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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 17

“It’s too obvious, you definitely can’t hide from it, it’s better to be open and honest directly.” Gu Ning said that with so many strong people guarding the shore, the two of them could not escape even if they planted their wings.

“What do you mean?”

Yue Xian felt something in his heart and asked.

“Well, the Divine Mansion is to select the heirs to appear in the world, and the Black Bull senior also said that it won’t be just the two of us, otherwise the Divine Mansion would not make the movement so big!”

Gu Ning said that the black old cow did not care whether the matter of the divine mansion would be leaked, otherwise he would not tell them so much news, he even felt that the black old cow was to borrow their hands to make the information in the divine mansion public, and attract more spirit-casting and innate level Tianjiao.

“Well, since these seniors can know the origin of the Divine Mansion, then we might as well tell them, but in this way, our competitors will be much more!”

Yue Yihuan said with a smile, but he didn’t care.

More forces know the origin of the Divine Mansion, and they will definitely arrange for their own Tianjiao to come, because no matter who it is, it is a great opportunity!

If he can control this opportunity in his hands, he will definitely be able to become the top force in the Cangwu Realm, and even be able to march into the Upper Realm!

It is impossible for the helmsmen of those Great Sect Holy Lands not to see through this, once the origin of the Divine Mansion is announced to the world, the Cangwu Realm will inevitably set off a huge wave, and it will not be under the Void God Realm at all!

“Wouldn’t that be right? If there is only you and me, and no one to compete with, will it not be lonely? “

Gu Ning said with a smile, he was not afraid of having more competitors, the rules of the Divine Mansion were already there, and only the most powerful beings could truly inherit this Divine Mansion.

If there is no more competition, what is the point of just building a car behind closed doors, even if you become a inheritor?


Yue Yihuan’s eyes are scorching, she can compete with countless Tianjiao in the world, how can she be willing to miss this kind of opportunity?

“Haha! Well, then we don’t have to wait for them to come to the door, we will find them ourselves! “

Gu Ning urged the boat with spiritual power, against the current, and rowed towards the shore of Yuanling Lake!


“Great Elder, in the past few days, hundreds of Spirit Casting and Innate disciples have been engulfed, and more than ten disciples above the Innate have been damaged, even the elders have been wiped out, we can’t risk it anymore!”

In a temporary camp on the east shore of Yuanling Lake, a middle-aged man in white respectfully said to the old man in the Star Dao robe in front of him.

“Can mortals be killed or injured?”

The old man who was called the Great Elder asked with a frown.

“Never!” The white-clothed middle-aged man shook his head and continued, “Not only that, those mortals who came out of the black hole, and even the creatures in the lake, can all move freely in Yuanling Lake!” “

The Great Elder’s brows frowned again, in the past few days, this strange black hole has been expanding, and it has engulfed hundreds of Spirit Casting and Innate cultivators, and no one has heard anything so far!

The Purple Mansion Dao Palace also sent many disciples above the innate to investigate it in depth, but as long as the realm exceeds the innate, once they step into the influence of the black hole, they will be immediately wiped out!

Whether it was Huaxuan or Jiedan, even an elder of the True Self Realm of the Zifu Dao Palace was wiped out in an instant after stepping on!

It was precisely because of this that their Purple Mansion Dao Palace did not dare to act rashly, and could only expect a disciple to bring news of this strange black hole!

It’s a pity that in the past few days, all the disciples sent there have been no news, and even some of the disciples’ soul lamps have been extinguished!

“How is the palace master’s side?”

The Great Elder asked, and now that he was personally guarding this place, if there was no way to deal with it, they could only leave with the people in Dongming City.

On the side of the Yuan Palace Lord, he was in contact with the Upper Realm and wanted to find a solution with the power of the Upper Realm.

“Great Elder! Great Elder! “

At this moment, a Jiedan disciple hurriedly crossed over.

“What’s the panic? But what has changed about that weird black hole? “

The Great Elder frowned and asked, only hoping that there would be no more twists and turns at this time.

“Go back to the Great Elder! There are monks! A monk came back on a boat! “

This disciple hurriedly reported that in the past few days, he had only seen one cultivator after another engulfed by a strange black hole, but it was the first time he saw the cultivator return!

This also means that there is no certainty of death in this black hole, but what secrets exist!

It is precisely because of this that he hurriedly came to report as soon as possible.


A look flashed in the Great Elder’s eyes and asked.

“Back to the Great Elder, you are about to arrive on the east bank!”

The disciple replied.

“Quick! Bring it now! “

The Great Elder ordered, although he knew that the return would never exceed the Innate Realm, but at this time, he still had to bring the other party as soon as possible just in case.


The disciple answered, and then quickly retreated.

Not long after, this disciple returned again, and behind him, he was followed by two people, a man and a woman, it was Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning.

“Elder Yu, brought by the two cultivators who returned from the strange black hole.” The disciple said respectfully.

“Hmm.” The Great Elder nodded, and then looked at Yue Yihuan and the two, “You are not my Purple Mansion Dao Palace disciples?” “

“Yes, the two of us are practicing in this Dongming City.” Gu Ning replied.

“You came back from that weird black hole?”

The Great Elder asked again.


Yue Yihuan nodded.

“Good! If you two can explain the situation inside that strange black hole to me, my Zifu Dao Palace can give a heavy reward!” “

The Great Elder said loudly, the strange black hole had threatened Dongming City, one of the Nine Palace Cities of the Stars, this was related to the foundation of their Purple Mansion Dao Palace, how could he not pay attention to it?

If the moon falls, what they say is true, and no matter how much reward they give, it is not too much!

“We can say it, but the seniors must guarantee that the identities and looks of the two of us will never be revealed to anyone!” Moreover, we must be guaranteed to have our lives safe! “

Yue Yihuan demanded, they were not worried about the danger of their lives, there were three chances to return to the Divine Mansion, even this Great Elder could not kill them!

However, they also don’t want to waste the opportunity, which is why they ask for it.

But their identities cannot be revealed in the slightest, otherwise they do not know how much danger they will encounter.

“Good! I can swear by my heart! “

The Great Elder did not hesitate and directly agreed, now that the weird black hole has affected the entire Yuanling Lake, the next step is Dongming City, he can’t afford to wait, he must find a solution!

“Thank you, senior!” Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning bowed.

“No need to be polite, quickly tell me about the situation inside this weird black hole!” The Great Elder asked.

“Senior, this weird black hole is actually connected to a divine mansion!”

Gu Ning thought for a while and said, “This divine mansion is now and now, in order to choose a descendant, after the black hole, it is the first test, there are two levels of casting spirit and innate, each with three levels. “

“In the first level, each person will face eighty-one golden-armored heavenly soldiers, and the realm will reach the top of the corresponding level, and all kills can be cleared!”

“In the second level, each person will face nine Dao armor armors, all of which are at the level of Tianjiao, and they can also be cleared by killing!”

“As for the third level… Will face a One Realm Supreme! “

“One Realm Supreme ?!!”

Since the emergence of the Void God Realm, the title of One Realm Supreme has appeared in front of the world again, and I don’t know how many demons want to compete, but no one has yet been able to reach it!

But…… The Great Elder looked at Yue Yihuan and Gu Ning with some suspicion.

“Yes, but just let him bleed, even if it just scratches the skin, and you can pass the level.”

Gu Ning naturally knew what the Great Elder meant, a One Realm Supreme, if they were allowed to kill, they naturally couldn’t do it, and the Great Elder was also doubting this.

“So it is…”

The Great Elder nodded, if it was just to let the other party bleed, it was not completely impossible…

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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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