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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 2

The virtual god world is an incomparably magical world in a novel that I saw in my previous life.

Sentient beings can only enter it with spiritual will, and no matter how strong or weak, in the corresponding layer, they can only burst out corresponding strength.

For example, the initial land he created could only burst out with the strength of the spirit casting level, but even so, this initial land was a third-order nine-star level!

Unless it is a true god-level powerhouse descending, even if it is a god-level powerhouse, it must be pressed to the spirit casting level!

Moreover, the Illusory God Realm can be said to be absolutely safe, because it is defined as being located between the illusory and the real, and only the spiritual will can enter, attached to the Overworld but free from the Overworld.

Even if those great powers searched the entire Cangwu Realm, it was impossible to find a trace of it, which was why the Void God Realm was defined to the third-order nine stars although it was only the initial place!

“Next, it’s time to attract the creatures of the Cangwu Realm!”

Jiang Ling’s eyes were full of expectation!


Ask Xuan Academy!

Qianxuan Academy is one of the eight peak forces in Xuankong City, and it is also the only peak force that exists in the form of an academy.

And Yue Yihuan is the first disciple of the Purple Cloud Pavilion of Wenxuan Academy.

However, unlike the image of the proud son of heaven known to outsiders, Yue Yihuan has his own unbearable pain.

In the past, her family had high hopes for her, because she was born with a divine bone, her qualifications and potential were otherworldly, she had the posture of becoming a god, and even became a god, and there was a glimmer of hope!

However, in the year when she was eight years old and ready to start cultivating, the divine bone in her body was forcibly taken by a terrorist force, and she almost died after losing the divine bone!

That force her family can’t afford to provoke, and even no one in the entire Southern Region dares to provoke it, she can only bear it silently, unable to resist.

In the end, although she survived, her qualification potential was also degraded, and she spent three years empty, and she was originally favored by the clan, but she was sneered at by the clansmen.

Two years ago, she couldn’t bear it, and finally chose to leave the family and come to Xuankong City to visit the Xuankong Academy.

However, now fifteen years old, she is still at the spirit casting level.

“Casting Spirit First, huh, no matter what, is it only Casting Spirit First?”

Dressed in purple, his eyes are like bright stars, his appearance is beautiful, and the slender and graceful Yue Xian sighed softly, and his tone was full of sorrow.

“Alas, it’s time, continue to practice!”

Shaking off the sorrow in his mind, Yue Yihuan held his breath and concentrated, and his spiritual will gradually fell silent.

I don’t know how long it took, in her gray consciousness space, a blazing light appeared!

Her spirit couldn’t refuse to walk towards that light!

Gradually, a blue-gold, covered with mysterious runes, appeared under her feet, like a road made of treasure bones, guiding her to an unknown place!

I don’t know how long I walked, Yue Yihuan’s consciousness suddenly sobered up, the irresistible power before had dissipated, and in front of her eyes, it had already turned the world upside down!

“This… This is…”

Yue Yihuan covered her delicate little mouth and exclaimed in disbelief.

In front of her eyes, endless blood stretched, and the Tianshan Mountain lay horizontally!

It seems that this is another world, a completely different world from the Cangwu Realm!

“This… How can it be?!! “

Yue Yihuan gasped and looked towards herself, she was obviously cultivating, but how could she suddenly come to such a world!

However, now her “real body” is standing here, and her senses and will all tell her that this is a real world!

“This… It’s actually a treasure bone! “

Yue Yihuan looked towards the rune passage beside him, the pile of passages was actually a piece of treasure bones, and the level was definitely not low, and there were runes on it that trembled faintly, resonating with the surrounding space!

And on the side of the passage, a huge stone stele towered, black inky jade-like stone stele, carved with lines of ancient text.

“This is at least ancient writing!”

Yue Xian was amazed, the ancient text, she naturally couldn’t understand, it had been at least hundreds of thousands of years from now, here, could it have existed for hundreds of thousands of years?!

But just when the moon fell in amazement, a dark light fell on the stone tablet, directly shrouding the moon in it.

Yue Yihuan hurriedly retreated in shock, but saw that the ancient characters on the stone tablet were constantly evolving and changing their forms, but in a few breaths, they actually became the world’s words!

“Could it be that Fang Cai’s light is using my body to deduce the civilization of this world!”

Yue Yihuan was shocked and inexplicable, and those who could do this step could not be ordinary creatures no matter how they thought about it!

“Void God Realm, the place where gods and demons train troops!”

Just the first eight big words made Yue Xian feel horrified!

Gods and demons, that are taboo creatures, all forces with gods and demons, all stand on the top of the sky.

And here, it is actually a place where gods and demons train troops!

How many crises and creations should be hidden in that!

Yue Yihuan held her breath, read all the words on the stone tablet, and finally couldn’t help but sigh heavily: “It is actually the world of spiritual will, and such means are really like gods and demons!” “

From the stone tablet, Yue Yihuan also roughly understood the role of the Void God Realm.

This is the initial place of military training, which was jointly opened by many supreme gods and spirits, and the spiritual will of living beings was introduced into it for training.

And because of some special rules, any living being can only use the strength of the casting spirit level to enter the initial place, although this stone tablet has a record of a higher level of territory, but there is no record of how to enter it.

Moreover, the results of the spiritual will can be fully fed back to the flesh by experiencing here, just like the Buddha-figure himself has experienced it!

More importantly, unless you are killed by a magic weapon against the spiritual will, even if you die here, you will not die in reality, at most you will be traumatized.

Similarly, the Void God Realm can also bring in other treasures, as long as they come into contact with the Buddha-figure when entering, and will exist in the form of “spirits” after entering the Void God Realm.

And the original treasures of the Void God Realm can also be brought into the real world!

These kinds of creation rules are something that Yue Yihuan can’t think clearly of no matter what, and there are too many mysteries in them, and she can’t spy on a single trace with her realm!

Of course, what interests Yue Yihuan the most is the last rule of the Void God Realm: if you break the record, you can get the rewards of the Void God Realm, and any reward is possible!

“I’ve been working in the Spirit Casting Realm for more than four years, and I can hardly enter, maybe I can give it a try!”

Yue Qianhuan thought in her heart, she had already reached the extreme in the Spirit Casting Realm, and she was invincible in the Qianxuan Academy, and she felt that she could also set a record.

“Try the speed first!”

Yue Yihuan is ready to try all the things she is best at, if she can set a record, it is good, if not, even if she encounters one, it is also a good thing for her.

Yue Yihuan bowed slightly, held his breath and concentrated, gathered the will of his whole body in one place, and then burst out violently, flying out with a whoosh, like a violent wind, flying tens of meters in the blink of an eye!

However, after she stopped for a long time, there was still no movement!

“No record?”

Yue Yihuan frowned, if she set a record, there should be a record monument to appear, but looking at the current situation, it seems that she has not succeeded.

“It seems that I think it is too simple, since this is a god and demon training ground, there must have been peerless demons who have set records, some common directions, I am afraid it is difficult to set records.” Maybe…… I can only go the wrong way with my sword…”

Yue Yihuan calmed down, and the loss in speed did not discourage her.

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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