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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 151

“Luxurious, wasteful……”

Even now, Yue Qinghuan still laments that even the God King may not own it, but it was used to build a door here.

Through this wooden gate, there is a passage behind it. Walking along the passage, even Yue Qinghuan holds his breath, his expression seems to be trapped in the infinite Taoist charm.

In the distance there is a hill, a hut, a small river, and a galaxy. Everything is extremely natural, just like how the world should be. Every blade of grass seems to explain the truth between heaven and earth.

In the sky, there are huge bright stars. The light of the stars envelopes the earth, making everything look dreamy.

This is a vast space that the creator of the Divine Palace has opened up with great means. The real Sumeru in the palm of his hand is vast and infinite.

Coupled with the improvements made by the previous palace master, the current level of the Star Palace is inestimable, and it contains too many great secrets!

Yue Qinghuan did not stop. This was not her first time here. From the beginning of Hua Xuan, she had been able to enter the Star Palace to gain enlightenment every time she broke through a great realm, so she was very familiar with this place.

Quickly walked towards the thatched house. The thatched house was at the foot of the mountain. It looked ordinary. There was a stone table and stone bench in front of the thatched house.

There are three bookshelves in the thatched house, and each bookshelf contains books. These books are divided into three grades: black, silver, and gold. However, now Yue Qinghuan and other inheritors can only understand black books.

The silver book requires them to become gods before they can comprehend it. As for the gold book, only those who pass all the tests and become the master of the divine palace are qualified to comprehend it!

Among them, black is the most numerous, with three thousand copies, corresponding to the three thousand avenues, while there are only ten gold copies, corresponding to the ten ways of heaven!

The material of each book is incomprehensible to Yue Qinghuan, but it is invulnerable to water and fire, and it is difficult to defeat immortal weapons. It also contains infinite Taoist charm, like a secret book of immortals and demons!

Yue Qinghuan walked to the bookshelf of black books and took out a book with the word”Body Refining” written in Taoist script. This is a book that focuses on cultivating the body of gods and demons and walking in the physical body.

At first glance, it seems to be densely packed with essays or insights, but there is something magical in it. If you start reading it, you will realize that it is extraordinary.

“The golden crow falls and the moon rabbit rises!”Yue Qinghuan read aloud. The beginning of this article is the main theme of”Nine Heavens of Red Brightness”. It can be seen that the previous palace master also practiced this holy method of body refining.

“In the darkness, a little light is extremely dazzling! Look up to the light in the darkness, see the darkness in the light, everything has two sides……”

Every sound is very ordinary, but when the words are read out and connected together, it is like a refreshing spring rain that makes people intoxicated and happy.

Gradually, Yue Qinghuan was led into a strange realm.

When she was immersed in it, Yue Qinghuan forgot the books in her hands. She looked at the countless desolate stones in the distance and the small stream full of life. It’s as if you can see a great avenue lying in front of you, containing endless mysteries!

The stars in the sky are shining brightly, and each one seems to lead to a avenue, with thousands of laws condensed in it.

At this moment, countless starlights gathered around Yue Qinghuan’s body. The countless starlights were mainly divided into gold and silver. The hot golden starlight and the cold silver starlight were constantly gathering around her.

Gradually, a miniature star condensed and suspended on her left hand side, and an osmanthus tree could be vaguely seen on the star, which was the lunar star.

On the right hand side, there is a flaming star condensed and suspended, with faint golden crows flying around, which is the Sun Star.

The lunar sun and the sun appear together, the osmanthus trees grow, and the golden crows circle!

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan is like a god in charge of the sun and moon, surrounded by stars, looking sacred and ethereal.

The old black cow’s eyes widened this time, which he had never done before:”It’s incredible, this time…she actually read nearly half of it!”

This”Physical Refining” is not an ordinary book, it is Compiled by the former master of the palace, it has endless charm. If you can read half of it, it means you have truly embarked on a great path!

But now, Yue Qinghuan is still only in the realm of true self!

“This little girl’s qualifications are very good. Although she is not as good as the two palace masters, her future achievements cannot be underestimated.”

The big yellow-haired bear nodded and the black old cow murmured:”Who can compare with those two, one is more terrifying than the other!”

There are only two palace masters that the yellow-haired bear truly recognizes. One is the original creator of the divine palace, and the other is naturally the former palace master, the invincible being in the endless territory.

Only these two can the yellow-haired bear truly respect. , otherwise, even the former owner of the black old cow, the big yellow-haired bear, would never take it seriously.

“The two palace masters are naturally amazing, especially the master of Beiming Palace, who is invincible over time and transcends everything!”

The yellow-haired bear said, thinking back to those days, that person was still just a little innate monk, with a mortal body, but he went against the sky, walked on the supreme road, broke into the ultimate realm, and was absolutely invincible in the infinite territory.!

He even killed a truly invincible dark creature that looked up to the light in the darkness. How many people can compare to his achievements throughout the ages?

“Hehe, that’s natural……”

The old black cow smiled and said, it only has respect in its heart for the former master of the palace. He was a being worthy of respect from all living beings.

“She woke up! I don’t know what I realized?”

Black Old Niu is very curious and has read nearly half of the book”Body Refining”. Yue Qinghuan’s gains are definitely very great, and it can even make her directly respected in the same realm in terms of Tao understanding! The

Golden Crow falls , the Jade Rabbit dissipated, but the energy in Yue Qinghuan’s body remained undiminished at all. Her whole body exuded a gleaming precious light, and every inch of flesh and blood seemed to be engraved with the oldest Taoist patterns, melted into the blood, and constantly making people feel… Her body transformed!

“Divine bones! She finally succeeded in raising the divine bone! And with the power of the lunar sun and the sun gathered together, this bone is not simple!”

The black old cow exclaimed, this new divine bone gathers the power of the lunar sun and possesses the two most extreme powers of stars in the world. It will definitely embark on the path of star supremacy in the future!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP! ,·


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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