it to see if it was true or false.


Feixue did not say that in the revelation she knew, there were still many secrets that could not be revealed to others.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just that my little friend has really been sleeping since endless years ago?”

Although Feixue knows about the Jiuqu Sword Sect and even the Land of Nirvana, this does not mean that she is the evildoer who has been sleeping until now.

“Of course I am!”

Feixue’s expression condensed. Could it be that she would still misidentify the sect?

“Don’t get excited, little friend. Can you follow us to the divine city and let the sages judge?”

Having said that, a powerful hand stretched out to take down Feixue.

However, when his powerful hand was close to three feet in front of Feixue, a crystal jade pendant on Feixue’s neck issued a The soft light melted that powerful hand directly!

“A fully resurrected peerless holy weapon?!”

The God King was startled. No wonder they couldn’t sense Feixue’s existence before. She actually carried a peerless holy weapon on her body. Not to mention them, even ordinary saints couldn’t sense it!

Moreover, this is still a weapon. A peerless holy soldier who is fully revived and can protect his master on his own is even more shocking!

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collect, recommend, and share!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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