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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 15

Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning collapsed to the ground, the coercion given to them by a Spirit Casting Supreme was too terrifying, moreover, the two of them attacked with all their strength, and they could only scratch each other’s skin.

If this is really fought, it is impossible to defeat, and they will be killed in one or two moves.

“I kind of survived…”

Yue Yihuan said with a smile, now she really understood how much the difference between the Supreme Level and the Tianjiao Grade was, it was not a level at all, and even she felt that even if she broke through the innate, it would be difficult to fight with one!

“Whew! Although it is dangerous, we have also earned, and being able to fight with Spirit Casting Supreme level monsters, even if it is just a move, will also be a great inspiration for me and other future paths! “

Gu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, this time it can be regarded as a thrill, if it weren’t for the mercy of that Spirit Casting Supreme level monster’s subordinates, he and Yue Yihuan would really have to explain here.

But if they can survive, they will have a big gain regardless of their heart or strength, which is a good thing!

“After passing these three levels, we should be safe, but we don’t know how to get out?”

Yue Yihuan pondered that now they were indeed in no danger, but there was still no way out, so they could only continue to walk in.

It took three days in place, constantly comprehending the artistic conception of the black-haired monster, and at the same time recovering his own state.

After that, they also rushed towards the last territory of this divine palace.

Here, it is an incomparably vast hall, thousands of feet high.

The hall is dotted with huge futons, which are about 100 feet in diameter.

“What is it? Isn’t this the relic of the Terran gods? “

Gu Ning was stunned, didn’t he say that this place was the relic of the gods’ chosen descendants before? How can there be a futon the size of a hundred zhang, can it be that the gods are thousands of zhang tall?

This hall is very quaint, except for the hundreds of futons, there are no decorations, one by one simple stone pillars support the hall, and there are corridors on both sides of the hall, some of which are 100 zhang high, and some are 100 zhang high.

However, even the two corridors when they came were inaccessible, and there was an invisible barrier!

The two of them, standing in the main hall, like two ants, sitting cross-legged on a hundred-zhang-sized futon, were also a little strange.

Just after they sat on the futon, an old black cow suddenly walked out of the corridor on the side of the hall!

Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning were startled, and jumped to the side guardedly.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not a terrifying creature?” The black old cow pouted.

“I don’t know who the seniors are?” Gu Ning asked, this old cow gave him a strange feeling, as if there were endless sword intent surrounding him.

“Me?” The black old cow pointed to himself and said, “I’m just a magic spirit.” “

“Magic Weapon Spirit?!”

Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning were shocked, neither of them were rookies, and now there was a virtual god realm, and the existence of the spirit was no longer a secret.

“Hey, it’s kind of interesting that you two little guys actually know the spirit of the magic weapon.”

The black old bull was shocked, you know, even that one, when he first entered this divine mansion, he didn’t know what a magic weapon spirit was!

“Senior, dare to ask the owner of this divine mansion?”

Yue Yihuan asked carefully, according to the records on the withered bark, this was the place where a god named Yanhua set up a place to choose the heir, but it seemed to be countless years ago, this divine mansion, there should already be a master.

“Master here?” The black old cow’s eyes were filled with nostalgia and emotion, the former owner of this place was a creature that shook the endless territory and made the universe shake!

“Hehe, the previous master, you still don’t want to inquire well, that is a peerless creature who has long been beyond the years, time and space, and rules, his real name, dare not mention it.”

The black old cow sighed softly.

Yue Qianhuan’s eyes shrank slightly, this was the second time she had heard this statement, the last time, it was the one who was born supreme and heavy pupils, but this time, it was the previous master of this divine mansion!

“As for the other masters, dead! All died, in the long years, there was no transcendence of the boundary between life and death, erased by the years! “

The black old cow was a little excited and a little sad, because its owner was also one of the owners!

“Two little dolls, although you passed the third level by luck, there are still many flaws!”

The black old cow Kankan said: “Your talent is good, but you have missed the most suitable time for cultivation, especially your little girl, who has been dug up a divine bone, and the qualification potential has degraded several times…”

“Senior can see through my situation?!”

Yue Yihuan couldn’t help but exclaim, her divine bone was dug up, but this matter has not been discovered even by many strong people, this black old cow, just by looking at it, saw it thoroughly!

“A divine bone, what is it? In our era, with the supreme law, we can even refine the bones of the whole body into divine bones! “

The black old cow laughed disdainfully, even if it is just a magic weapon spirit, it can be easily crushed!

“But your bone is somewhat special, contaminated with a trace of space rules, and a trace of taiyin rules, if you can get the inheritance of the ancient god on the taiyin star, even if you don’t have a god bone, you can easily overtake the world!”

“The ancient gods on the Taiyin Star?!”

Yue Yihuan captured a word, this black old cow can see through her situation at a glance, I am afraid that it is at least the level of gods, and the ancient gods that can make it so respected, I am afraid that even among the gods, they will definitely not be weak.

“And you kid with a sword, compared with the previous master, your kendo is pitifully weak, you must know that at your age, you have already comprehended the sword avenue!” The heart of the sword is clear, and every move contains the true meaning of the sword! “

The black old cow said with great admiration, it has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and it has seen countless Tianjiao demons, even if it is a peerless demon of the supreme level of the first realm, it has also seen countless of them.

But only that one, which it had never seen before, transcended everything, was the only Kendo Supreme in this infinite realm!

“…… Later, you still have to learn! “

The black old cow said to Gu Ning.

Gu Ning’s heart was also shaken at this moment, he was only fifteen years old now, but the former master of the Divine Mansion had already had a clear sword heart at this age, and he understood the true meaning of the sword Dao!

In comparison, he really looks like a toddler!

“Thank you seniors for your guidance!”

Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning respectfully saluted, the black old cow pointed them like this, and they remembered this kindness in their hearts.

“There is no point to say, the two of you are now qualified to inherit the Divine Mansion, and you will be cultivated as heirs before the real lord of the mansion is elected.”

The black old cow waved his hooves, and then said: “However, don’t be happy, the previous lord of the mansion changed the rules, and the divine mansion will introduce more assessors, as long as they can pass those three levels, they are eligible to be cultivated as heirs!” “

“Senior, how does that Divine Mansion determine the next Mansion Master?”

“This is not a secret, but for the two of you, it is still too early, if you want to choose the lord of the Divine Mansion, you need to at least reach the level of the god in the flesh, and this is only to obtain the qualification!”

The black old cow said: “Moreover, you still need to step on a great road, at least reach the realm level, and at the same time pass many tests in the Divine Mansion!” “

The eyes of the two of them gradually became solemn, but they were also full of expectation, this divine mansion selection lord requirements are so high, then how high should its level be?

“By the way, you two pass the three levels of the corridor test, you can get a chance from me, magic weapons, magical powers, secret techniques, what you want, within the allowable range, just say it.”

The black old cow said.

Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning looked at each other and nodded.

Then Hou Yue said: “Senior, the two of us cultivate for shallow knowledge, and we still look to the senior for guidance!” “

“Hahaha… You little girl is kind of interesting. “

The black old cow laughed, but did not refuse, but said to the moon: “Your divine bone has been dug up, and your flesh is deficient, I think you can choose a body refining exercise, I know a supreme method, although it cannot pass all of it on you, but it can give you a part, enough for you to refine the divine bone!” How is it? “

“Thank you, senior!” Yue Xian Huanxi said, she was about to take the road of nirvana, this one is good, directly solved her troubles!

“As for you, your kendo flaws are too great, I have here a copy of the ‘Dripping Sword Sutra’ that the previous mansion master perfected in a weak age, I think it will make you feel something. How is it? “

“Thank you, senior!”

Gu Ning was also pleasantly surprised, hearing some legends of the previous mansion master, he had long admired this person, if he could see his perfect sword art secret code, it would be better for him than directly improving his strength!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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